Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of October 25, 2000 No. 441-Z

(as amended on 12-07-2023)

Accepted by the House of Representatives on October 3, 2000

Approved by Council of the Republic on October 12, 2000

General part

Section I. General provisions

Chapter 1. Basic provisions

Article 1. The relations regulated by the bank law

The relations regulated by the bank law constitute system of the economic public relations on mobilization and use of temporarily free money. The bank law determines the principles of banking activity, legal status of subjects of bank legal relationship, governs the relations between them, and also establishes procedure for creation, activities, reorganization and liquidation of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations.

The property relations and the related non-property relations arising when implementing banking activity are regulated by also civil legislation taking into account the features provided by this Code.

The relations connected with issue (issue), the address and the securities redemption, implementation of professional and exchange activity on securities, use of budgetary and currency funds and also other relations connected with activities of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations are regulated by the special legislation if other is not provided by this Code.

Article 2. Bank law

The bank law – system of the regulatory legal acts governing the relations arising when implementing banking activity, and establishing the rights, obligations and responsibility of subjects and participants of bank legal relationship.

Treat acts of the bank law:

legal acts;

orders of the President of the Republic of Belarus which have normative character;

orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

regulatory legal acts of National Bank;

the regulatory legal acts adopted by National Bank together with the Government of the Republic of Belarus or republican state bodies on the basis and in pursuance of of this Code and other legal acts.

Features of legal regulation of the relations regulated by this Code can be established by the president of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 3. Bank law and rules of international law

The Republic of Belarus recognizes priority of the conventional principles of international law and provides compliance to them of the bank law.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules, than those which contain in this Code then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 4. Bases of monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus

Monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus – component of single state economic policy.

The legal basis of monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus are the Main directions of monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus which development is performed according to target indicators of monetary policy. Target indicators of monetary policy affirm the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The National Bank and the Government of the Republic of Belarus annually till September 1 bring the target indicators of monetary policy answering the purpose of activities of National Bank on approval to the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 5. Financial credit system of the Republic of Belarus

Bank system of the Republic of Belarus - component of financial credit system of the Republic of Belarus. The bank system of the Republic of Belarus is two-level and includes National Bank and other banks.

The financial credit system of the Republic of Belarus except banks includes also the non-bank credit and financial organizations.

Article 6. Subjects and participants of bank legal relationship

Subjects of bank legal relationship are the National Bank, banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations.

The Republic of Belarus, its administrative and territorial units, including on behalf of state bodies, and also physical persons, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can be participants of bank legal relationship.

The rules of this Code applied to physical persons are applied to individual entrepreneurs if other is not provided by this Code.

Article 7. National Bank

The National Bank is Central Bank and state body of the Republic of Belarus. The National Bank governs credit relations and currency circulation, determines procedure of payments. The National Bank has exclusive right of currency issue and performs other functions provided by this Code and other legal acts.

Article 8. Bank

Bank - the legal entity having exclusive right to perform in total the following banking activities:

attraction of money of physical and (or) legal entities into accounts and (or) in deposits (deposits);

placement of the borrowed funds specified in the paragraph the second to this part on its own behalf and at own expense on the terms of recoverability, the paid nature and urgency (including loan granting);

opening and maintaining bank accounts of physical and (or) legal entities.

The bank has the right to perform other banking activities and types of activity, stipulated in Article the 14th of this Code.

Article 9. Non-bank credit and financial organization

The non-bank credit and financial organization - the legal entity having the right to perform separate banking activities and types of activity, stipulated in Article the 14th of this Code.

The list of banking activities which can perform the non-bank credit and financial organizations and their admissible combinations are established by National Bank.

During creation, reorganization of the non-bank credit and financial organization, implementation and the termination of its activities the provisions provided for banks are applied if other is not established by this Code and other bank law.

Features of creation and the activities of the separate non-bank credit and financial organizations providing functioning of information systems for the purpose of forming and development of single settlement and information space, development of digital banking technologies, and also performing collection of cash, transportation of cash, other values, remote storage of cash and other values of National Bank, banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations for the purpose of development and enhancement of the organization of cash circulation can be established by the president of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 10. Objects of bank legal relationship

Objects of bank legal relationship are money (currency), securities, precious metals and gemstones and other values.

Article 10-1. Official monetary unit of the Republic of Belarus

Official monetary unit of the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian ruble. One Belarusian ruble is equal to 100 Belarusian kopeks.

Article 11. Currency of monetary commitments

Monetary commitments in the territory of the Republic of Belarus shall be expressed in official monetary unit of the Republic of Belarus.

It can be provided in monetary commitment that it shall be performed in official monetary unit of the Republic of Belarus in the amount equivalent to certain amount in foreign currency or in conventional (settlement) monetary units. In this case the amount which is subject to payment in official monetary unit of the Republic of Belarus is determined by the official rate of the corresponding currency or conventional (settlement) monetary units on the maturity day if other rate or other date of determination of rate are not established by the legislation or the agreement of the parties.

Use of foreign currency, and also securities and payment instructions in foreign currency in monetary commitments in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is allowed in cases, procedure and on the conditions determined by the legislation.

Chapter 2. Banking activity

Article 12. Banking activity

Banking activity - set of the banking activities performed by banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations directed to generation of profit.

Article 13. Principles of banking activity

The basic principles of banking activity are:

obligation of obtaining by banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations of special permission (license) for implementation of banking activity (further – the license for implementation of banking activity);

state regulation of banking activity depending on the system importance, risk profile of bank, non-bank credit and financial organization (principle of pro rata regulation);

independence of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations in the activities, non-interference from state bodies to their work, except as specified, provided by legal acts;

differentiation of responsibility between banks, the non-bank credit and financial organizations and the state;

obligation of observance of the standard rates of safe functioning established by National Bank for maintenance of stability and banking system stability of the Republic of Belarus;

providing to physical persons and legal entities of option of bank, non-bank credit and financial organization;

providing bank secrecy on transactions, accounts and deposits (deposits) of clients;

ensuring return of money to investors of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations.

Article 14. Banking activities. Other activities performed by banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations

Treat banking activities:

attraction of money of physical and (or) legal entities into accounts and (or) in deposits (deposits);

placement of the borrowed funds specified in the paragraph the second to this part on its own behalf and at own expense on the terms of recoverability, the paid nature and urgency (including loan granting);

opening and maintaining bank accounts of physical and (or) legal entities;

opening and account management in precious metals;

implementation of settlement and (or) bank cash servicing of physical and (or) legal entities, including banks respondents;

currency exchange transactions;

purchase and sale of precious metals and (or) gemstones in the cases provided by National Bank;

attraction and placement of precious metals and (or) gemstones in deposits (deposits) of physical and (or) legal entities;

issue of bank guarantees and other transactions with bank guarantees;

trust management of bank management of fund based on the trust management agreement of fund of bank management;

trust management of money according to the trust management agreement of money;

issue of the bank payment cards and other payment instruments requiring opening and account management and carrying out settlement transactions on the payments accepted when using such payment instruments;

issue of the securities confirming attraction of money in deposits (deposits) and placement them into accounts;

financing under concession of monetary claim (factoring);

provision to physical and (or) legal entities of special rooms or the safes which are in them for bank document storage and values (money, securities, precious metals and gemstones, etc.);

settlement transactions.

Rules and procedure of banking activities are established by National Bank.

In the cases established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange open joint stock company, Asset Management Agency open joint stock company the separate banking activities having the right to perform without receipt of the license for implementation of banking activity. The list performed by the called organizations of banking activities, features of application of the requirements of the legislation to them provided for banks, the non-bank credit and financial organizations are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Features of regulation of banking operations with precious metals and gemstones are provided by the special legislation.

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations in addition to the banking activities specified in part one of this Article having the right to perform according to the legislation:

ensuring execution of monetary commitments of the third parties;

trust management of precious metals and (or) gemstones;

transactions (transaction) with precious metals and (or) gemstones;

leasing activities;

consulting and information services according to the procedure, established by National Bank;

issue (issue) of securities;

professional and exchange activity on securities, and also the activities which are not relating to professional and exchange activity on securities, permitted according to the legislation on securities;

offsetting of mutual monetary and other financial claims and obligations and determination of net line items (clearing activities);

transactions in the Republic of Belarus and beyond its limits with the commemorative banknotes, commemorative and ingot (investment) coins which are legal means of payment of the Republic of Belarus at the price not below nominal;

activities of specialized depositary of the allocated assets;

activities of management company of investment fund, specialized depositary of investment fund;

non-bank cash servicing;

payment services of the operator of payment system on the organization of payment system;

payment initiation;

acquiring of payment transactions;

issue (creation) of payment instruments, except for bank payment cards, other payment instruments requiring opening and account management and carrying out settlement transactions on the payments accepted when using such payment instruments;

distribution of payment instruments on behalf of issuers of payment instruments;

issue of electronic money;

distribution of electronic money;

exchange of electronic money;

repayment of electronic money;

payment services of clearing;

payment services of processing;

information payment services;

activities for making of the transactions initiated by physical persons and legal entities with non-deliverable off-exchange financial instruments (activities in the Forex curb market);

accounting of bills of exchange in the cases established by the President of the Republic of Belarus;

services in servicing of the credits in the cases established by the President of the Republic of Belarus;

the activities within partner agreements on cooperation with legal entities and physical persons connected with banking operations. The directions of cooperation, procedure and conditions of implementation by banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations of the specified activities are established by National Bank;

other stipulated by the legislation activities performed for own needs and (or) necessary for ensuring banking operations, except for implementation of insurance activity as insurers.

Article 15. Types of banking activities

Banking activities can be active, passive and intermediary.

Active banking activities are understood as the transactions directed to provision of money, precious metals and (or) gemstones by banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations.

Passive banking activities are understood as the transactions directed to attraction of money, precious metals and (or) gemstones by banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations.

Intermediate bank operations are understood as the transactions promoting implementation of banking activity by banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations.

Article 16. Features of calculation of terms when implementing banking activity

When implementing banking activity term is determined calendar date or the expiration of period of time which is estimated for years, months, weeks, calendar, working or banking days, hours. Term can be determined also by specifying on circumstance (event) which shall come inevitably.

Term in one banking day means the part of the working day established by bank for making of certain actions by it.

In time, estimated in banking days, days which according to the legislation or customary banking practice are not the working days do not join. If the last day of term falls on non-working day, the working day following it is considered day of the termination of term.

If for making of any action the fixed term estimated in banking days, then it be made before the termination of the last banking day of this term.

If any payment instructions arrive in bank after time established in this bank for execution of these payment instructions, then such payment instructions are considered arrived on the following banking day.

Article 17. Features of establishment of term of limitation period when implementing banking activity

The term of limitation period according to requirements of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations to borrowers in case of non-execution (improper execution) of conditions of credit agreements is established in five years.

Limitation period does not extend to requirements of investors to bank or the non-bank credit and financial organization about return of deposits (deposits).

Article 18. State regulation of banking activity

State regulation of banking activity is performed by National Bank by means of:

state registration of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations;

licensing of banking activity;

establishments of prohibitions and restrictions for banks and the non-bank credit financial organizations;

control of observance by banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations of the bank law;

banking supervision;

applications of the measures of supervising reaction established by this Code;

acceptances (edition) of regulatory legal acts;

accomplishment of other functions according to legal acts.

Chapter 3. Relations of subjects and participants of bank legal relationship

Article 19. Relations between banks, the non-bank credit and financial organizations and the state

The bank and the non-bank credit and financial organization do not answer for obligations the state. The state does not answer for obligations banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations, except as specified, if it assumed such obligations or other is stipulated by the legislation.

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations are independent in the activities. Intervention of the state, its bodies and officials in activities of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations is allowed only in the limits set by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and legal acts adopted according to it.

Can be assigned to bank and the non-bank credit and financial organization control of conducting cash transactions by clients, and also according to legal acts control of carrying out currency transactions by clients.

Assignment on banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations is not allowed if other is not provided by the President of the Republic of Belarus, functions of control for:

implementation by clients of the licensed types of activity;

timeliness and correctness of payment by clients of taxes, charges (duties) and other payments in the budget, state non-budgetary funds, and also insurance premiums;

observance by clients of payment due dates to workers of the salary and its sizes;

observance by clients and other persons of conditions of the agreements signed between them.

The National Bank and other state bodies have no right to demand from banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations of accomplishment of control and other functions not peculiar to them.

Banks can perform transactions with budgetary funds and carry out calculations for them, provide target use of the budgetary funds and funds of state non-budgetary funds allocated for accomplishment of state programs.

Article 20. Relations between banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations can attract and place each other money in the form of deposits (deposits), the credits, to carry out calculations through the correspondent accounts opened each other and to perform other transactions specified in licenses for implementation of banking activity.

Article 21. Participation of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations in associations

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations can create the unions and associations which are non-profit organizations.

Creation and state registration of the unions and banking associations and non-bank credit and financial organizations are performed according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

Article 22. Relations of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations with clients

Relations of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations with clients are under construction on the basis of the bank law and the signed agreements.

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations independently determine conditions of the conclusion of the transactions which are not contradicting the legislation. The contracts signed by banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations with clients are public agreements and (or) agreements of accession if other is not provided by the rules existing in these banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations.

The National Bank has the right to establish for banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations compulsory provisions of the conclusion of transactions with clients.

The National Bank, banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations refrigerate means, block banking activities, stop banking activities and (or) refuse their implementation, refuse connection of the client to systems of remote bank servicing, unilaterally stop or stop rendering services by means of such systems, refuse unilaterally execution of contracts for banking operations in writing, refuse the conclusion of the contract for banking operations in writing in the cases provided by legal acts for prevention of legalization of income gained in the criminal way, financings of terrorist activities and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction.

When implementing banking activity the bank and the non-bank credit and financial organization shall provide upon the demand of the client to it for acquaintance the license for implementation of banking activity, and also information on financial position and results of work according to this bank and this non-bank credit and financial organization in the amount and procedure established by National Bank.

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations shall inform clients on results of consideration of their statements in terms and methods, stipulated by the legislation and agreements.

Article 23. The right of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations to judicial protection of the violated or challenged rights and legitimate interests

Banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations have the right to judicial protection of the violated or challenged rights and legitimate interests, including to appeal judicially of decisions, actions (failure to act) of National Bank and other state bodies, officials.

Section II. National Bank

Chapter 4. Legal status, purposes and functions of National Bank

Article 24. National Bank - Central Bank and state body of the Republic of Belarus

The National Bank – Central Bank and state body of the Republic of Belarus – is effective only for the benefit of the Republic of Belarus.

The National Bank performs the activities according to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Code, the laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus and is independent in the activities.

The National Bank is accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Accountability of National Bank to the President of the Republic of Belarus means:

approval of the Charter of National Bank by the President of the Republic of Belarus, the changes and (or) additions made to it;

position assignment and dismissal by the President of the Republic of Belarus from prior consent of Council of the Republic of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus the Chairman and board members of National Bank;

determination by the President of the Republic of Belarus of auditing organization for carrying out audit of annual accounting (financial) accounts of National Bank;

approval of the annual statement of National Bank by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The National Bank is legal entity, has seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus and text "National Bank of the Republic of Belarus". The location of National Bank – the city of Minsk.

The purposes and the principles of activities of National Bank, and also its right are determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Code and other legal acts.

Article 25. Main objectives of activities of National Bank

Main objectives of activities of National Bank are:

maintenance of price stability;

ensuring financial stability.

The National Bank promotes sustainable economic development of the country.

Profit earning is not main objective of activities of National Bank.

Article 26. Functions of National Bank

The National Bank performs the following functions:

develops the Main directions of monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus and together with the Government of the Republic of Belarus provides carrying out single monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus according to the procedure, established by this Code and other legal acts;

performs the transactions necessary for accomplishment of main objectives of activities of National Bank;

performs refinancing of banks, including as the last resort lender;

performs currency issue;

performs issue (issue) of securities of National Bank, determines procedure for issue, the address and the securities redemption of National Bank in coordination with the republican state body performing state regulation of the security market;

creates gold stock and fund of gemstones of the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of the Republic of Belarus and exercises control of them within the competence;

manages gold and foreign exchange reserves and other assets in the form of foreign currency, precious metals and gemstones within the competence;

performs currency control and currency exchange control according to the legislation;

governs credit relations;

regulates and will organize currency circulation;

establishes the official rates of Belarusian ruble in relation to foreign currencies;

performs functions of the financial agent of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and local executive and administrative organs concerning execution republican and local budgets;

establishes rules and procedure of banking activities;

approves in the procedure established by it issue of securities of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations in cases, stipulated by the legislation;

will organize activities of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company for issue and the circulation of bills of exchange if other is not determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus;

performs depository, dealer and broker activity according to the procedure, determined by the legislation;

governs the relations in the field of financial instruments of forward transactions, except for financial instruments, trade in which is performed at commodity exchanges, and derivative securities;

governs the relations arising in case of consolidation of money and (or) securities in fund of bank management based on trust management agreements of fund of bank management and also when functioning this fund, including determines essential conditions, procedure for the conclusion of the specified agreements, the rights, obligations and responsibility of the parties;

determines procedure for carrying out in the Republic of Belarus for calculations in non-cash and cash forms, including the amount of payments with cash in Belarusian rubles between legal entities, their separate divisions, individual entrepreneurs;

will organize collection and transportation of cash, transportation of other values;

establishes requirements to storage of precious metals, gemstones and other values;

performs settlement and (or) cash servicing of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the organizations which list is determined in the Charter of National Bank, and other organizations in the cases provided by legal acts;

establishes procedure for opening of accounts in precious metals and conditions of their maintaining in banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, and also condition of opening by residents of such accounts in banks and other credit institutions beyond its limits. For the purposes of of this Code the term "resident" matters, determined by subitem 1.11 of Item 1 of article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 22, 2003 No. 226-Z "About currency control and currency exchange control";

determines procedure of money transfers through systems of these translations, requests from participating banks of money transfer systems of the rule of functioning of these systems, agreements on participation in them, other information on activities of money transfer systems, carries out collection, systematization, information analysis about the sent and paid money transfers, conditions and methods of their implementation, other necessary information according to international treaties of the Republic of Belarus;

regulates activities of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations taking into account the principle of pro rata regulation;

exercises banking supervision;

exercises supervision of activities of "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company;

establishes procedure for state registration and liquidation of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations according to this Code and other legal acts and performs their state registration;

performs licensing of banking activity;

performs monitoring of financial stability;

performs macroprudential regulation concerning banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, and also other suppliers of financial services which regulation of activities is assigned to National Bank according to the legislation, the credit, deposit and currency markets, the payment market of the Republic of Belarus;

will organize functioning of the payment market of the Republic of Belarus, will organize functioning of the automated system of interbank calculations, and also establishes methods and procedure for ensuring obligation fulfillment, the bank payment cards arising in case of interbank calculations for transactions with use emitted by banks;

performs forming and development of single settlement and information space, determines procedure for functioning of single settlement and information space, including establishes the rights and obligations of his participants;

provides development of interbank system of identification (further – system of identification), adopts the regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for functioning of system of identification, the right and obligation of participants of system of identification and procedure for their connection to system of identification, order of interaction of participants of system of identification on submission of information in system of identification, to receipt of information from system of identification and to use of such information, takes other measures aimed at providing functioning of system of identification;

provides carrying out single state policy in the field of financial accounting, accounting (financial) records for National Bank, banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, the consolidated accounting (financial) records for banking groups, bank holdings;

performs common methodological directorship of financial accounting, the accounting (financial) records in National Bank, banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company consolidated by accounting (financial) records in banking groups, bank holdings, other powers in the field of financial accounting, accounting (financial) records according to legal acts;

develops and approves national accounting standards, accounting (financial) records and other regulatory legal acts on financial accounting, accounting (financial) records including determining accounting rules of the made transactions and the forming of the individual and consolidated accounting (financial) records obligatory for execution by National Bank, banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, banking groups, bank holdings (except for individual accounting (financial) statements of parent organizations of the bank holdings which are not banks, the non-bank credit and financial organizations);

establishes for banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company procedure for creation and form of the reporting on their activities;

conducts bank, monetary statistics, statistics of the financial market, paying balance, international investment line item, gross external debt of the Republic of Belarus, financial stability and posts official statistical information on the official site of National Bank on the global computer Internet;

carries out the analysis of paying balance, takes part in development of the forecast of paying balance by state bodies;

carries out the analysis and performs the forecast of situation in the monetary sphere and economy and on their basis if necessary posts the corresponding analytical materials on the official site of National Bank on the global computer Internet;

performs holding regular polls of the organizations for identification of tendencies of economic processes, their analysis and the forecast in interaction with instruments of monetary policy;

realizes state policy in the sphere of security activities of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company;

establishes for banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company mandatory requirements to safe functioning of objects and safety of rendering banking services, protection of information resources and information, distribution and (or) provision of which is limited if other is not provided by legal acts;

establishes requirements to technical capabilities of banks, non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, their branches, structural divisions and remote workplaces for carrying out banking activities, will organize technical regulation and standardization in the field of financial services and technologies, determines procedure for maintaining the register of program (program and technical) means of participants of the payment market of the Republic of Belarus and payment software applications of payment service providers;

exercises control of safety and protection of information resources in banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, agrees candidacies of heads of security services and economic safety, other divisions with similar functions (in case of their availability) banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company and determines procedure for such coordination;

establishes requirements to reproduction of images of banknotes and coins;

creates credit stories based on the credit stories of data on credit deals provided by sources of forming and provides credit reports to users of credit stories and subjects of credit stories;

signs agreements with the Central (national) Banks and credit institutions of foreign states;

performs according to legal acts regulation of leasing activities and control of compliance with law about leasing activities;

will organize work on increase in financial literacy of the population;

performs relations management, arising when implementing microfinancial activities;

performs relations management, arising in case of attraction of money by the non-profit microfinancial organizations from the members who are not founders;

exercises control of observance by the microfinancial organizations, and also legal entities who according to legal acts have the right to perform microfinancial activities, the legislation regulating procedure of microfinancial activities and attraction of money including by carrying out in the location of National Bank of checks based on studying of documents, the reporting and other information received by it according to the legislation without reclamation of other documents (cameral checks);

considers addresses of consumers of the services rendered by banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, the leasing and microfinancial organizations, legal entities who according to legal acts have the right to perform microfinancial activities operators of services of online borrowing, the address of consumers of the payment services rendered by payment service providers and in case of identification of violations of the rights of consumers directs instructions about the termination of violations of the rights of consumers, obligatory for execution by the specified organizations, or takes other measures according to legal acts, the consumer protection law;

approves the standards of financial services and technologies which are the technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, which are not relating to area of technical regulation and standardization and the establishing quantitative and (or) high-quality requirements to program and (or) to program technical means, their components, financial electronic messages and documents in electronic form, the user's interfaces, interfaces of programming of appendices, information security, information and digital technologies, classification systems and codings of information, terminology, to processes of development, designing, performance of works, rendering services and also terms and their determinations, classification of technical and economic and social information, form of provision of information, the rule, methods and methods of search, obtaining, transfer, collection, processing, accumulating, storage, distribution and (or) provision of information, uses of information and information security in the field of financial services and technologies;

determines procedure for sale by banks of commemorative banknotes, the commemorative and ingot (investment) coins which are legal means of payment of the Republic of Belarus, and also cases to them;

determines procedure for conducting check of authenticity of banknotes by banks by the statement of physical person;

determines procedure for use by National Bank of the banknotes and coins which were not in turnover, declared invalid (voided legal means of payment in the territory of the Republic of Belarus) and not subject to exchange, as souvenirs, including on representation purposes, and for sale as collecting object;

determines procedure for functioning of system of centralized exchange of interbank correspondence;

determines procedure for forming by banks of the fund of required reserves placed in National Bank;


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