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The document ceased to be valid since   December 6, 2019 according to Appendix to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 5, 2019 No. 970


of December 30, 2000 No. 519

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for registration and certification of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age

(as amended on 29-05-2018)

For the purpose of simplification of procedure for temporary trip abroad of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve:

Regulations on procedure for registration and certification of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age according to appendix No. 1;

sample of the certificate of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age according to appendix No. 2. *

* Appendix is not given.

2. To provide to the national production association "Davlat of Belgisa" under the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan production of certificates of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age according to the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to allocate necessary money for production of forms of certificates of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age.

4. For certification of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age the state fee in the amount of 30 percent of minimum wage is collected.

5. Consideration and the solution of questions of trip abroad of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age to assign to the special commissions under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas created by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 26, 1999 No. UP-2240*.

6. To the interested ministries and departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent to bring the regulating documents into accord with this resolution in a month.

7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Minister of Internal Affairs Z.Almatov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Kamilov, the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas.

* No. UP-4364 "About Measures for Enhancement of Rules of Passport System in the City of Tashkent and the Tashkent Region" the special commissions under khokimiyats of the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region are abolished by the presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 22, 2011.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

U. Sultanov

Appendix No. 1

to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2000 No. 519

Regulations on procedure for registration and certification of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to the Regulations on passport system in the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 26, 1999 No. UP-2240, and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 6, 1995 No. 8 "About approval of procedure for trip abroad of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Regulations on the diplomatic passport of the Republic of Uzbekistan". The provision provides procedure for registration and certification of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age in case of temporary trip abroad.

2. In case of trip abroad of the citizens who did not reach 16-year age for training, treatment, participation in the international youth festivals and sports competitions, their parents, guardians (custodians), the organizations and organizations represent to the special commissions under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas the statement with data on the leaving citizen and his parents.

The commission in 7-day time studies the submitted documents and makes the relevant decision. The decision of the special commission and the list of the going abroad citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age go for execution of exit documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Department of Internal Affairs of areas.

Divisions of service of entrance departure and nationality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on provided statements questionnaires, requests, certificates of birth in 7-day time document the minor the certificate of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age for temporary trip abroad.

3. The certificate is issued to parents, guardians (custodians), representatives of the organizations, organizations on receipt about delivery of the certificate in law-enforcement body after return of the minor from abroad. The certificate of birth of the minor is stored in division of service of entrance departure and nationality before delivery of the certificate in law-enforcement body.

4. The certificate of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age is the document confirming the personality of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad and is valid for departure to any countries of the world.

5. The certificate is made according to the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the national production association "Davlat of Belgisa" under the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on special paper of 86 mm x 125 mm in size, has 16 pages with protective elements from counterfeit.

6. The certificate is the form of the strict reporting and is made by areas on series and sequence numbers.

7. Certificate cover - green color with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and imprinted gold text "The certificate of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who did not reach 16-year age" in the Uzbek and English languages. The cover is protected by special chemical fabric.

8. The certificate is filled in with law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Uzbek, Russian and English (in the Republic of Karakalpakstan - as well on Karakalpak) languages. The following data are as a witness entered:

a) surname, name, middle name;

b) birth date;

c) birthplace;

d) nationality;

e) floor;

e) effective period;

g) personal code of the citizen;

h) whom and when the certificate is issued;

i) mark about reality for departure to all countries of the world;

j) special marks (blood Rhesus factor, etc.);

k) about visas;

l) information and personal data.


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