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of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ

About physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation

(as amended on 12-06-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on November 16, 2007

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on November 23, 2007

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

This Federal Law establishes legal, organizational, economic and social basis of activities in the field of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation, determines the basic principles of the legislation on physical culture and sport.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Federal Law

Institutes, concepts and terms civil, family and other industries of the legislation of the Russian Federation, used in this Federal Law, are applied in that value in which they are used in these industries of the legislation if other is not provided by this Federal Law. For the purpose of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) program type - sports certain sport competition or one of its disciplines as a result of which distribution of places and (or) medals among participants of sports competition is performed;

1. 1) anti-doping providing - holding the actions directed to prevention of dope in sport and fight against it;

1. 2) basic sports - the sports included in programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, and also other sports developed by subjects of the Russian Federation in the territories taking into account the developed historical traditions of development of elite sport, representation of athletes from subjects of the Russian Federation in structures of sports national teams of the Russian Federation on sports and participations of these teams in All-Russian and in the international official sporting events. The list of basic sports affirms the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sport and also on rendering the state services (including prevention of dope as sport and fight against it) and to management of state-owned property in the field of physical culture and sport (further - federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport), as the procedure established by it in coordination with the Russian Olympic Committee and Russian Paralympic Committee;

2) sport - part of sport which is acknowledged according to requirements of this Federal Law the isolated sphere of the public relations having the corresponding rules approved in the procedure established by this Federal Law, the circle for occupations, the used sports equipment (without protective equipment) and the equipment;

2. 1) the All-Russian sports complex "It Is Ready to Work and Defense" (GTO) (further also - the GTO complex) - the program and normative basis of system of physical training of the population establishing the state requirements to the level of his physical fitness;

3) military and applied and office and applied sports - sports which basis are the special actions (including acceptances) connected with accomplishment by the military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies (further - persons passing special service) the service duties, training of citizens of preinduction and draft age for military service, and which develop within activities of one or several federal executive bodies;

3. 1) volunteers (volunteers) are the citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens participating based on civil agreements in the organization and (or) holding sports actions, sporting events without provision to the specified citizens of the monetary reward for the activities performed by them;

3.1-1) sport for children and young people - the part of sport directed to physical training and physical training of persons under the age of of eighteen years by means of their participation in organized and (or) independent occupations, sports actions and sporting events, and also on preparation of sports reserve;

3. 2) the animals participating in sports competitions - the animals participating according to rules of sport in sports this sport competitions;

3. 3) the audience - the physical persons which are in the venue of official sports competition, who are not his participants and otherwise not involved in holding such competition, including in ensuring public order and public safety when holding such competition;

3. 4) the controller manager - the physical person which had special training according to the procedure established by federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport, has the certificate of the controller manager issued according to the procedure, established by federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport, and is attracted by the organizer of official sports competition and (or) the owner, the user of object of sport on contractual basis for ensuring public order and public safety when holding official sports competition;

3. 5) corporate sport - the part of mass sport directed to physical training, physical employee development, members of their families, and also on the organization and holding sports actions and sporting events among the specified workers, members of their families, including implemented with assistance of employers, sports societies;

3. 6) amateur sport - the part of mass sport directed to the organization and holding sports competitions which are not connected with training of sports national teams of the Russian Federation and sports national teams of subjects of the Russian Federation and participation in whom is not directed to systematic income acquisition and is not labor function of the athletes participating in such competitions (further - amateur sports competitions);

3. 7) amateur sports league - non-profit organization which is created on the basis of membership and which main objectives of activities are the organization and holding amateur sports competitions;

4) mass sport - the part of sport directed to physical training and physical training of citizens by means of their involvement in systematic occupations by physical culture and sport by provision of opportunity for holding organized and (or) independent occupations and (or) for participation in sports actions and sports competitions;

4. 1) the venue of official sports competition - sport object, and also the territories which are specially prepared for holding official sports competition including natural, natural and anthropogenous and anthropogenous objects, airspace over them;

5) national sports - the sports which historically developed in ethnic groups of the population, having welfare focus and developing in the territory of the Russian Federation;

6) the all-Russian sports federation - the all-Russian public organization which is created on the basis of membership obtained the state accreditation and which purposes are development of one or several sports in the territory of the Russian Federation, their promotion, the organization, holding sporting events and training of athletes - members of sports national teams of the Russian Federation;

6. 1) regional sports federation - the regional public organization which is the member of the all-Russian sports federation (further - regional public organization), or structural division (regional department) of the all-Russian sports federation which obtained the state accreditation and which purposes are development of one or several sports in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, their promotion, the organization, holding sporting events and training of athletes - members of sports national teams of the subject of the Russian Federation;

6. 2) sports society - non-profit organization which purpose is development of physical culture and sport in the organizations combined by industry accessory or belonging to profession, the state corporations, public authorities and local government bodies and which signed the agreement, including industry, with one of such organizations, the state corporation, one of such public authorities, local government bodies or merging of employers or labor unions;

7) sport object - the real estate unit or single immovable complex intended for holding sports actions and (or) sporting events including the sports construction which is the real estate unit;

7. 1) the Olympic delegation of the Russian Federation - Olympic team of Russia, and also the representatives of the Russian Olympic Committee, public authorities of the Russian Federation, the all-Russian sports federations providing participation of members of Olympic team of Russia in the Olympic Games and other international sporting events held by the International Olympic Committee, continental associations of National Olympic Committees;

7. 2) Olympic team of Russia - the collective consisting of athletes, trainers and other specialists in the field of physical culture and sport participating on behalf of the Russian Federation in the Olympic Games and other international sporting events held by the International Olympic Committee, continental associations of National Olympic Committees;

7.2-1) operator of information system of identification of fans - the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of information technologies, in the cases determined by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, providing possibility of carrying out identification and authentication of the audience, participants of official sports competitions, the other persons involved in holding such competitions;

7. 3) the organizer of sports competition - the legal entity who approves provision (regulations) of sports competition determines conditions and the schedule of its carrying out, admission condition to participation in sports competition, procedure for identification of the best participant or the best participants, procedure for organizational and other support of sports competition, provides financing of sports competition in the procedure approved by it, and also performs other powers according to this Federal Law;

8) the organizer of sports action - legal entity or physical person at the initiative of which the sports event is held and (or) which performs organizational, financial and other support of preparation and holding such action;

9) official sports actions and sporting events - the sports actions and sporting events included in the Single schedule of interregional, All-Russian and international sports actions and sporting events, schedules of sports actions and sporting events of subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

9. 1) Paralympic delegation of the Russian Federation - Paralympic team of Russia, and also the representatives of Russian Paralympic Committee, public authorities of the Russian Federation, the all-Russian sports federations providing participation of members of Paralympic team of Russia in the Paralympic Games and other international sporting events held under patronage of the International Paralympic Committee;

9. 2) Paralympic team of Russia - the collective consisting of athletes, trainers and other specialists in the field of physical culture and sport participating on behalf of the Russian Federation in the Paralympic Games and other international sporting events held under patronage of the International Paralympic Committee;

9. 3) the personified card for visit of sports competition (further - the personified card) - the electronic document processed following the results of identification of the viewer, the participant of official sports competition, the other person involved in holding such competition for the authentication of specified persons performed for the purpose of safety of the state, public safety and public order when holding official sports competitions;

10) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.04.2021 No. 127-FZ

10. 1) the development program of sport in the Russian Federation or the subject of the Russian Federation - the program which is developed by the relevant all-Russian or regional sports federation for a period of four years according to the procedure established by federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport or executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, establishes the list of actions, the purposes, tasks and target indicators of activities of the relevant all-Russian or regional sports federation for development of certain sport in the Russian Federation or the subject of the Russian Federation and affirms federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport or executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation;

10. 2) professional sports league - the legal entity who is created in stipulated by the legislation forms of business of the Russian Federation which main objectives of activities are the organization and (or) holding professional sports competitions according to the procedure and cases which are established by this Federal Law;

10. 3) professional sports competitions - sports team game sports competitions, participation in whom is directed to income acquisition and one of conditions of the admission of the athlete to which availability at it employment relationships with the relevant professional sports club is, if other is not established by the organizer of such competitions for separate categories of their participants. In other sports professional sports competitions are sports competitions, participation in which is directed to income acquisition and which are determined as those by their organizers according to provisions (regulations) of sports competitions;

10. 4) professional sports club - the legal entity who is participant of professional sports competition or who declared in the procedure established by the organizer of professional sports competition participation in such competition;

11) professional sport - the part of sport directed to the organization and holding professional sports competitions;

11. 1) symbolics of sports action or sporting event - flag, logo, the anthem, mottoes of the organizer of sports action or sporting event, the official name of sports action or sporting event and designation connected with such organizer, formed on their basis of the word and phrases and designations, similar to them, when mentioning with names of the corresponding sports and (or) the specified actions; the designations registered as trademarks of such organizer; the mascots of the specified actions, posters, identification symbolics, objects of design of the specified actions, cups and medals of participants of sports competitions protected as industrial designs and (or) objects of copyright of such organizer; the works of science, literature and art protected as objects of copyright of such organizer, and also objects of the related rights of such organizer containing designations which are intended for individualization of the specified actions; any other designations and objects developed by the organizer of the event for official use on the specified actions and belonging to it;

11. 2) the specialist in sports medicine - the health worker to whose labor function delivery of health care to athletes belongs;

12) sport - the sphere of welfare activities as the set of sports which developed in the form of competitions and special practice of training of the person to them;

13) elite sport - the part of sport directed to achievement of high sports results by athletes at official All-Russian sports competitions and official international sports competitions;

14) sports disqualification of the athlete - the sports sanction in the form of discharge of the athlete from participation in sports competitions which is performed according to the international sports federation established by competence on the corresponding sport, the all-Russian sports federation on the corresponding sport or the relevant professional sports league for abuse of regulations of sport, provisions (regulations) of the sports competitions, anti-doping rules, regulations and requirements approved by the international sports organizations, the all-Russian sports federations, professional sports leagues, other organizers of sports competitions;

15) sports discipline - the part of sport having distinctive signs and including one or several types, programs of sports competitions;

15. 1) sports preparation - educational and training process which is subject to planning is performed within educational or labor activity, is directed to physical training and physical development of athletes, enhancement of their sports skill by means of systematic participation in sporting events, including sports competitions;

15. 2) sports reserve - persons having sports training for the purpose of their inclusion in structure of sports national teams, including sports national teams of the Russian Federation;

16) sports federation - public organization which is created on the basis of membership and which purposes are development of one or several sports, their promotion, the organization, and also holding sporting events and training of athletes - members of sports national teams;

17) sports construction - the construction object intended for holding sports actions and (or) sporting events;

18) sports competition - the competition (match) among athletes or teams of athletes on different types of sport (sports disciplines) for the purpose of identification of the best competitor (match) held by the provision (regulations) approved by his organizer;

Sporting events - sports competitions, and also the educational and training actions including theoretical and organizational speak rapidly 19), and other actions for preparation for sports competitions to participation of athletes;

19. 1) the sports sanction - measure of responsibility for violation the subject of physical culture and sport of rules of sport, provisions (regulations) of the sports competitions, anti-doping rules, regulations and requirements approved by the international sports organizations, the all-Russian sports federations, professional sports leagues, other organizers of sports competitions;

20) sports national teams of the Russian Federation - created by the all-Russian sports federations (except for Olympic team of Russia, Paralympic team of Russia) groups of the athletes belonging to different age groupes, trainers, scientists, specialists in the field of physical culture and sport for preparation for the international sports competitions and participation in them on behalf of the Russian Federation;

20. 1) sports delegation of the Russian Federation - members of sports national teams of the Russian Federation, representatives of the sports organizations, sports federations, the Russian Olympic Committee, Russian Paralympic Committee, Deaflympic committee of Russia, the Special Olympic Games of Russia, the Russian student's sports union, the officials of public authorities of the Russian Federation representing on the international sporting events, except for the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games and other international sporting events held by the International Olympic Committee, continental associations of National Olympic Committees and the International Paralympic Committee, the Russian Federation and (or) the providing rights and legitimate interests of the Russian athletes during the international sporting events;

20. 2) the sports agent - the physical person or legal entity performing by means of making of legal and other acts activities for assistance in employment of athletes and trainers in professional sports club;

20. 3) sports national teams of subjects of the Russian Federation - the groups of the athletes belonging to different age groupes, trainers, scientists, specialists in the field of physical culture and sport for preparation for sports competitions and participation in them on behalf of the subject of the Russian Federation created by regional sports federations;

21) the sports judge - the physical person authorized by the organizer of sports competition to provide the observance of rules of sport and regulations (regulations) on sports competition which had special training and received the corresponding qualification category;

22) the athlete - the physical person doing chosen as type or sports and competing at sports competitions;

23) the high-class athlete - the athlete having sports rank and competing at sports competitions for the purpose of achievement of high sports results;

23. 1) student's sport - the part of sport directed to physical training and physical training of students in the professional educational organizations and the educational organizations of the higher education, their preparation for participation and participation in sports actions and sporting events, including in official sports actions and sporting events;

23. 2) student's sports league - the non-profit organization created on the basis of membership which founders are including the Russian student's sports union and (or) the all-Russian sports federation (the all-Russian sports federations) and which purposes are assistance in promoting of student's sport and development of one or several sports, preparation of sports reserve, the organization and holding sports actions and sporting events among students. On one sport only one student's sports league can be created. The physical persons, legal entities performing activities in the field of student's sport can be members of student's sports league;

24) the trainer-teacher (further also - the trainer) - the physical person which has the corresponding secondary professional education or the higher education will organize educational and training process, including carrying out with athletes, students of educational and training actions, and also directs their competitive activities for achievement of sports results;

24. 1) federal standards of sports preparation - set of the minimum requirements to sports preparation on sports;

25) physical training - the process directed to education of the personality, development of physical capacities of the person, acquisition by it of abilities and knowledge in the field of physical culture and sport for the purpose of forming of comprehensively developed and physically healthy person with the high level of physical culture;

26) physical culture - the part of culture representing set of the values, regulations and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of capabilities of the person, enhancement of its physical activity and forming of healthy lifestyle, social adaptation by physical training, physical training and physical development;

27) physical training - the process aimed at the development of physical qualities, capabilities (including skills and abilities) the person taking into account type of its activities and social and demographic characteristics;

28) physical rehabilitation - recovery (including correction and compensation) the broken or temporarily lost functions of human body and capabilities to public and professional activity of disabled people and persons with limited opportunities of health with use of funds and methods of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sport which are allocated for elimination or perhaps more total compensation of the restrictions of life activity caused by violation of health;

29) sports actions - organized occupations of citizens physical culture;

29. 1) sports and improving service - the activities performed by the sports organization irrespective of its form of business, directed to requirements satisfaction of citizens in preservation and promotion of health, physical training and physical development, including including holding sports actions;

30) the sports organization - the legal entity irrespective of its form of business who is performing activities in the field of physical culture and sport as core activity, including having the right to rendering sports and improving services. The provisions of this Federal Law regulating activities of the sports organizations are applied respectively to the individual entrepreneurs performing activities in the field of physical culture and sport as core activity, including rendering sports and improving services;

31) school sport - the part of sport for children and young people directed to physical training and physical training of students in the general education organizations, their preparation for participation and participation in sports actions and sporting events, including in official sports actions and sporting events;

31. 1) school sports league - the non-profit organization created on the basis of membership which founders are including school sports clubs and which purposes are involvement of students in occupations physical culture and sport, development and promoting of school sport, the organization and holding sports actions and sporting events among students. The physical persons, legal entities performing activities in the field of school sport can be members of school sports league;

32) the target comprehensive program of training of athletes for the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games, Deaflympics (further - the target comprehensive program) - the program which is developed by the all-Russian sports federation is component of the development program of sport in the Russian Federation and establishes the purposes, tasks, actions and target indicators of activities of the all-Russian sports federation for preparation and performance of sports national team of the Russian Federation on the corresponding sport at the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games, Deaflympics.

Article 3. Basic principles of the legislation on physical culture and sport

The legislation on physical culture and sport is based on the following principles:

1) providing the right of everyone to open entry to physical culture and sport as to necessary conditions of development of physical, mental and moral abilities of the personality, the right to occupations by physical culture and sport for all categories of citizens and national groups;

2) unity of the regulatory legal base in the field of physical culture and sport in all territory of the Russian Federation;

3) combination of state regulation of the relations in the field of physical culture and sport with self-regulation of such relations by subjects of physical culture and sport;

4) establishment of the state guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of physical culture and sport;

5) prohibition on discrimination and violence in the field of physical culture and sport, on illegal influence on results of official sports competitions (manipulation official sports competitions);

6) safety of life and health of persons playing physical culture and sport and also participants and the audience of sports actions and sporting events;

7) observance of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sport;

8) assistance to development of physical culture and sport of disabled people, persons with limited opportunities of health and other national groups needing the increased social protection;

9) interaction of federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies with sports federations;

10) continuity and succession of physical training of the citizens belonging to different age groupes;

11) assistance to development of all types and components of sport, including sport for children and young people (including school sport) and student's sport, taking into account uniqueness of sport, its social and educational functions, and also specifics of its structure based on voluntary activities of his subjects.

Article 4. Legislation on physical culture and sport

1. The legislation on physical culture and sport is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation adopted according to them.

2. The Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation containing the regulations governing the relations in the field of physical culture and sport cannot contradict this Federal Law.

2.1. Sirius can be established by regulatory legal acts of bodies of the public power of the federal territory special regulation of implementation of activities in the field of physical culture and sport in the federal territory Sirius according to the Federal Law of December 22, 2020 No. 437-FZ "About the federal territory Sirius. Bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius have the right to introduce experimental legal regime in the federal territory Sirius aimed at the development of physical culture and sport.

3. Concerning activities in the field of physical culture and sport municipal legal acts which cannot contradict this Federal Law are adopted.

4. If the international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Federal Law are applied rules of the international treaty of the Russian Federation.

5. The decisions of interstate bodies made based on provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation in their interpretation contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation are not subject to execution in the Russian Federation. Such contradiction can be established according to the procedure, determined by the Federal constitutional Law.

Article 5. Subjects of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation treat subjects of physical culture and sport:

1) the sports organizations, including sports societies, sports and technical societies, sports clubs (including professional sports clubs, sports clubs), merging of sports clubs, the fitness centers, the centers of sports preparation, professional sports leagues, student's sports leagues, school sports leagues, amateur sports leagues, and also the public and state organizations participating in development of military and applied and office and applied sports;

1. 1) sports federations;

2) the educational organizations performing activities in the field of physical culture and sport;

2. 1) centers of early physical development of children;

3) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.11.2023 No. 564-FZ

4) the scientific organizations performing researches in the field of physical culture and sport;

5) Russian Olympic Committee;

6) Russian Paralympic Committee;

7) Deaflympic committee of Russia;

8) Special Olympic Games of Russia;

8. 1) Russian student's sports union;

9) federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport, the executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies subordinated to these bodies of the organization;

10) the federal executive bodies performing management of development of military and applied and office and applied sports;

11) labor unions in the field of physical culture and sport;

12) the citizens who are going in for physical culture, athletes and their collectives (teams), the audience, sports judges, trainers, specialists in sports medicine and other specialists in the field of physical culture and sport according to the list of such specialists approved by federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport;

13) sports agents.

Article 6. Powers of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sport

In the field of physical culture and sport treat powers of the Russian Federation:

1) development and realization of state policy in the field of physical culture and sport, acceptance and program implementation of development of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation;

2) participation in organization of events on training of sports national teams of the Russian Federation for the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Deaflympics, World special Olympic Games and other international sports competitions and in participation in such competitions, including by provision to the all-Russian sports federations, the Russian Olympic Committee, Russian Paralympic Committee, Deaflympic committee of Russia, the Special Olympic Games of Russia of financial and other support;

2. 1) approval of development programs of sports in the Russian Federation, establishment of procedure for determination of efficiency of activities of the all-Russian and regional sports federations for development of sports in the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, including efficiency of program implementation of development of sports in the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation;

2. 2) ensuring preparation of sports reserve for sports national teams of the Russian Federation according to the requirements established by federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sport;


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