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of February 23, 2005 No. 33

About the approval of Rules of use of lands of rail transport and lands carried to the special conservation zone of the railroad and Regulations of allotment of land for the railroads and the sanitary protection zone of the railroad

(as amended on 13-07-2018)

According to requirements of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About transport", the Land code of the Azerbaijan Republic and "Provision on the Ministry of transport of the Azerbaijan Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve "Rules of use of lands of rail transport and the lands carried to the special conservation zone of the railroad" and "Regulations of allotment of land for the railroads and the sanitary protection zone of the railroad" (are applied).

2. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic, the State committee on property questions of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of transport of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Azerbaijani state railway to resolve the issues following from this resolution.

3. To provide to the Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic within one month in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic the offers connected with corresponding changes in the legislation.

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

A. Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 23, 2005 No. 33

Rules of use of lands of rail transport and the lands carried to the special conservation zone of the railroad

I. General provisions

1. These rules according to requirements of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About transport" and the Land code of the Azerbaijan Republic determine rules of use of lands of rail transport and the lands carried to the sanitary protection zone of the railroad.

2. The terms used in these rules:

- the special conservation zone - the earth of rail transport, allocated for Azerbaijani Railroads Private company for protection of the objects of rail transport which are in regions of collapses, landslides, mudflows and other places where there is danger of natural impact, or to other organizations, the companies or departments for protection of sidings in places where there is danger of such natural impact;

- branch strip - the earth of rail transport, belonging to the conservation zone of the railroad and adjacent to subgrade of railway tracks, allocated for Azerbaijani Railroads Private company or other organizations, the companies, departments for implementation of safe activities of rail transport;

- the sanitary protection zone - the conservation zone of special legal regime created in the neighborhood of objects of rail transport for safety control of life of the population in settlements for creation of proper conditions for operation of these objects;

- railway parking - the parts of railway tracks surrounded with the neighboring stations, distillation Items or road posts;

- sidings - the rail lines belonging to Azerbaijani Railroads Private company or other organizations, the companies, departments and connected to the main railway tracks and intended for servicing of the different organizations, companies or departments. 

3. The right of way of the railroad and the special conservation zone, and also the sanitary protection zone shall contain according to requirements of town planning, ecology, sanitary hygiene, flammability control, and also to conform to requirements of other regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.


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