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of June 4, 1998 No. 802

About Rules of trade in precious metals (except bank metals) and gemstone, gemstone of organogenic education and semiprecious stone in the crude and trimmed type and products from them that belong to subjects of managing on the property rights

(as amended on 25-01-2017)

In pursuance of Item 2 of article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "About state regulation of production, production and use of precious metals and gemstone and control of transactions with them" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve Rules of trade in precious metals (except bank metals) and gemstone, gemstone of organogenic education and semiprecious stone in the crude and trimmed type and products from them that belong to subjects of managing on the property rights (are applied).

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Pustovoytenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 4, 1998 No. 802

Failure of trade in precious metals (except bank metals) and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education and semiprecious stones in the crude and processed type and the products from them belonging to subjects of managing on the property right

General part

1. These rules establish procedure for trade in the territory of Ukraine by precious metals (except bank metals) and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education and semiprecious stones in the crude and processed type and the products from them belonging to subjects of managing on the property right.

2. In these rules terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About state regulation of production, production and use of precious metals and gemstones and control of transactions with them" and "About consumer protection".

Trade in precious metals, gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education, semiprecious stones and products from them

3. Trade in precious metals, gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education, semiprecious stones and products from them is performed by subjects of managing with observance of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About state regulation of production, production and use of precious metals and gemstones and control of transactions with them".

4. Retail trade by jewelry and household products from precious metals, gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education and semiprecious stones (further - jewelry) is performed through specialized shops, specialized departments (sections) of shops with universal range of goods, and also by remote communication.

Sale of jewelry in small retail retail chain stores, in the markets (except the specialized shops placed on them, departments) and from hands is forbidden.

For trade in jewelry in the places which are not established for such trade, subjects of managing bear responsibility according to the law.

5. Subjects of managing in places of trade shall provide fulfillment of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About state regulation of production, production and use of precious metals and gemstones and control of transactions with them" on implementation of trade in jewelry and realization of the rights of the consumers determined by the Law of Ukraine "About consumer protection" to observe the Procedure of trading activity and rules of trade servicing in the market of consumer goods approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 15, 2006 No. 833 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2006, No. 25, of Art. 1818; 2011, No. 51, Art. 2038), and requirements of other regulatory legal acts.

6. The consumer has the right to the free choice of goods, to check of its quality, safety, completeness, measure, weight and price, demonstration of safe and its correct use. At the customer's request the seller shall provide it the instrumentation, quality certificates, safety, the goods price.

The means of the measuring equipment used in case of sale of jewelry shall be in good repair, have testing brand and undergo periodic checking in the procedure established by the legislation.

Weighing of jewelry from gold and platinum is performed with accuracy up to 0,01 of at least, silver products - to 0,1 of. Gemstones are weighed with accuracy up to carat 0,01 at least.

7. The consumer's rights in case of acquisition of goods of inadequate quality by him are established by the Law of Ukraine "About consumer protection".

8. Jewelry of both domestic, and foreign production in case of sale shall have commodity labels.

The commodity label of jewelry provides availability of the following information: the name or the trademark of manufacturer, the name of product or its code, the name of alloy of metal and its test, mass of product, number (size) of ring or bracelet, the name of stone and its weight, and also the marks "the product was in the use" or "second-hand" for the jewelry which was in the use.

9. Trade in jewelry from precious metals is performed by subjects of managing only in the presence of print of the state assay brand of Ukraine.

10. Trade in jewelry without prints of the state assay brand of Ukraine is forbidden. Subjects of managing bear legal accountability for trade in the territory of Ukraine in jewelry and household products from precious metals which have no print of the state assay brand or have print of counterfeit state assay brand.


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