Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 5, 1995 No. 3848-XII

About ensuring unity of measurements

(as amended on 27-12-2024)

This Law determines legal and organizational basis of ensuring unity of measurements in the Republic of Belarus and is directed to regulation of the relations arising when ensuring unity of measurements and also to determination and carrying out single state policy in the field of ensuring unity of measurements.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The main terms used in this Law and their determinations

1. For the purposes of this Law the following main terms and their determinations are used:

1.1. certification of techniques (methods) of measurements - work by metrological assessment during which researches and confirmation of conformity of techniques (methods) of measurements to metrological requirements to measurements, and also the appointment are conducted;

1.2. the state checking of measuring instrument (further - the state checking) - the checking of the measuring instrument intended for application in case of measurements in the sphere of legislative metrology, performed by the authorized legal entity or other legal entity of the Republic of Belarus (further - the legal entity), authorized State committee on standardization (further - Gosstandart) according to this Law on implementation of the state checking;

1.3. The state information fund for ensuring unity of measurements - the republican state information resource containing data of the State register of national standards of units of sizes of the Republic of Belarus, the State register of measuring instruments and standard samples of the Republic of Belarus, other information which structure is established by this Law;

1.4. the state metrological supervision - the activities directed to the warning, identification and suppression of violations of the law of ensuring unity of measurements in the sphere of legislative metrology by the legal entities, individual entrepreneurs registered in the Republic of Belarus (further - individual entrepreneurs), and other subjects determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus, participating in the relations in the field of ensuring unity of the measurements regulated by the legislation on ensuring unity of measurements;

1.5. the state verificator - the worker of the authorized legal entity or other legal entity, the representative Gosstandartom according to this Law on implementation of the state checking which competence of implementation of the state checking is certified by obligatory confirmation of conformity of competence of personnel of carrying out certain works and who is appointed these legal entities for implementation of the state checking;

1.6. The state register of national standards of units of sizes of the Republic of Belarus - set of data on national standards of units of sizes;

1.7. The state register of measuring instruments and standard samples of the Republic of Belarus - set of data on measuring instruments and standard samples on which decisions on approval like measuring instrument and are made on approval like standard sample, the issued certificates on approval like measuring instrument and on approval like standard sample;

1.8. size unit - the size of the fixed size to which the numerical value equal to unit and which is applied to quantitative expression of sizes, uniform with it, is conditionally appropriated;

1.9. unity of measurements - condition of measurements in case of which results of these measurements are expressed in units of sizes allowed to application in the Republic of Belarus metrological traceability is provided, and indicators of accuracy of measurements do not overstep the established bounds with the set probability;

1.10. measurement - process of experimental receipt of one or more quantitative values of size which can be reasonably attributed to size;

1.11. calibration of measuring instrument (further - calibration) - work by metrological assessment during which the ratio between the value of size received with use of measuring instrument or standard of unit of size, and value of the size reproduced and (or) stored by national standard of unit of size, standard of unit of size of the same sort or standard sample for the purpose of determination of the valid metrological characteristics of measuring instrument is established;

1.12. The International System of Units (SI) - the system of units accepted by the General conference on measures and scales, based on the International system of sizes and including names and designations, sets of prefixes, their names, designation and the rule of application;

1.13. technique (method) of measurements - set of the described transactions in case of measurements which accomplishment provides results of measurements with the established indicators of accuracy of measurements;

1.14. metrological assessment - set of works, the measurements taken for the purpose of ensuring unity;

1.15. metrological traceability - property of result of measurement according to which this result can be correlated to national standard of unit of size or other basis for comparison through documentary indissoluble chain of checkings of measuring instruments and (or) calibrations;

1.16. metrological service - set organizationally and (or) the legal entities who are functionally connected among themselves, their structural divisions or structural division of state body, other legal entity which activities are aimed at providing unity of measurements;

1.17. the metrological characteristic of measuring instrument - the characteristic of one of properties of measuring instrument influencing result of measurements;

1.18. metrological examination - work by metrological assessment during which the analysis and assessment of correctness and completeness of application of the metrological requirements connected with ensuring unity of measurements are carried out;

1.19. metrological requirements - quantitative and (or) high-quality requirements (verbal and (or) digital indicators, standard rates, rules, classifications, verbal and graphical descriptions) to the characteristics of properties of national standards of units of sizes, standards of units of sizes, standard samples, measuring instruments, techniques (methods) of measurements influencing result of measurements and to conditions under which these characteristics shall be provided, and also to the measured products parameters;

1.20. metrological audit - work according to the analysis of ensuring unity of measurements in case of production, performance of works and (or) rendering services;

1.21. metrology - science about measurements, methods and means of ensuring of their unity, methods of achievement of required accuracy of measurements;

1.22. national metrological institute - the legal entity subordinated to Gosstandart to who functions on carrying out basic and applied scientific research in the field of metrology are assigned, to enhancement of scientific and methodical bases of ensuring unity of measurements and other functions in the field of ensuring unity of measurements according to this Law, other acts of the legislation, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, and also the international legal acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union (further, unless otherwise specified, - the right of the Eurasian Economic Union);

1.23. national standard of unit of size - the size unit standard approved by Gosstandart and held for use as basis for attributing of value of size to other standards of units of sizes of the same sort;

1.24. ensuring unity of measurements - the activities directed to achievement and maintenance of unity of measurements according to requirements of the legislation on ensuring unity of measurements, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, and also the right of the Eurasian Economic Union;

1.25. mandatory metrological requirements - the metrological requirements specified in the description like measuring instrument or the description like standard sample and obligatory for observance in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

1.26. primary reference technique (method) of measurements - technique (method) of measurements which is implemented in the Republic of Belarus with the highest accuracy of measurements at the single legal entity on one set of the equipment is applied to assessment of correctness of results of the measurements received with use of other techniques (methods) of measurements of the same sizes including reference, allows to receive results of measurements without their metrological traceability to units of sizes of the same sort and is approved by Gosstandart as primary reference technique (method) of measurements;

1.27. transfer of unit of size - reduction of the size of the size stored by measuring instrument to unit of the size reproduced and (or) stored by standard of this unit of size or standard sample;

1.28. the verificator - the worker of the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur who is appointed these the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur for implementation of checking of measuring instrument, or the individual entrepreneur, the unities of measurements having necessary qualification in the field of providing;

1.29. checking of measuring instrument (further - checking) - work by metrological assessment during which measuring instrument compliance to mandatory metrological requirements proves to be true;

1.30. registration of measuring instrument - entering of information on results of the state checking into the State information fund for ensuring unity of measurements;


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