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It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On December 20, 2007 No. 10764


of November 9, 2007 No. 384

About approval of form of the business plan represented for the conclusion (change) of the agreement on implementation of tourist and recreational activities, and selection criteria of banks and other credit institutions for preparation of the conclusion on the business plans provided by persons intending to receive resident status of the tourist and recreational special economic zone or the residents of the tourist and recreational special economic zone intending to change terms of agreement about implementation of tourist and recreational activities

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2018 No. 159)

In pursuance of items 4 and 5 parts 2 of article 31.2 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2005 No. 116-FZ "About special economic zones in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2005, No. 30 (p. II), Art. 3127; 2006, No. 23, Art. 2383; 5498) I order to No. 52 (p. I), the Art.:


1. Form of the business plan represented for the conclusion (change) of the agreement on implementation of tourist and recreational activities (appendix No. 1).

2. Selection criteria of banks and other credit institutions for preparation of the conclusion on the business plans provided by persons intending to receive resident status of the tourist and recreational special economic zone or the residents of the tourist and recreational special economic zone intending to change terms of agreement about implementation of tourist and recreational activities (appendix No. 2).


E. S. Nabiullina

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2007 No. 384

Form of the business plan represented for the conclusion (change) of the agreement on implementation of tourist and recreational activities

I claim



(Surname, name, middle name (in the presence) 

"____" ____________ 200_ g. 

1. General information about the applicant on receipt of resident status of the special economic zone.

1.1. The name of the legal entity (surname, name, middle name (in the presence) the individual entrepreneur) - the applicant for receipt of resident status of the special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type or resident making changes to terms of agreement about implementation of tourist and recreational activities (further - the applicant).

1.2. Form of business of the applicant, names and addresses of founders (for legal entities).

1.3. Registration date of the applicant, number of the registration certificate, the name of the body which registered the applicant, the main state registration number / primary state registration number of the individual entrepreneur, identification taxpayer number.

1.4. The place of state registration and the postal address of the applicant - the legal entity.

1.5. Surname, name, middle name (in the presence), phone numbers, faxes of the head (heads), applicant (residential address of the zayavitelyaindividualny entrepreneur).

1.6. Type (types) of economic activity of the applicant. If at the time of submission of the initiative request the applicant performs several types of economic activity, to specify the profit percent falling on each of types of activity in total amount arrived on average for the last accounting year of activities.

1.7. Project deadline.

1.8. Total cost of project implementation, the expected sources of money and their structure (own and borrowed funds of the applicant, budget financing).

1.9. Statement for trade secret.

1.10. Date of creation of the business plan.


2. Prolog (summary of the project) (2-3 p.)

Information characterizing the directions and the purposes of activities of the applicant, the proof of cost efficiency and feasibility of the project.

2.1. Essence of the expected project and place of realization.

2.2. Efficiency of project implementation.

2.3. Total cost of the project.

2.4. The necessary (attracted) financial resources.

2.5. Project payback period.

2.6. Financial results of implementation of the plan (net current value, internal profitability rate, the annual amounts of tax revenues of the budget of the Russian Federation, the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and the local budget for the next 3 years).

2.7. Expected form and conditions of participation of the investor (creditor).

2.8. Guarantees of return of investments (credit resources).

2.9. Cooperative effects (social, ecological) from project implementation. Quantity of the created workplaces (taking into account multiplicative effect in allied industries) and occasional seats of accommodation of tourists. The forecast of increase in tourist flows and increase in the tourist sector and allied industries in gross regional product.


3. The analysis of situation in the sphere of tourism, the sanatorium sphere, uses of climatic resources (further - industry) and the description of the organization - the applicant (to 7 p.)

3.1. Analysis of the current state and prospects of development of industry. The importance of industry for economic and social development of the subject of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Primary consumer groups and their territorial arrangement.

3.3. General concept of expected business (functioning purpose, name of works (products) and services, main consumers).

3.4. Business cycle forecast of the market of tourist and recreational activities.

3.5. The expected applicant's share in industry.

3.6. The list of the main (potential) competitors, their shares in the market.

3.7. Founders of the legal entity - the applicant.

3.8. The list of the existing (potential) strategic partners and partners.


4. The description of works (products) and services (to 5 p.)

4.1. Main characteristics of works (products) and services (functional purpose, main consumer qualities and parameters of works (products) and services, compliance to state standards, patent and licensed protection, requirements to quality control, possibility of adaptation (modification) of works (products) and services to market changes).

4.2. Experience of tourist and recreational activities.

4.3. The analysis of quality of the performed works (the made products) and the rendered services.

4.4. The comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the similar and competing (replacement) works (the made products) and the rendered services.


5. Marketing (to 7 p.)

In this Section it shall be proved that the performed works (the made products) and the rendered services of the applicant have the market and suitable tactics of competitive struggle and the mechanism of promotion on the market are proved:

5.1. Factor analysis of condition of tourist and recreational activities and its segments (reservoir, saturation degree, market growth potential).

5.2. Assessment of share of the applicant in the market and amount of the performed works (the made products) and the rendered services.


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