of January 5, 2008 No. 354
About fauna
This Law, governing the public relations in the field of protection, recovery and reasonable use of fauna, establishes legal, economic and social basis of industry and it is directed to protection and recovery of resources of fauna.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
- fauna - all wild invertebrates and vertebrate animals, temporarily or constantly living in Tajikistan;
- objects of the animal world - all animal species, structure and places of their dwelling protected and reasonably used according to this Law;
- wild animals - type of the animals living in nature;
- the migrating animals - type of animals and birds who seasonally change one zone of dwelling for another for the purpose of rewintering, reproduction and for other reasons;
- rare animals - type of the animals who are living in different areas of the republic in natural environment and having small population;
- local animals - type of the animals living in certain area and not meeting in other areas;
- backboneless animals - type of the animals who do not have backbone;
- monitoring of the animal world - carrying out observation of change of fauna during certain term;
- zoological collection - complex of the types of fauna collected on single system in the selective way or by method of studying of distinctive heritable qualities for the purpose of use in scientific, selection, educational activities and accomplishment of other works;
- the state inventory of fauna - the list of types and subspecies of animals with complete scientific information of their condition;
- adaptation of animals - adaptation of each type of animals to certain environment;
- The Red List of the Republic of Tajikistan - set of data on the rare, disappearing or being under the threat of disappearance types of plant and animal life developed for the purpose of introduction of the mode of their special protection and the subsequent reproduction;
- population - group of one type of the animals living and developing in certain area.
The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on fauna is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.
The fauna in the Republic of Tajikistan is exclusive property of the state and the state guarantees protection, its effective use for the benefit of the people.
The fauna by the form and to purpose is subdivided into the following categories:
- the rare and being under the threat of disappearance animal species;
- the animal species which are subject to hunting;
- the animal species which are object of fishery;
- the animal species used in the economic purposes (except hunting and fishery);
- the animal species which are not used in the economic purposes, but having ecological, cultural and scientific value;
- animal species which number is subject to regulation for the purpose of public health care, prevention of diseases of domestic and farm animals, prevention of drawing environmental damage, the prevention of danger of causing essential damage of agricultural activities.
Reference of animal species to categories and their transfer from one category in another is made for the purpose of preserving specific variety of fauna, protection, reproduction of steady use.
Objects of fauna of Tajikistan are constituted by vertebrate and backboneless animals.
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