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of February 22, 2008 No. 73

About approval of the Procedure for determination of regulations of compensation payments in foreign currency to the employees of diplomatic service sent to long-term business trip

(as amended on 17-04-2019)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for determination of regulations of compensation payments in foreign currency to the employees of diplomatic service sent to long-term business trip which is applied.

2. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.04.2019 No. 332.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

Yu. Tymoshenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 22, 2008, No. 73

Procedure for determination of regulations of compensation payments in foreign currency to the employees of diplomatic service sent to long-term business trip

1. This Procedure implements the mechanism of determination of regulations of compensation payments in foreign currency to the employees of diplomatic service sent to long-term business trip (further - regulations of compensation payments), and coefficient of complexity of passing of diplomatic service.

2. Are applied to determination of regulations of compensation payments:

basic cost index of sets of the food, nonfoods and services necessary for ensuring functioning of human body and satisfaction of his basic needs which is taken as basis in case of payment of regulation of compensation payments in US dollars to the Permanent representative of Ukraine under the UN (the USA, New York) (further - basic indicator / Because/);

the relation of consumer price index to New York according to bureau of labor statistics of Department on work of the USA to retail price index to New York for June of year in which approval of regulations of compensation payments, to price index is provided in base period / Ks.ts / which is taken as basis when calculating regulation of compensation payments to the Permanent representative of Ukraine under the UN (or basic indicator for the corresponding date);

retail price index of measurement of cost of life of employees of the international personnel of the UN which works in the different countries of the world (the relation for the corresponding date of cost of life of the marked-out employees to life cost to New York, percent) which is determined by the Commission of the international civil service of the UN for each country of the world separately as of June of year in which approval of regulations of compensation payments / I is provided/;

coefficient of complexity of passing of diplomatic service / Ks.p.d.s / (further - complexity coefficient).

3. The regulation of compensation payments to ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ukraine, to Chapters of missions, representatives and permanent representatives of Ukraine under the international organizations / Tax Code / is calculated by formula

Формула 1 к Прик. Каб.Мин. от 22.02.2008 №73

4. The regulation of compensation payments to employees of foreign diplomatic organizations / Nv/(except those which are noted in Item 3 of this Procedure) is calculated by formula

Формула 2 к Прик. Каб.Мин. от 22.02.2008 №73

where P % - the size (percent) of compensation payments in foreign currency for month to employees of diplomatic service which single size affirms the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the corresponding position.

5. The basic indicator is determined based on the cost of sets of food, nonfoods and services which constitute consumer goods basket of the employee of foreign diplomatic organization of Ukraine in the USA, and indicator of the average size of household of Ukraine - 2,62 of person.

Such sets are created taking into account provisions of the Law of Ukraine "About subsistence minimum" and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 14, 2000 No. 656 "About approval of sets of food, sets of nonfoods and sets of services for the main social and demographic national groups" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2000, No. 16, the Art. 675).

Recalculation of basic indicator with review of sets of food, nonfoods and services is performed in case of need, but is not more often, once in five years, expert group which is formed the MFA with inclusion in its list of representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Minsotspolitiki and MZ.

The solution of expert group is drawn up by the protocol. Certain basic indicator approves the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the offer the MFA.

6. The coefficient of complexity is determined for the purpose of accounting of features of passing of diplomatic service in adoptive state based on such criteria:

level of political dialogue with adoptive state;

availability of not settled political problems;

level and tendency of economic cooperation;

internal political country situation of stay;

level of provision of social services;

moral and psychological loading;

availability of the specific conditions connected with features of the public and religious relations in adoptive state;

availability of strategically important purposes in development of the bilateral relations and strategic partnership;

level of accomplishment of obligations adoptive state concerning the privileges and immunities established by international law for employees of diplomatic organizations;

accomplishment of the special and important tasks connected with international cooperation and protection of interests of Ukraine abroad.

The coefficient of complexity is determined in 0,8-1,2 limits by expert group which is formed the MFA with inclusion in its list of employees of diplomatic service who have considerable work experience abroad, and representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development.

The solution of expert group is drawn up by the protocol. Certain coefficient of complexity approves the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the offer the MFA.

7. Regulations of compensation payments to ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ukraine, to Chapters of missions, representatives and permanent representatives of Ukraine under the international organizations are determined and affirm as US dollars.

Regulations of compensation payments to ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ukraine, to Chapters of missions, representatives and permanent representatives of Ukraine under the international organizations in the countries in the territory of which euros are legal tender currency affirm as euro.


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