of December 21, 1990 No. 476-XII
About income indexation of the population taking into account inflation
This Law regulates general procedure for income indexation of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the foreign citizens and stateless persons having the income in monetary units of the Republic of Belarus in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in connection with the inflation caused by increase in prices for consumer goods and services in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Indexation represents adjustment of size of the income of physical persons in monetary units of the Republic of Belarus which does not have one-time nature from the budget sources (benefit (except for unemployment benefits), grants, the salary on place of employment, cash allowance) for the purpose of partial compensation of the losses caused by inflation.
To the physical persons gaining cash incomes in the territory of the Republic of Belarus from other sources, compensation of losses from inflation can be performed at the expense of means of the organizations for the bases provided by collective agreements (agreements).
Indexation can be performed in the form of one-time review of the amount of compensation (the tariff charges (tariff salaries), salaries, official pay rates), benefits (except for unemployment benefits), grants, cash allowance.
The collected according to the legislation the salary, warranty and compensation payments are indexed at size of consumer price index irrespective of sources at the expense of legal entities and physical persons because of which there was need of implementation of the specified penalties.
The consumer price index is calculated National Statistical Committee and monthly (no later than the 20th day of the next month) is published in republican mass media, including the accruing result since the beginning of year and from the moment of the previous indexation.
Indexation of the cash incomes determined in part one of article 1 of this Law is made if the consumer price index estimated in the accruing result from the moment of the previous indexation exceeds five-percent threshold.
Indexation of the cash incomes determined in part one of article 1 of this Law is performed at size of consumer price index with adjustment according to the standard rate established by the legislation.
The indexed income is paid, since next month.
Indexation of cash incomes is made in the place of their obtaining.
It is excluded
Indexation of cash incomes of the population is performed at the expense of sources from which the corresponding payments are made.
It is excluded
The disputes over questions of indexation which did not find permission within a month in the place of payments are subject to consideration judicially.
Control of execution of this Law is exercised by state bodies, and also labor unions and associations of employers according to the legislation.
Perpetrators bear the responsibility established by the legislation for violation of this Law.
Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus
N. Dementya
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