of December 29, 2007 No. 1516
About order of registration of the maximum retail prices on filtered cigarettes and without filter
1. Resolve sale to consumers of filtered cigarettes and without filter at the price which is not exceeding the maximum retail price established and declared according to this resolution.
2. The maximum retail price on filtered cigarettes and without filter is established by subjects of the taxation (producers or importers of filtered cigarettes and without filter) on pack (unit of consumer packaging) of filtered cigarettes and without filter separately on each brand (name).
3. For registration of the maximum retail price for filtered cigarettes and without filter of national production the authorized owner of tax warehouse shall submit to the State Tax Administration the declaration on the maximum retail prices on the made filtered cigarettes and without filter (according to appendix to this resolution).
4. For registration of the maximum retail prices for filtered cigarettes and without filter of import production, and also on filtered cigarettes and without filter, acquired at the economic agents located in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, but who do not have tax relations with its budget system subject of the taxation which imports or the buyer shall submit to customs authority the declaration (according to appendix to this resolution).
5. The declaration on maximum price of retail sale of filtered cigarettes and without filter is submitted the subject of the taxation in the State Tax Administration or in customs authority which performs customs procedures no later than 7 working days before use of new maximum retail prices on the cigarettes specified in the declaration.
6. The declaration moves the subject of the taxation in duplicate, one of which with mark of the State Tax Administration or customs authority about obtaining returns to the applicant.
7. Declarations with marks of the State Tax Administration or customs authority on obtaining are published in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova. Submission of declarations for publication is performed by the subject of the taxation in time, providing the publication until commissioning of the maximum retail prices.
8. Customs Service within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of declarations to provide to the State Tax Administration of their copy.
9. To provide to the State Tax Service and Customs Service execution of provisions of this resolution.
Prime Minister |
Vasile Tarlev |
Countersign: Minister of Finance |
Mihail Pop |
Minister of Economy and Trade |
Igor Dodon |
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 29, 2007 No. 1516
See the Declaration on the maximum retail prices on filtered cigarettes and without filter (6Kb In original language)
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