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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On January 9, 2008 No. 1757


of November 27, 2007 No. 9

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for conducting examination of the tender documentation on construction, reconstruction, modernization, designing, purchase of materials, designs and the equipment for construction objects by Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended on 14-06-2017)

In pursuance of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 7.06.2007 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for development, conducting examination and approval of documentation of investment projects" Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides No. 110:

1. Approve the Provision "About Procedure for Conducting Examination of the Tender Documentation on Construction, Reconstruction, Modernisation, Designing, Purchase of Materials, Designs and the Equipment for Construction Objects by Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan" according to appendix.

2. Declare invalid the Resolution "About Approval of the Regulations on Procedure for Conducting Examination of the Tender Documentation on Construction, Reconstruction, Modernisation, Designing, Purchase of Materials, Designs and the Equipment for Construction Objects by Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan" of September 16, 2002 No. 7 (reg. No. 1177 of 02.10.2002) (The bulletin of regulations of the ministries, state committees and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2002 No. 19).

3. Enact this resolution after ten days after its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Chairman of Gosarkhitektstroy

Approved by the Resolution of the State committee on architecture and construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 27, 2007 No. 9

Regulations on procedure for conducting examination of the tender documentation on construction, reconstruction, modernization, designing, purchase of materials, designs and the equipment for construction objects by Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

This Provision based on the Regulations on the competitive biddings in capital construction in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 3, 2003 No. 302 "About measures for enhancement of system of the competitive biddings in capital construction" (further - the Provision) establishes requirements to technical part of competitive dokumenation, and also procedure, general rules and terms of conducting examination of the tender documentation on all work types and the services financed by centralized sources (means of the state budget, off-budget funds and special funds of the separate industries and the companies formed by decisions of the Government, the foreign loans attracted under guarantee or on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, fund of reconstruction and development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, means of state bodies and the state companies.

I. General provisions

1. The tender documentation for the contract biddings on construction, modernization, reconstruction and major repair of buildings and constructions without fail shall incorporate the positive conclusion of state examination of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the project documentation based on which technical part of the tender documentation prepared.

2. When conducting examination of the tender documentation it is necessary to be guided by this Provision and other regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Examination of the tender documentation is obligatory stage during which verification of presence of all necessary documents, full value of the submitted documents, their analysis regarding observance of regulations and procedural conditions of carrying out the competitive biddings, evaluation criteria and determination of the winner is carried out.

4. Conducting examination of tender and other documentation of the competitive biddings, determination of feasibility of application and justification of methods and methods of carrying out the competitive biddings is performed by the State committee on architecture and construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Gosarkhitektstroy).

5. The purpose of examination of the tender documentation is control over observance by customers, organizers and developers in case of its development of conditions of the Provision and other regulatory legal acts regulating questions of development of the tender documentation, the organization and carrying out the competitive biddings.

6. Gosarkhitektstroy for conducting examination of the tender documentation approves in accordance with the established procedure structure of commission of experts (expert body). Besides, for conducting examination of the tender documentation of unique and difficult objects Gosarkhitektstroy has the right to attract on contract basis of consultants and specialists of the corresponding industries.

7. The tender documentation shall be constituted so that all offerers read and understood it equally. In case of the description of works the commonly accepted designations and names shall be applied.

8. When opening the competitive biddings experimental testimony is brought to the attention of tender committee. In the presence in the expert opinion of notes materials (documents) confirming their elimination are shown.

9. After removal examination of the positive conclusion when carrying out open tenderings publishes the announcement in mass media, when carrying out the closed competitive biddings invitations are sent potential bidders.

10. The publication of announcements, the direction of invitations to participation in procedures of the competitive biddings is made by the organizer of the biddings in coordination with the customer in the terms providing to contractors sufficient time for preparation and submission of the requests, but at least thirty calendar days from the date of publication and thirty five days from the date of departure of the invitation.

II. The documents submitted for examination

11. The customer with the cover letter represents for examination complete set of the tender documentation, and also allowing documentation and the complete text of the announcement for the publication to seals in the approved form.

12. The tender documentation, as a rule, consists of three parts: general, technical and commercial.

13. The structure of general and commercial part of the tender documentation is accepted according to requirements of items 51, 53 Provisions. Technical part is developed according to requirements of this provision.


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