Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 29, 2000 No. 230

About establishment of conditional points of agricultural holdings taking into account their assignment, geographical arrangement and quality on cadastral price areas and administrative areas entering them

(as amended on 20-07-2024)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval, entry into force of the Tax code of the Azerbaijan Republic and the questions of legal regulation connected with it" and the Tax code of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the specified Law" of August 30, 2000 the No. 393 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve the table of agricultural holdings on cadastral price areas and administrative areas entering them "The conditional points of agricultural holdings established taking into account their assignment, geographical arrangement and quality on cadastral price areas and administrative areas entering them", approved by this resolution.

2. Recognize invalid the following resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic:

* the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 14, 1997 No. 43 "About rates of the land tax";

* the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of June 8, 1998 No. 126 "About rates of land taxes in the cities and the district centers of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Nakhchyvani, Shaki, Yevlakh, Lyankyaran, Khankendi, Mingechavir, Ali-Bayramlov, Naftalan, the cities and settlements of district subordination";

* the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 26, 1999 No. 20 "About introduction of amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic "About rates of land tax on the cities of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Nakhchyvan, Shaki, Yevlakh, Lyankyaran, Khankendi, Mingachevir, Alibayramla, Naftalan, to the district centers, the cities and settlements of district subordination" of June 8, 1998 No. 126.

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2001.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

A. Rasi-Zade

Approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 29, 2000 No. 230

The conditional points of agricultural holdings established taking into account their assignment, geographical arrangement and quality on cadastral price areas and administrative areas entering them

¦Кадастровые ценовые районы и входящие ¦ Группы ¦Бонитетная¦Условные ¦
¦   в них административные районы      ¦качества¦  шкала   ¦баллы 1  ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦гектара  ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦посевных,¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦залежных ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦земель и ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦земель   ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦под мно- ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦голетними¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦насажде- ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦ниями для¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦исчисле- ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦ния зе-  ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦мельного ¦
¦                                      ¦        ¦          ¦налога   ¦
¦1. Абшерон-Гобустан                   ¦    I   ¦  100-81  ¦   85    ¦
¦(Абшеронский район,             массив¦    II  ¦   80-61  ¦   70    ¦
¦Навои-Атбулаг Гаджигабульского района,¦   III  ¦   60-41  ¦   60    ¦
¦равнинные    земли    Сиязаньского   и¦    IV  ¦   40-21  ¦   25    ¦
¦Хызынского  районов,  а  также   земли¦    V   ¦   20-1   ¦   -     ¦
¦сельскохозяйственного  назначения  вне¦        ¦          ¦         ¦
¦существующих  границ  городов  Баку  и¦        ¦          ¦         ¦
¦Сумгайыт)                             ¦        ¦          ¦         ¦
¦2. Девечи-Хачмаз                      ¦    I   ¦  100-81  ¦  121    ¦
¦(Хачмазский район,   равнинные   земли¦    II  ¦   80-61  ¦   89    ¦
¦Шабранского,  Губинского, Гусарского и¦   III  ¦   60-41  ¦   57    ¦
¦Сиязаньского районов)                 ¦    IV  ¦   40-21  ¦   35    ¦
¦                                      ¦    V   ¦   20-1   ¦   -     ¦
¦3. Ганых-Турьянчай                    ¦    I   ¦  100-81  ¦  180    ¦
¦(равнные земли Балакенского, Гахского,¦    II  ¦   80-61  ¦  115    ¦
¦Загатальского, Шекинского, Огузского и¦   III  ¦   60-41  ¦   50    ¦
¦Габалинского районов)                 ¦    IV  ¦   40-21  ¦   15    ¦
¦                                      ¦    V   ¦   20-1   ¦   -     ¦
¦4. Шеки-Загатала                      ¦    I   ¦  100-81  ¦  200    ¦
¦(горные земли Балакенского,  Гахского,¦    II  ¦   80-61  ¦  150    ¦
¦Загатальского, Шекинского, Огузского и¦   III  ¦   60-41  ¦   90    ¦
¦Габалинского районов)                 ¦    IV  ¦   40-21  ¦   25    ¦
¦                                      ¦    V   ¦   20-1   ¦   -     ¦
¦5. Гусары-Гонагкенд                   ¦    I   ¦  100-81  ¦   40    ¦
¦(горные земли Гусарского,  Губинского,¦    II  ¦   80-61  ¦   20    ¦
¦Шабранского,       Сиязаньского      и¦   III  ¦   60-41  ¦   10    ¦
¦Хызынского районов)                   ¦    IV  ¦   40-21  ¦    5    ¦
¦                                      ¦    V   ¦   20-1   ¦   -     ¦
¦5а. Хыналыг-Халтан                    ¦    I   ¦  100-81  ¦   38    ¦
¦(среднегорные и   высокогорные   земли¦    II  ¦   80-61  ¦   24    ¦
¦Гусарского и Губинского районов)      ¦   III  ¦   60-41  ¦


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