Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since January 4, 2015 according to article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 30, 2014 No. 165-Z


of July 19, 2000 No. 426-Z

About measures for prevention of legalization of income gained in the criminal way and financings of terrorist activities

(as amended on 24-04-2014)

Accepted by the House of Representatives on June 9, 2000

Approved by Council of the Republic on June 30, 2000

This Law for the purpose of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, society and the state establishes legal and organizational basis of taking measures to prevention of legalization of income gained in the criminal way and financings of terrorist activities.

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1. The main terms and their determinations applied in this Law

The beneficial owner - the physical person (in case of impossibility of its establishment - the organization) who is owner of property of the organization or owns shares (shares) in authorized capital of the organization in the amount of, equal or exceeding 10 percent, including through other physical persons and (or) other organizations and has opportunity to influence the decisions made by it.

Internal control - set of measures for prevention and identification of the financial transactions connected with legalization of the income gained in the criminal way, and financing of terrorist activities accepted by persons performing financial transactions.

Income gained in the criminal way - the means received as a result of crime execution, and equally in income gained from use of the specified means.

Legalization of income gained in the criminal way - giving of lawful type to ownership, use and (or) the order of income gained in the criminal way for the purpose of concealment or misstatement of their origin, the location, placement, movement or their valid accessory including correlated to this income of the rights.

Persons performing financial transactions:

banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations;

professional participants of the security market;

persons who are engaged in exchange activities;

persons performing trade in precious metals and gemstones;

pawnshops, buying up Items;

insurance companies and insurance brokers;

organizers of lotteries and video interactive games;


the organizations which are rendering realtor services and taking part in the transactions connected with purchase and sale of real estate for the client;

the organizations, individual entrepreneurs, the rendering legal and (or) accounting services, the lawyers making from name or at the request of the client the financial transactions connected with purchase and sale of real estate; cash management, securities or other property; order bank accounts and (or) accounts of "depot"; creation of the organizations or their separate divisions or participation in management of them; acquisition or sale of the company as property complex;

operators of mail service;

organizers of gamblings;

the organizations performing state registration of real estate, the rights to it and transactions with it;

the organizations performing activities for cession of property in leasing;

other organizations, their separate divisions and individual entrepreneurs rendering services in obtaining, alienation, acquisition, payment, transfer, transportation, transfer, transfer, exchange and (or) storage of means, and also the faces certifying or registering civil transactions of participants of financial transaction.



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