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of November 11, 1999 No. 322-Z

About the state minimum social standards

(as amended on 13-12-2023)

Accepted by the House of Representatives on October 13, 1999

Approved by Council of the Republic on October 28, 1999

This Law determines the legal basis of establishment, forming and application of the state minimum social standards providing realization of the social rights of citizens affirmed by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

the state minimum social standard - the minimum level of the state guarantees of social protection providing satisfaction of basic needs of the person, expressed in regulations and standard rates of provision of money payments, free and public social services, social benefits and payments;

system of the state minimum social standards - complex of the interconnected state minimum social standards;

free and public social services - services which provision is guaranteed by the state due to financing from republican and local budgets, and also state non-budgetary funds and which are available to all whenever possible acquisitions and uses;

difficult life situation - the situation which is objectively breaking normal activity of the citizen and difficult for its independent permission.

Article 2. Purposes and tasks of establishment and application of the state minimum social standards

The state minimum social standards are established according to acts of the legislation for the purpose of providing the mechanism of realization of constitutional rights of citizens in the field of social guarantees, and also increase in level of living and ensuring sustainable development of society.

The state minimum social standards are applied to the solution of the following tasks:

satisfactions of basic needs of citizens in material benefits and services;

normative ensuring forming and use of means republican and local budgets and funds of state non-budgetary funds for social needs;

ensuring the state support of development of the social sphere and social protection of citizens;

rendering the necessary public assistance to the needy and being in difficult life situation citizens.

Article 3. Principles of forming and application of the state minimum social standards

Forming and application of the state minimum social standards are performed proceeding from the following principles:

respect for constitutional rights of citizens in the field of social guarantees on the basis of providing the state minimum social standards;

comprehensive justification of establishment and application of the state minimum social standards proceeding from economic opportunities of the state;

the general availability of ensuring social protection and social services rendered by public institutions;

target and address financing of the state minimum social standards;

wide knowledge of citizens through mass media about the state minimum social standards;

social partnership.

Article 4. Establishment and change of the state minimum social standards

The government of the Republic of Belarus with participation of republican associations of employers and labor unions establishes the state minimum social standards, and also determines procedure for their application.

The state minimum social standards are reviewed at least once in five years if other is not stipulated by the legislation.

Article 5. System of the state minimum social standards

The system of the state minimum social standards joins the state minimum social standards in areas:


provision of pensions;


health cares;


housing-and-municipal servicing;

social support and social servicing.

Article 6. The state minimum social standards in the field of compensation

The state minimum social standards in the field of compensation are:

minimum wage (monthly and hour);

rates of compensation of employees of the state-financed organizations and other organizations receiving subsidies which workers are equated on compensation to employees of state-financed organizations determined by base rate and coefficients of job grade of scale of charges (the multiple sizes of base rate).

The size of base rate and scale of charges are established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 7. The state minimum social standards in the field of provision of pensions

The state minimum social standards in the field of provision of pensions are the minimum sizes of old-age pensions, disability and on the occasion of loss of the supporter.

Article 8. The state minimum social standards in the field of education

The state minimum social standards in the field of education are:

free education, including preschool, general secondary, professional technical, vocational education, additional education of children and youth (except for the additional education of children and youth received at the public children's schools of arts), on competitive basis secondary vocational, higher education;

regulations and standard rates of security of the population with free and public social services, fullness of classes, groups in public institutions of education at implementation of educational programs;

regulations and standard rates personnel and material logistics of public institutions of education in case of implementation of educational programs;

regulations and standard rates of measures of social protection of students.

Article 9. The state minimum social standards in the field of health care

The state minimum social standards in the field of health care are:

standard rates of budget financing of expenses on health care on one inhabitant;

services in rendering primary, specialized, high-technology and palliative medical care, the medico-public assistance, except for the paid medical services rendered by State Healthcare Institutions, university clinics according to the list and according to the procedure, the established Government of the Republic of Belarus;

regulations and standard rates material, medicinal, staffing in State Healthcare Institutions, university clinics;

regulations of food, providing with special clothes and footwear, soft stock in State Healthcare Institutions, university clinics;

regulations and standard rates preferential, including free, providing at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets medicines, medical products, biomedical cellular products and (or) prosthetic dentistry.

Article 10. The state minimum social standards in the field of culture

The state minimum social standards in the field of culture are:

the list of the free and public social services rendered by public institutions of culture;


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