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of July 13, 2007 No. 233

About approval of Rules of plan development of management of the nature protection organization

According to the subitem 6) of Article 8 and article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 7, 2006 "About especially protected natural territories" I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of plan development of management of the nature protection organization.

2. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of its official publication.


Acting Chairman I.Koval

Approved by the order of the Acting Chairman of Committee of forest and hunting economy of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 13, 2007 No. 233

Rules of plan development of management of the nature protection organization

1. General provisions

1. These rules of plan development of management of the nature protection organization (further - Rules) are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About especially protected natural territories".

2. The management plan the nature protection organization (further - the Management plan) determines tasks of management of the this especially protected natural territory and the action plan by their accomplishment for the five-year period. Material costs on holding necessary nature protection actions are proved in the document, the expected results of activities are determined and the program of monitoring allowing to carry out efficiency evaluation of management of especially protected natural territory is installed (further - OOPT).

3. Plan development of management is provided with state body under which authority the nature protection organization is and performed by her with involvement of the corresponding experts, the specialized design and survey and research organizations.

4. Refining and adjustment of the Management plan is performed annually in case of adjustment of the budget of the nature protection organization for the next financial year.

5. Basic data for scheduling of management are natural-science and technical and economic reasons for creation (expansion) OOPT, the forest management project, data of accounting of the state forest fund, okhotustroystvo materials, the Chronicle of the nature, data of accounting of number of animals.

2. Structure and description of contents of the Management plan

6. The management plan is developed according to structure, according to appendix 1 to these rules.


Description of Sections of the Management plan

7. Status and features of OOPT:

1) location, area and access:

the location of borders of OOPT with indication of geographical coordinates, the area of OOPT, its location within administrative area (area) is described. In case of creation of OOPT on several certain sites, the location of each site is specified;

distance to settlements, ways of access (road infrastructure);

the legal address is specified;

the cartographic materials according to appendix 2 to these rules are attached;

2) legal position and history of creation of OOPT:

data on the status (review of the status) since the beginning of creation of OOPT, history of its creation and the main stages of development are provided;

3) land use in the territories, adjacent to OOPT:

data on nature of use of lands adjacent to OOPT, their target use with appendix of the list of land users are provided;

4) OOPT infrastructure:

the description of infrastructure of OOPT (system of communications and transport, communication, horse and pedestrian routes, availability of cordons and posts, campings, hotels, rest houses) is provided;

5) physical features (climate, relief, geology, soils, hydrology):

general characteristic of climate, averages annual and monthly (maximum and minimum) temperature indicators, annual average and average monthly indicators of rainfall;

short description of land relief, absolute marks of heights (maximum and minimum);

basic data on geological structure, geographical distribution and ratio of geological deposits and maternal breeds;

the short description of general geology, types of the radical spreading breed, origin and geological temporary structure, and also location of the main breaks and cracks;

availability of different fossils, their age, origin and location;

the general characteristic of hydrographic network of the territory is given: information on the main water objects and their morphometric characteristics. For wetlands data on the annual mode of flood or data on water level are provided. The hydrographic card showing the main rivers, lakes and other reservoirs, Items of control and point of monitoring is provided. Also results of hydrological researches on quality and amount of water are given;

the short description of soils which includes information on the main types, structure and capacity of soil layer. Data on chemical composition of soils, including рН are specified. In the presence of soil researches the list of all types of soils and the map of soils is attached.

6) biological diversity (plant and animal life, overview of biological researches):

description of biological diversity and condition of study of flora of the higher and lowest plants; natives, introduced species; the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Kazakhstan and lists of International Union of Conservation, endemic types;

short description of the main types of vegetation (vegetable communities), data on their narushennost and basic reasons;

general information about condition and degree of study of different taksonometrichesky ranks of vertebrate and backboneless animals, information on animals is provided on groups - vertebrata (mammals, birds, reptiles, Amphibia and fishes) and backboneless animals;

data on the acclimatized and alien types and their influence on native fauna, the types having the essential economic and/or social importance, types the forming constants and seasonal mass accumulations;

information on background, endemic, rare and endangered species of animals and plants, their condition.

summary of history of the conducted biological researches, including researches to the OOPT organization, their systematicity and succession, the achieved results, researches which had practical application in questions of management are specified in more detail;

5) social and economic conditions:

short history of accommodation of the population in close proximity to OOPT (settlements, number and density of population, demographic situation, ethnic structure. Manpower, their share in structure of industries, employment of the population and sources of the income);

economic features of the area of placement of OOPT (descriptions of economic conditions of placement of OOPT, industrial enterprises, rural and forest, hunting and fishery are provided);


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