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The document ceased to be valid since July 23, 2021 according to Appendix 7 to the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of June 9, 2021 No. 77


of October 25, 2007 No. 97

About approval of the Instruction about procedure and criteria of determination of group and the reason of disability, the list of the medical indications granting the right to social pension on handicapped children aged up to 18 years and extent of loss of their health

(as amended on 27-02-2017)

According to the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 16, 2007 No. 1341 "About approval of the Regulations on medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts and recognition voided some orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and their separate provisions" the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about procedure and criteria of determination of group and the reason of disability, the list of the medical indications granting the right to social pension on handicapped children aged up to 18 years and extents of loss of their health.

2. Declare invalid the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of August 12, 2002 No. 61 "About approval of the Instruction for determination of group of disability and the Instruction for determination of the reason of disability" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 108, 8/8563).

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.



Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of October 25, 2007 No. 97

The instruction about procedure and criteria of determination of group and the reason of disability, the list of the medical indications granting the right to social pension on handicapped children aged up to 18 years and extents of loss of their health

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The instruction about procedure and criteria of determination of group and the reason of disability, the list of the medical indications granting the right to social pension on handicapped children aged up to 18 years and extents of loss of their health (further - the Instruction) determines procedure for conducting examination of violation of activity of citizens (daleemediko-social examination) by medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts (further - MREK), medical criteria and other conditions of establishment of group of disability at persons 18 years of age or over, categories "handicapped child" with determination of extent of loss of health at persons aged up to 18 years (further - children), the disability reasons.

2. Recognition of the citizen by the disabled person is performed by MREK (further the commission) when conducting medico-social examination proceeding from complex assessment of the state of health of the citizen on the basis of kliniko-functional, social, professional and labor and psychological data with use of classifications of main types of violations of functions and the main criteria of activity.

3. For the purposes of this Instruction medico-social examination is understood as the term survey of the citizen by the commission on purpose:

determination of extent of violation of functions of bodies at it and systems, extent of restriction of activity, the kliniko-labor forecast, rehabilitation potential, establishment of disability with pronouncement of the conclusion of MREK in the form approved by the Ministry of Health;

determinations of specific amounts, types and terms of holding rehabilitation actions and forming of the individual program of rehabilitation of the disabled person or the program of rehabilitation of the victim as a result of labor accident or occupational disease (further - the International Party of Russia of the disabled person), pronouncement of the conclusion for the organization of health care for the residence (the place of stay) of the disabled person about forming of the individual program of medical rehabilitation.

4. For the purposes of medico-social examination the following main terms are applied:

anatomic defect - the irreversible, morphologically caused defect, resistant irreversible consequence of injuries, surgeries or malformations (uglinesses) limiting activity;

activity - the set of all types of activity within complete organism reached due to interaction of functions of various bodies and systems within complete organism, promoting forming of difficult biosocial functions of individual (categories of activity) providing independent existence in the environment;

the medical indications granting the right to social pension on handicapped children aged up to 18 years - degree of expressiveness of the restrictions of activity of the child resulting in social insufficiency owing to violation of its capabilities to self-service, movement, orientation, control of the behavior, to training, communication, the labor activity (the leading age activities) which is the basis for establishment of category "handicapped child" at it;

general working capacity - capability to accomplishment of wide range of the elementary labor processes, as a rule, limited by domestic needs (to independently move, cook food, to keep according to the procedure housing, property, clothes, to perform care of animals and another);

activity restriction - complete or partial loss by person of capability or opportunity to perform self-service, to independently move, be guided, communicate, to control the behavior, to study and be engaged in labor activity, the leading age activities (at persons aged up to 18 years) which results in impossibility to carry out daily activities by method and in amount, regular for the person, erects barriers in the environment of its dwelling and results in social insufficiency;

professional working capacity is capability of the person to work in conditions of production or services. At the same time work both physical, and intellectual, both qualified, and unqualified means;

the handicapped child - person aged up to 18 years which in connection with restriction of activity owing to congenital, heritable, acquired diseases, defects or injuries needs the public assistance and protection;

syndrome of mutual burdening - the difficult pathophysiological reaction of organism to the combined defeat of its interconnected systems leading to decrease in compensatory opportunities of organism in case of impact of adverse external and (or) internal factors that aggravates malfunction of the struck body (system) slows down recovery of the broken functions and is shown more expressed, than in case of the isolated defeat of one of systems, by extent of restriction of activity;

syndrome of social compensation - availability at person of restriction of three and more categories of activity that leads to more expressed degree of social insufficiency, than in the presence of decrease in one or two categories of activity. In such cases in case of pronouncement of the expert decision the group of disability is determined or already available raises;

social insufficiency - social consequences of the available restriction of activity owing to disease, defect or the injuries resulting in inability of the person to carry out role, regular for its provision, in the life (taking into account age, sex, education, the residence), to maintain economic independence, to perform activities inherent in individual (including professional) creating the need for the additional help and social protection.

5. Conditions of recognition of the citizen by the disabled person are:

the violation of health with permanent disorder of functions of organism caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;

activity restrictions (complete or partial loss by the citizen of capability or opportunity to perform self-service, to independently move, be guided, communicate, to control the behavior, to study or be engaged in labor activity);

need for measures of social protection, including rehabilitation.

Chapter 2. Procedure for the direction for medico-social examination

6. The citizen goes for medico-social examination by the medical and consulting commission of the organization of health care providing it medical care (further - VKK).

Also persons can be directed to medico-social examination:

without nationality, the foreign citizen if other is not established by international treaties;

without certain residence;


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