of July 3, 2007 No. 775
About approval of Requirements "Bakery and pasta"
Based on the Law on foodstuff No. 78-XV of March 18, 2004. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 83-87, 431), with subsequent changes and amendments the Government DECIDES:
1. Approve Requirements "Bakery and pasta" it (is applied).
2. Determine what the above-stated Requirements becomes effective after three months from the date of publication.
3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the National agency on safety of foodstuff.
Prime Minister |
Vasile Tarlev |
Countersign: Minister of Agriculture and food industry |
Anatoliye Gorodenko |
Minister of Economy and Trade |
Igor Dodon |
Minister of Health |
Ion Ababy |
Approved by the Order of the Government of July 3, 2007, No. 775
1. Requirements "Bakery and pasta" (further - Requirements) establish the minimum requirements on quality and food safety which need to be observed in case of production and/or realization bakery and pasta of both domestic, and import production.
2. The minimum requirements established by these Requirements are not applied to bakery and to the pasta made in individual farms for own consumption and also to transit products or to temporarily warehoused as transit products if they do not pose threat for health of the population or for the environment.
3. In these Requirements the applied concepts mean the following:
pasta - the foodstuff received by mixing of wheat flour and water, with or without addition of auxiliary raw materials, produced by various methods of formation and drying;
group of pasta - the quality characteristic of pasta as wheat from which the flour used for their production was received;
grade (class) of pasta - the characteristic of pasta depending on quality of the flour used in case of their production;
type of pasta - the characteristic of pasta in form;
subtype of pasta - the characteristic of pasta in form and section;
type of pasta - the characteristic of pasta by the section size;
cut pasta - the pasta formed by cutting of test tape on part;
the pressed pasta - the pasta formed by means of macaroni press;
stamped pasta - the pasta formed from test tape by means of stamp;
macaroni matrix - the main working body of the equipment on production of macaroni determining type, subtype and type of pasta;
long pasta - pasta 200 mm long and more;
short pasta - pasta from 15 to 199 mm long;
tubular pasta - pasta in the form of direct tube, long or short, with smooth or corrugated surface, with direct or slanting cut on the ends, with cross section in the form of geometrical figures (round, square, triangular etc.);
filamentary pasta - pasta in the form of direct or curved threads, long or short, with direct or slanting cut on the ends, with round or oval cross section;
taenioid pasta - pasta in the form of narrow or wide tapes, with smooth or corrugated surface, from the ends and cross section of various form;
noodles - long or short taenioid pasta, direct or curved, narrow or wide, ordinary or double bent or formed in the form of "arch", "loop", "hanks", "bows", "nests";
lasagna - squared wide taenioid pasta, long or short;
gnocchi – pasta in the form of small trickled pastries, oval or round, in the form of flat cockleshells;
figured pasta - the flat or volume pasta having irregular shape (geometrical figures, letters, cockleshells, snails, combs, etc.);
double bent pasta - the long pasta which is dried up in the suspended type, having bend in the middle;
pasta in the form of "arch" - the short pasta formed in the form of not closed circle;
pasta in the form of "loop" - the short pasta formed in the form of the loop extended closed or not closed;
pasta in the form of "bow" - the long pasta formed in the form of figure "8";
pasta in the form of "hank" - the long pasta formed in the form of the wrong sphere formed as a result of winding of threads;
pasta in the form of "nest" - the long pasta formed in the form of "hank" with deepening in the middle;
kannellon - tubular pasta which can be filled with stuffing and which in most cases needs to be boiled previously;
ravioli - the pasta with gear edges filled with various stuffings, realized in the fresh or dried-up type;
macaroni - long or short tubular pasta, direct or curved, with direct cut on the ends;
horns - short curved or direct tubular pasta with direct cut on the ends;
feathers - short direct tubular pasta with slanting cut on the ends;
vermicelli - long or short filamentary pasta, direct or curved, ordinary or double, bent or formed in the form of "arch", "loop", "hanks", "bows", "nests";
spaghetti - long direct filamentary pasta with direct cut on the ends;
batch of pasta - no more than 10 tons of pasta of one group, grade, type and subtype developed on one processing line by one crew for one change;
batch of bakery products - quantity of bakery products of one type, one name which were developed by one crew during one change;
bakery products – the hearth or shaped food products developed from the processed products (the main raw materials for bread baking or from the main and auxiliary raw materials for bread baking). These products include: bread, rolls, bakeries of product, product from fancy bread, bakery products of the lowered humidity, products from puff pastry, wattled products, national products;
bread – bakery products of round or other form, depending on form in which pastries were made, made of the main raw materials, with additives or without additives of the auxiliary raw materials used for improvement of quality of bread, hearth or shaped with general content of mass fraction of fat and sugar in compounding of no more 7,0 of kg on 100 kg of flour;
product bakeries - the bakery products of the extended, elongated and oval or other form developed from the main raw materials with addition or without addition of the auxiliary raw materials used for improvement of quality of bakeries of products. These bakeries of product include: rolls, long loafs, croissants, pletenka;
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