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of November 26, 2007 No. 175

About the state guarantees to the ethnic Kyrgyz moving to the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 24-01-2024)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on October 10, 2007

This Law regulates state policy in the field of immigration of ethnic Kyrgyz, determines legal, economic and social basis of immigration processes, and also creations of necessary living conditions on the new place for kayrylman.

Chapter 1. Basic provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

Kayrylman is the ethnic Kyrgyz who is the foreign citizen (stateless person), the person interested to move (moved) to the Kyrgyz Republic for permanent residence and the received status of kayrylman;

the status of kayrylman - the temporary social and legal status of the foreign citizen (person without citizenship) who is the ethnic Kyrgyz, confirmed by the document of the established sample;

the paragraph third Article 1 ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 27.01.2015 No. 27

the center of temporary placement - the place of temporary stay of persons and members of their families petitioning for recognition of their kayrylmanama in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

the resettlement territory - the place for permanent residence in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

the ethnic Kyrgyz - person of the Kyrgyz nationality being the foreign citizen (stateless person).

Article 2. The legislation regulating immigration of ethnic Kyrgyz
Article 3. Basic principles of regulation of immigration of ethnic Kyrgyz

State regulation in the field of immigration of ethnic Kyrgyz is based on the following principles:

- ensuring the human rights affirmed in the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic on freedom of travel, freedom of work, free choice of profession and occupation;

- ensuring compliance of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic to the universally recognized norms of international law and to the international treaties which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic, in the field of external migration taking into account modern economic and social situation of the republic;

- comprehensive assistance to resettlement of ethnic Kyrgyz to the Kyrgyz Republic, in the organization of their resettlement, creation of workplaces, social security and the public assistance to kayrylmana;

- participations of the relevant state bodies in the organization of streamlining of processes of immigration of ethnic Kyrgyz.

Article 4. Main objectives of this Law

The main objectives of this Law are:

- determination of the state migration policy on creation of conditions of acceptance of immigrants - ethnic Kyrgyz in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- streamlining of process of resettlement of ethnic Kyrgyz to the Kyrgyz Republic;

- providing in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of immigrants - ethnic Kyrgyz;

- creation of conditions for their social and economic adaptation.

Article 5. Status of kayrylman

The status of kayrylman is provided to the ethnic Kyrgyz wishing to move (moved) to the Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of permanent residence according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Availability at person of the status of kayrylman determines its social and legal status in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and grants the right to the social and legal guarantees provided by the Kyrgyz Republic.

Chapter 2. Immigration of ethnic Kyrgyz

Article 6.

Voided according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 27.01.2015 No. 27

Article 7. Procedure for the address and the list of documents for provision of the status of kayrylman

 Petitions of persons for provision of the status of kayrylman move one of full age family members personally or by proxy the representative:

- in the territory of their nationality or the place of permanent residence in diplomatic representations, consular establishments of the Kyrgyz Republic for the subsequent direction in authorized state body on migration of the Kyrgyz Republic. Diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Kyrgyz Republic adopt statements and other documents of applicants for assignment of the status of kayrylman and send them to authorized state body on migration of the Kyrgyz Republic within ten working days from the date of their registration;

- in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic in authorized state body on migration of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The applicant has the right to direct the scanned documents to the official e-mail address of authorized state body of the Kyrgyz Republic on migration. In cases of submission of documents by proxy of the representative or the direction on the e-mail address authenticity of the signature of person which signed the petition, and compliance of the copy of the document attached to the petition, to its original make sure notarially.

Ethnic Kyrgyz in case of the appeal to diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Kyrgyz Republic about provision of the status of kayrylman are exempted from payment of the state fees and means levied for consular services.

The petitioning person or his authorized representative together with the petition for provision of the status of kayrylman represents the following legalized according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation the Kyrgyz Republic, documents:

- the passport or the document replacing it;

- certificate of birth;

- paragraph fourth ceased to be valid;

- the marriage certficate (if is available).

In case of lack of the certificate of birth for confirmation of nationality of the petitioning person one of the following documents is submitted:

- certificate of birth of one of close relatives (parents, children, adoptive parents, full and not full brothers and (or) sisters, grandfather, grandmother, grandsons);

- marriage certficate of parents;

- certificate of birth of one of distant relatives (cousins and (or) cousins).

The procedure for provision of the status of kayrylman is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In case of lack of the identity document, the ethnic Kyrgyz who are constantly living in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic based on the act of the identification issued by local government bodies provide the passport of one of close relatives (parents, children, adoptive parents, full and not full brothers and (or) sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandsons).


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