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of December 4, 2003 No. 523

About the Concept of development of the industry of Tajikistan

For the purpose of effective carrying out state policy in the field of the industry, regulation of industrial production in the conditions of market economy, creation of scientific bases of development of industries and on this basis of ensuring effective functioning of the companies, satisfactions of internal needs for goods and services, increases in the export potential of the country, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve the Concept of development of the industry of Tajikistan it (is applied).

2. To industry ministry of the Republic of Tajikistan together with other ministries, departments, the companies, corporations, regardless of patterns of ownership, working in the industrial sector, for the purpose of implementation of "The concept of development of the industry of Tajikistan" till July, 2004 to develop the corresponding strategies of development for separate industries and to take specific measures to their compulsory execution.

3. To chairmen of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, areas, cities, areas, heads of the ministries and departments of the Republic of Tajikistan according to the Concept to develop specific current and long-term programs on creation of necessary conditions for their practical accomplishment.

4. To provide to industry ministry of the Republic of Tajikistan the edition of this Concept and its bringing to the interested structures and jurisdictional enterprises.


Prime Minister

Republic of Tajikistan E.Rakhmonov


to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 4, 2003 No. 523

Concept of development of the industry of Tajikistan

I. Introduction

The industry plays the determining role in social and economic development of society, and the level of its development is reflection of maturity of the socioeconomic system created in the country. In the economic plan the country without the industry or with the low level of development of the industry represents raw appendage of industrialized countries. In the social plan the country without the industry or with the low level of development of the industry is identical dominance of poverty among the population, the low level of development of the personality, backwardness of all industries social sferyobrazovaniye, health cares, cultures, housing, recreation, etc. Such circumstance is caused by determining industry role in forming of the income of the government budget.

So far in Tajikistan there was a number of objective circumstances which make the determining impact on levels, rates, efficiency and structure of development of the industry. Treat them: the new political conditions which developed after receipt of the state sovereignty, dismantle of the mechanism of planned management, development of various patterns of ownership, deterioration in tariff transportation terms in relations with other countries. Dynamics of development of the industry in Tajikistan is influenced also by such factors as deadlock geographical favor of the country, mainly the mountainous land relief which is seriously interfering development of production infrastructure, isolation of three parts of the country from each other by mountain systems.

Realization of system of actions for forming at the industry of Tajikistan of own person as until recently it developed as component of single economic complex of the Soviet Union is necessary, and now it is designed to turn into the national industry of the independent state with all characteristic features inherent in its new status. It means inevitability of conducting scientifically based searches of the radical decisions providing outstanding performance of functioning of the industry within the new status.

In the of performance at meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan at the beginning of 2002 the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear E.Sh.Rakhmonov noted that "In the conditions of Tajikistan without industry development ensuring increase in level of living of the population, also the solution of social problems is not possible to economic independence", this statement determines the main policy of the state concerning industry development.

Successful implementation of economic reforms creates favorable premises for integration of the industry of the country in structure of the world industry, acceleration of innovative production cycles, stay and fixing to the industry of Tajikistan of steady niches in the world market.

For achievement of this purpose implementation of the scientifically based actions directed to effective realization of industrial policy in the country, gradual increase in extent of processing of products and products up to receipt of finished goods is considered necessary.


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