of March 1, 2005 No. 203
About approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic
For the purpose of enhancement of the normative legal basis of activities of the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic I decide:
1. Approve Regulations on the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic it (is applied).
2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to resolve the issues following from this Decree.
3. This Decree becomes effective from the date of publication.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 1, 2005 No. 203
1. The Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic (further the Ministry) - the central executive body performing state policy and regulation in education, common methodical directorship educational process.
2. The ministry is guided in the activities by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, decrees and orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic, and this the Provision.
3. When implementing of the obligations and the Ministry functions provided by this Provision interacts with central and local executive bodies, local government bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also the international and public organizations, other legal entities and physical persons.
4. The ministry has separate balance, the state-owned property which is according to the legislation at its disposal, state and bank accounts, seal with the engraved image of the State Emblem of the Azerbaijan Republic and own name, the corresponding stamps and forms.
5. Maintenance costs of the Ministry are financed by means of the government budget of the Azerbaijan Republic.
6. The ministry is located in the city of Baku.
7. Fundamental obligations of the Ministry are:
7.1. participate in forming of single state policy in education and perform this policy;
7.2. provide educational development of the Azerbaijan Republic in certain directions;
7.3. perform state regulation in education, provide the state control over quality of education;
7.4. for the purpose of protection of constitutional rights of citizens on education to reach creation of equal opportunities in education;
7.5. perform scientific, educational and methodical management of all educational institutions irrespective of form of their property and form of business;
7.5-1. provide informing the population on the activities, creation of the website, placement on this website to the available and subject publicity of public information which list is established by the legislation, and permanent updating of this information;
7.6. perform other obligations assigned to the Ministry by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.
8. According to the obligations established by this Provision the Ministry performs the following functions:
8.1. participates in creation of the regulatory framework providing activities of education system and its development and prepares the conforming industry standards;
8.2. exercises control of execution of state programs of various direction for development of national education system;
8.2-1. provides implementation of interstate, regional and international development programs in education;
8.2-2. will organize coordination of activities of governing bodies of education, the educational institutions connected with formation of non-governmental organizations;
8.3. establishes general requirements concerning the organization of process of education;
8.4. exercises control of the organization of education according to the conforming state standards;
8.5. provides planning, forecasting, coordination, providing, equipping and assessment (except for final assessment (certification) of knowledge of students in general education objects in educational institutions) in education;
8.6. carries out monitoring of realization of state policy and state programs in education;
8.7. according to the legislation provides application of democratic management in education system;
8.8. for the purpose of implementation of accreditation of educational institutions creates service of accreditation in the procedure established by the legislation;
8.8-1. in case of identification of low-quality training of students as a result of not the organization of education in accredited educational institution according to state standards of education, lifts the claim in court for compensation by this educational institution of the caused damage, including the expenses necessary for retraining of students in other educational institutions;
8.9. makes experiments for the purpose of improvement of quality of education and application of progressive forms and methods in the organization of training;
8.10. provides preparation, approval and the edition of textbooks, education guidances and other educational means for educational institutions;
8.10-1. approves basic curricula and programs;
8.11. controls implementation of compulsory general secondary education;
8.12. undertakes necessary measures to continuation of education of the children, school students and students having special talent;
8.13. exercises the state control of quality of education in educational institutions;
8.13-1. participates in carrying out the monitorings concerning condition of providing the rights of children;
8.13-2. according to the activities of the Ministry established according to the law prepares annual statements about condition of providing the rights of children;
8.14. will organize the subject Olympic Games of various level and scale;
8.15. performs providing state educational institutions educational, scientific, scientific and methodical, information and communication technologies and other technical means;
8.16. with participation of relevant organs of the executive authority will organize education of the children and teenagers needing strict educational conditions, with limited opportunities of health (needing special protection);
8.17. gives methodical help to guardianship and custody bodies, will organize establishment of the children deprived of parent guardianship and their attraction to education;
8.17-1. in the appropriate order will organize service of methodical and diagnostic consultation and coordination for the families raising children of preschool age of the house;
8.17-2. taking into account desire of citizens and founders of educational institution resolves conducting training at other languages in educational institution based on the corresponding state standards of education and according to the legislation;
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