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of July 11, 2001 No. 2628-III

About preschool education

(as amended on 13-12-2022)

This Law determines legal, organizational and financial basis of functioning and development of system of preschool education which provides development, education and training of the child, is based on combination of family and public education, achievements of domestic science, properties of international pedagogical experience, promotes forming of values of democratic legal society in Ukraine.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Legislation of Ukraine on preschool education

The legislation of Ukraine on preschool education is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of the Law of Ukraine "About education", this Law, other regulatory legal acts and international treaties of Ukraine which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Article 2. Main objectives of the legislation of Ukraine on preschool education

The main objectives of the legislation of Ukraine on preschool education are:

providing the right of the child, including child with special educational needs on availability and free of charge receipt of preschool education;

providing necessary operating conditions and development of system of preschool education;

determination of content of preschool education;

determination of governing bodies of preschool education and their powers;

determination of the rights and obligations of participants of educational process, establishment of responsibility for violation of the legislation on preschool education;

creation of conditions for charity in the field of preschool education.

Article 3. State policy in the field of preschool education

1. The state recognizes priority role of preschool education and creates proper conditions for its obtaining.

State policy in the field of preschool education is determined by the Constitution of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts and implemented central and local executive bodies, executive bodies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government bodies.

2. State:

gives full assistance to family in development, education and training of the child;

provides availability and free of charge preschool education in the public and utility institutions of preschool education within the state requirements to content, level and amount of preschool education (Basic component of preschool education) and compulsory preschool education of children of the advanced preschool age;

provides available and free preschool education in the public and utility institutions of preschool education to children with special educational needs taking into account features of their intellectual, social and physical development in that form which for them is the most convenient and effective;

cares for preservation and promotion of health, psychological and physical development of children;

promotes development and preserving network of organizations of preschool education irrespective of subordination, types and patterns of ownership.

Article 4. Preschool education. Basic stages of formation of the identity of the child

1. Preschool education is obligatory primary component of system of continuous education in Ukraine.

2. Preschool education - the complete process directed on:

ensuring all-round development of the child of preschool age according to its inclinations, bents, capabilities, specific, mental and physical features, cultural requirements;

forming at the child of preschool age of moral standards, acquisition of life social experience by it.

3. Basic stages of physical, mental and social formation of the identity of the child is the age of the baby, early age, preschool age.

4. Age periodization:

babies (up to one year);

early age (from one to three years);

preschool age (from three to six (seven) years):

younger preschool age (from three to four years);

middle preschool age (from four to five years);

the advanced preschool age (from five to six (seven) years).

Article 5. System of preschool education

The system of preschool education is constituted:

organizations of preschool education irrespective of subordination, types and pattern of ownership;

scientific and methodical institutions;

governing bodies of education;

education and education in family.

Article 6. Principles of preschool education

The principles of preschool education are:

availability to each citizen of the educational services rendered by system of preschool education;

equality of conditions for realization of inclinations, bents, capabilities, talents, all-round development of each child;

unity of development, education, training and improvement of children;

unity of educational influences of family and organization of preschool education;

succession and prospects between the preschool and primary general education;

secular nature of preschool education in the public and utility institutions of preschool education;

the personal oriented approach to development of the identity of the child;

democratization and humanization of pedagogical process;

compliance of content, level and amount of preschool education to features of development and state of health of the child of preschool age;

other principles determined by the Law of Ukraine "About education".

Article 7. Tasks of preschool education

Tasks of preschool education are:

preserving and strengthening of physical, mental and spiritual health of the child;

education at love children to Ukraine, the respectful relation to family, respect for national traditions and customs, state language, regional languages or languages of minorities and the native language, national values of the Ukrainian people, and also values of other nations and people, conscientious attitude to, environment and the environment;

forming of the identity of the child, development of its creative capabilities, acquisition of social experience by it;

fulfillment of requirements of Basic component of preschool education, ensuring social adaptation and readiness to continue education;

implementation of social and pedagogical patronage of family.


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