of March 22, 2001 No. 270
About approval of the Procedure for investigation and accounting of accidents of non-productive nature
For the purpose of realization of state policy in the sphere of safe activity of the population and improvement of the organization of work on prevention of injury rate of non-productive nature the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Procedure for investigation and accounting of accidents of non-productive nature which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 5, 1997 No. 421 "About approval of the Regulations on investigation and accounting of accidents of non-productive nature" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1997, number 19, page 69).
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Yushchenko
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 22, 2001, No. 270
General questions
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of investigation and accounting of accidents of non-productive nature which happened to citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of Ukraine.
2. It is necessary to understand the injuries which are not connected with accomplishment of labor obligations including got owing to the caused bodily harms by other person, poisoning, suicide, burns, frostbite, winterization, defeat with electric current, lightning, the injuries got owing to natural disaster, contact with animals, etc. as accidents of non-productive nature (further - accidents) which led to damage of health or the death of the victims.
3. Accidents which happened in time are subject to investigation according to this Procedure:
1) movements for work or from work on foot, on the public, own or other vehicle which is not belonging to the company, organization or the organization (further - the organizations) and not used for the benefit of this organization;
2) movements by air, railway, sea, inland water, road transport, in the electric transport, the subway, on the ropeway, the funicular and on other types of vehicles;
3) accomplishment of social duty (rescue of people, protection of property, law and order, etc. if it does not belong to service duties);
4) accomplishment of donor functions;
5) participations in public shares (meetings, demonstrations, agitation and propaganda activities, etc.);
6) participations in cultural events, sports competitions;
7) holding the cultural, sporting and improving events which are not connected with teaching and educational process in educational institutions;
8) uses of gas in life;
9) making of illegal actions against the personality, its property;
10) use or contact with weapon, ammunition and explosive materials;
11) performance of works in household, uses of household appliances;
12) natural disaster;
13) stay in public places, on objects of trade and consumer services, in institutions of medical and improving, cultural and educational and sports and entertaining appointment, in other organizations, and also in recreational zones;
14) contact with animals (including birds, reptiles, insects and so forth) and plants (including mushrooms, seaweed and so forth) that led to damage of health or the death of victims;
15) consumption (use) of non-food products.
4. Determines the fact of damage of health owing to accident and certifies treatment-and-prophylactic institution.
The document confirming damage of health of person is the leaf of disability or the reference of treatment-and-prophylactic institution.
5. Accidents are investigated irrespective of whether there was victim in condition of mental disturbance of alcoholic or drug intoxication.
Message on accidents
6. Treatment-and-prophylactic institutions in which addressed or were delivered the victims owing to accidents, for days send the written message in the established form (appendix 1):
about each accident - in the district state administration (executive body of city, district council in the city);
about each accident which resulted
consumption (use) of non-food products - to body
the state market supervision in the respective sphere
about fatal accident, other face tied with causing bodily harms, and also the accident which happened owing to contact with weapon, ammunition and explosive materials or during the road accident - to the prosecutor and body of pre-judicial investigation.
The message on fatal accidents are sent also in bodies of prosecutor's office.
The paragraph the fifth is excluded.
Investigation of accidents
7. Investigation of accidents is made for the purpose of determination of their circumstances and reasons. Based on results of investigation measures for prevention of similar cases, and also for the solution of questions of social protection of victims are developed.
Technical investigation - establishment of technical and organizational origins of accident and development of actions for prevention of such accidents.
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