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of April 12, 2004 No. 42

About approval "Rules of issue of special permission to the research and development works connected with use of sources of ionizing radiation", "Rules of issue of special permission to designing, production, placement, construction, operation and removal from operation of the installations which are considered as source of ionizing radiation, Items of storage of radioactive materials, storages of radioactive waste", "Rules of issue of special permission to designing and production of processing equipment, means of radiation safety for the installations considered as source of ionizing radiation, Items of storage of radioactive materials and storages of radioactive waste" and "Rules of issue of special permission to the works connected with production, production, processing, transportation of radioactive materials and their use"

(as amended on 13-05-2016)

According to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About radiation safety of the population" of August 19, 1998 No. 758 and item 4 of the Decree "About Modification and Amendments in Some Decrees and Orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and Recognition of Some Decrees Invalid" of October 23, 2003 980, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides No.:

1. Approve "Rules of issue of special permission to research and development works, connected with use of sources of ionizing radiation" "The rules of issue of special permission to designing, production, placement, construction, operation and removal from operation of the installations which are considered as source of ionizing radiation, Items of storage of radioactive materials, storages of radioactive waste", "Rules of issue of special permission to designing and production of processing equipment, means of radiation safety for installations, considered as source of ionizing radiation, Items of storage of radioactive materials and storages of radioactive waste" and "Rules of issue of special permission to the works connected with production, production, processing, transportation of radioactive materials and their use" (are attached).

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

Artur Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 12, 2004 No. 42

Rules of issue of special permission to the research and development works connected with use of sources of ionizing radiation

I. General provisions

1.1. These rules are prepared according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About radiation safety of the population" of February 19, 1998 No. 758 and item 4 of the Decree "About Modification and Amendments in Some Decrees and Orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and Recognition of Some Decrees Invalid" of October 23, 2003 No. 980 and determines rules of issue of special permission to the research and development works connected with use of sources of ionizing radiation.

1.2. According to these rules the special permission issued by the Ministry of emergency situations is the official document permiting to legal entities irrespective of pattern of ownership and legal form and also to the physical persons who are engaged in business activity without formation of legal entity (further - "applicants"), to be engaged in the activities specified in Item 1.1 of these rules.

1.3. Applicants can be engaged in the type of activity specified in special permission in accordance with the established procedure only after receipt of special permission according to these rules.

1.4. The owner of special permission can use the issued special permission (the copy of special permission) itself only, cannot give him to other persons and action of this special permission does not extend on legal entities whose founder is the owner of special permission, on other faces performing joint activities with the owner of special permission, including to persons performing activities based on the agreement on cooperation signed with it.

II. Procedure for issue of special permission

2.1. For receipt of special permission the applicant shall submit the following documents to the Ministry of emergency situations:

2.1.1. the statement on receipt of special permission;

Are specified in the statement:

* for legal entities - the name of the legal entity, its form of business, the legal address and type of activity performed with receipt of special permission; *

* for the physical persons who are engaged in business activity without formation of legal entity - name, middle name, surname, data on the identity document (series, number when also by whom it is issued, the address), the type of activity performed with receipt of special permission; *

2.1.2. copy of the certificate on state registration of the company;

2.1.3. the certificate on statement of the physical persons who are engaged in business activity on accounting in tax authority;

2.1.4. the document confirming the applicant's right to use of each of the objects specified in the statement (the property right, lease, use, etc. the bases);

2.1.5. the following documents answering to compulsory provisions ** and to the circumstances necessary for issue of special permission:

* the act of acceptance in operation of buildings, Items and storages for storage of the radioactive materials, the equipment and devices used for implementation of research and development works;

* the act of passing of technical expertize of safety of the installations which are considered as source of ionizing radiation and the certificate of the organization of physical protection of these installations;

* conclusion of the state environmental assessment;

* copies of documents (certificates - diplomas) about possession of applicants or their specialists of the corresponding specialty by the form activities for which issue of special permission is provided.


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