Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since November 28, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Order of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2016 No. 125

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in Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On June 19, 2003, No. 4732


of June 5, 2003 No. 54

About approval of Safety rules for gas processing plants and productions

The state mining inspection of Russia decides:

1. Approve "Safety rules for gas processing plants and productions".

2. Direct "Safety rules for gas processing plants and productions" to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.



State mining inspection of Russia V. M. Kulyechev

Approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2003 No. 54

Safety rules for gas processing plants and productions

I. General provisions

Safety rules in case of operation of gas processing plants and productions (further Governed) establish requirements which observance ensures industrial safety in the specified productions, and are directed to the prevention of accidents, industrial traumatism and ensuring readiness of the organizations operating hazardous production facilities to localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents.

Rules N116-FZ "About Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" are developed according to the Federal Law of 21.07.97 (The Russian Federation Code. 1997. N30 of St. 3588), the Regulations on the Federal inspectorate for mining and industry of Russia approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.12.01 of N841 (The Russian Federation Code. 2001. N50 of St. 4742), are also intended by the General rules of industrial safety for the organizations performing activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 18.10.02 of N61-A, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 28.11.02 of N 3968, for application by all organizations irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership performing activities in the field of industrial safety.

1.1. These rules extend to gas processing plants and productions, the helium plants, trade installations on conversion of natural and oil gas, receipt of sulfur, stabilization of gas condensate and production of motor fuels (GPZIP) which belong to hazardous production facilities according to the Federal Law "About Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities".

1.2. Requirements of these rules are obligatory for the organizations performing designing, construction and operation GPZIP and also for the research, design and other organizations performing the above-stated works.

1.3. The production organization and service conditions GPZIP, the equipment and technical devices used on hazardous production facilities shall conform to the requirements of industrial safety established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in state standards of Russia, construction, fire protection and sanitary standards and rules, regulating documents of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and other regulations.

1.4. According to requirements of these rules in the organizations connected with operation GPZIP the operational and technical documentation aimed at providing requirements of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities taking into account their specific characteristics, professions of workers and work types is developed.

1.5. Actions and terms of reduction reconstructed, begun with construction and acting GPZIP in compliance with these rules are established in each case by management of the relevant organizations in coordination with territorial authorities of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.6. On GPZIP, the these rules accepted in operation to the introduction in action, the countervailing measures of industrial safety approved with territorial authorities of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia shall be developed and taken.

1.7. Use of the equipment, the engineering procedures, technical devices and devices developed and manufactured before enforcement and which are not completely conforming to requirements of these rules is allowed on condition of providing the additional security measures approved with territorial authorities of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia according to regulations on procedure for development (designing), the admission to the testing, production and issues of permissions to use of the new drilling, oil and gas, prospecting equipment, the equipment for the main pipeline transport and engineering procedures approved in accordance with the established procedure.

1.8. The organizations which activities are connected with designing, construction and operation GPZIP as hazardous production facilities shall obtain in accordance with the established procedure the license for the specified type of activity in Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.9. The foreign organizations which activities are connected with conducting the works provided by item 1.8., it is direct on GPZIP, located in the territory of the Russian Federation, shall obtain prior to accomplishment of these works the corresponding licenses in accordance with the established procedure.

1.10. Design documentation and technical devices are allowed to application on objects GPZIP only in the presence of positive experimental testimony according to Rules of expertize of industrial safety (PB 03-246-98) approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 06.11.98 of N64 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 08.12.98 of N 1656, and also according to regulations on registration, the registration and accounting of permissions to production and use of technical devices in system of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia approved in accordance with the established procedure.

1.11. Commissioning of the objects completed by construction (reconstruction) is performed in accordance with the established procedure.

1.12. The technical devices used on hazardous production facilities GPZIP shall be certified and correspond to the Rules of use of technical devices on hazardous production facilities approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.12.98 of N1540 (The Russian Federation Code, 04.01. 99, N 1, Art. 191).

1.13. The technical means and methods of measurements used at all stages and in case of all work types on objects GPZIP shall be metrological certified, and laboratories (service) which are carrying out the specified measurements shall be accredited in accordance with the established procedure.

1.14. Hazardous production facilities GPZIP shall be registered in the state register according to requirements of the Regulations on registration of objects in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintaining the state register (RD 03-294-99) approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 03.06.99 of N39 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 05.07. 99, N 1822).

1.15. Declarations of industrial safety according to requirements of Rules of submission of the declaration of industrial safety of the hazardous production facilities approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.05.99 of N 526, and requirements of the Regulations on procedure for execution of declarations of industrial safety and the list of the data containing in them shall be developed for the designed and operated hazardous production facilities GPZIP (RD 03-315-99) approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 07.09.99 of N66 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 07.10. 99, N 1926).

1.16. On hazardous production facilities GPZIP production control over observance of requirements of industrial safety according to requirements of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of N263 "About the Organization and Implementation of Production Control over Observance of Requirements of Industrial Safety on Hazardous Production Facility" shall be exercised of 10.03.99 (The Russian Federation Code, 15.03. 99, N 11, Art. 1305).

1.17. For the organization of work on industrial safety on GPZIP the service according to the existing legal acts of the Russian Federation shall be created.

1.18. Obligations, the rights and responsibility of heads, specialists and working and structural divisions GPZIP in the field of industrial safety and labor protection are regulated by single system of management of labor protection and job descriptions.

1.19. On each site GPZIP (production, installation, etc.) there shall be available regulating documents regulating requirements of industrial safety and labor protection in the amount provided by production schedules, regulations of state supervision bodies, these rules.

1.20. On the site there shall be available instructions:



on labor protection by professions and work types;

on fire and gas safety.

The list of the instructions obligatory for each site, affirms the technical lead of the organization. In job descriptions obligations taking into account the liquidation plan of accidents (LPA) shall be specified.

1.21. Instructions for labor protection by professions and work types are subject to revision at least once in five years.

1.22. For each explosion-fire-hazardous object GPZIP it shall be developed and approved according to the procedure, established by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, the liquidation plan of accidents (LPA) considering specific possible dangers and regulating actions of personnel, means and the methods used for liquidation of emergencies, the prevention of accidents and also for the maximum decrease in weight of their possible effects. PLA (statements from operational part) shall be on workplaces.

1.23. The personnel shall be informed of the corresponding instructions and Sections PLA.

Knowledge of the liquidation plan of possible accidents is checked during the educational and training classes with personnel of object given in the schedule approved by the technical lead GPZIP.

1.24. Preparation and employee assessment of hazardous production facilities GPZIP shall be performed according to requirements of the Regulations on procedure for preparation and employee assessment of the organizations operating the hazardous production facilities under control to Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (RD 04-265-99) approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 11.01.99 of N2 and N1706 registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 12.02.99.

1.25. On GPZIP the object system of the prevention and liquidation of emergencies, forms of the organization, structure, functions and which methods of work are determined based on the existing legal acts and normative and technical documents shall be organized, and it is approved with the relevant territorial authority of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

II. Requirements of industrial safety to the project documentation


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Designing GPZIP shall be performed according to requirements of the standards, regulations and these rules approved in accordance with the established procedure, safety rules for the oil and gas industry and other corresponding regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies.

2.1.2. Project decisions shall provide rational use of natural resources and exclude possibility of irreversible technogenic changes of the environment including in case of possible emergency emissions of hazardous substances.

2.1.3. Project decisions shall include assessment of reliability and zero accident rate of production processes and the equipment, risk assessment of origin and possible effects of the predicted emergencies connected with emission of hazardous substances in the environment, and also the decisions directed to prevention, localization, liquidation of accident and protection proved by calculation working and the populations from impact of dangerous production factors.

2.1.4. As a part of the project documentation calculations and reasons for the accepted sizes of disaster (buffer) zone of gas dangerous objects outside which the possibility of exceeding of the values established by the Russian Ministry of Health toksodoz hazardous substances in ground layer of atmospheric air is excluded under different meteoconditions shall be in full provided.

2.1.5. As a part of project documentation GPZIP the organizational technical solutions aimed at safety working and the populations shall be proved and determined in case of possible emergencies, including the following:

creation and material logistics of special rescue services for protection working and the populations in case of possible emergencies, and also for operational localization and liquidation of the specified situations;

planning and material logistics of the rescue and urgent emergency recovery operations, including temporary conclusion working and the populations from the disaster zone;

creation and providing with necessary technical means, autonomous system of the emergency communication and the notification providing operational informing working and the populations about possible danger;

creation and providing with necessary technical means of the automated control system of the air circle for the purpose of providing safe working conditions and early detection of possible emergency emissions;

providing working with individual and collective remedies from hazardous substances.

2.1.6. On each of the main organizational technical solutions aimed at safety working and the populations in buffer zone for possible emergencies, in the project documentation shall be proved and determined specific types and the number of necessary devices, materials and the equipment, and also the place, and if necessary and special constructions for their placement, operation and servicing.


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