of August 30, 2002 No. 473
About measures for enhancement of regulation of turnover of military, office, civil weapon and ammunition to it in the territory of the Republic of Belarus
For the purpose of enhancement of regulation of turnover of military, office, civil weapon and ammunition to it in the territory of the Republic of Belarus I decide:
1. Approve:
The regulations on turnover of office and civil weapon and ammunition in the territory of the Republic of Belarus (are applied) to it;
The regulations on issue of weapon and ammunition to persons which are subject to the state protection (are applied);
Regulations on carrying out certification of office and civil weapon and ammunition, and also products, structurally similar to weapon, (are applied).
* For the purposes of this Decree the state military forming and paramilitary organizations are understood as Armed Forces, bodies of the border service, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the state security agencies, transport troops, the Presidential Security Service of the Republic of Belarus, Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, the Public courier service under the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, law-enforcement bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations.
** For the purposes of this Decree legal entities with singular authorized problems are understood as the organizations to which the legislation assigns the functions connected with use and use of office weapon.
1-1. Establish:
the list of separate types and models of military weapon and the ammunition to it leased by law-enforcement bodies to legal entities with singular authorized problems (appendix 1);
the list of separate types, types and models of office, civil weapon and the ammunition to it permitted for use by workers of legal entities with singular authorized problems (appendix 2);
the list of legal entities with singular authorized problems (appendix 3);
the list of office and civil weapon and ammunition, and also the products, structurally similar to weapon, which are subject to obligatory confirmation of conformity within National system of confirmation of conformity of the Republic of Belarus (appendix 4).
2. Determine that:
legal entities with singular authorized problems can use to conclusion from operation on technical condition office and hunting weapon, and also the ammunition to it acquired in accordance with the established procedure before entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 13, 2001 No. 61-Z "About weapon" and not included in the list provided in the paragraph the second Item 1-1 of this Decree;
the military weapon acquired in accordance with the established procedure by legal entities with singular authorized problems before entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About weapon" is subject to re-registration respectively in Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk Gorispolkom, the Departments of Internal Affairs of regional executive committees, managements, Departments of Internal Affairs of city, district executive committees (local administrations), law-enforcement bodies on transport;
legal entities with singular authorized problems use weapon only for accomplishment of the singular authorized problems assigned to them by legal acts. Use of weapon by them for accomplishment of other tasks and functions is forbidden;
weapon and ammunition to it the legal entities who did not enter the List of legal entities with singular authorized problems, except for weapon of the state military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office, the State inspection of protection of animal and flora in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus, legal entities, engaged in production of weapon and ammunition or their realization, legal entities, engaged in collecting or exhibiting of weapon, the organizations of physical culture and sport and the organizations conducting hunting economy, organizations of education are subject to non-paid delivery by these legal entities in law-enforcement bodies.
2-1. Determine that forming of collection of natural samples of models of cold and throwing weapon, and also structurally similar on external structure with such weapon of the products provided on certification stops since October 1, 2020.
The collection of natural samples of models of cold and throwing weapon, and also structurally similar on external structure with such weapon of products, created till October 1, 2020, remains at the disposal of the State committee of judicial examinations.
The procedure for functioning and use of collection of natural samples of models of cold and throwing weapon, and also structurally similar to such weapon of products is determined by external structure by the State committee of judicial examinations.
3. To the Ministry of Defence, Committee for State Security, the State boundary committee, the Presidential Security Service of the Republic of Belarus, Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus, to the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Department of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, the State Customs Committee, the Prosecutor General's Office, the State inspection of protection of animal and flora in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Public courier service under the Ministry of Communications and Informatization to provide submission to law-enforcement bodies of data on loss or plunder of firearms and ammunition, detection of unaccounted weapon and ammunition, and also the direction for check according to republican pulegilzoteka of the bullets and sleeves shot from unaccounted weapon.
4. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in 6-month time:
4.1. submit for consideration of the President of the Republic of Belarus the drafts of presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus determining:
procedure for withdrawal on paid basis of military and office weapon, except for the prize, being in property citizens, acquired by them on legal causes;
procedure for traffic in weapons and the ammunition having cultural value;
procedure for issue of licenses for production, collecting, exhibiting of weapon and ammunition and trade in them;
4.2. provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Government and the republican state bodies subordinated to it in compliance with this Decree;
4.3. take other measures directed to implementation of this Decree.
5. This Decree becomes effective in 3 months after its official publication, except for Items 4, of 5, which become effective from the date of official publication of the Decree.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2002 No. 473
General provisions
1. This Provision regulates the turnover of military, office, civil weapon and ammunition to it (further – weapon and ammunition, if is not provided other) in the state military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office and the State inspection of protection of animal and flora in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus (further – the State inspection) including production, realization (including sale) (further – realization), transfer to ownership, transfer, rewarding, acquisition, collecting, exhibiting, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation, withdrawal, destruction, import to the territory of the Republic of Belarus and export out of its limits of weapon, its components and components, ammunition to it.
Production of weapon
2. The state military forming and paramilitary organizations can perform research, development, testing, production, and also repair of weapon, production of ammunition, components and components of weapon and component parts of ammunition.
3. The state military forming and paramilitary organizations shall ensure safety of production of weapon, control of its production, proper quality of products and its safety.
4. Each unit of the made weapon, except for mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices equipped with substances tear or irritant action, is subject to testing and (or) control according to requirements of technical documentation and shall have marking.
Realization, transfer, transfer, acquisition of weapon and rewarding with it
5. The state military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office and the State inspectorate have the right:
5.1. voluntary conveyance of weapon and ammunition in operational management of other state military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office and the State inspection;
5.2. paid alienation of the weapon and ammunition including which is not connected with the termination of the right of republican property without holding auctions or tenders based on the purchase and sale agreements signed according to the civil legislation;
5.3. leasing or transfers to free use of weapon and ammunition;
5.4. realization of office and civil weapon and ammunition to it in the presence of the document on assessment of conformity issued in the cases and procedure provided by acts of the legislation on assessment of conformity to technical requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, international legal acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union, to the legal entities having license for activities, connected with office and civil weapon and ammunition to it, collecting and exhibiting of weapon and ammunition (further – the license), the constituting work and (or) service of which is realization of weapon and ammunition;
5.5. acquisitions of weapon at the legal entities having the license, the constituting works and (or) services of which are production and realization of weapon and ammunition, citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus. At the same time provision of the document on assessment of conformity is not required.
6. The military personnel, face of the private and the commanding structure of the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations (further - the military personnel, face of the private and the commanding structure), officials of customs authorities, the State inspection, public prosecutor's workers can be awarded with weapon according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
7. Realization, transfer and acquisition of weapon shall be drawn up by documents of the established sample which list, the form and procedure for maintaining are determined respectively by the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Committee for State Security, the State boundary committee, the Presidential Security Service of the Republic of Belarus, Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Department of financial investigations of the State Control Committee (further – the bodies having the state military forming or paramilitary organizations), the State Customs Committee, the Prosecutor General's Office, the State inspection if other is not established by legal acts.
Acquisition of weapon and ammunition the state military forming and paramilitary organizations, customs authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office and the State inspectorate is performed on a centralized basis.
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