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The document ceased to be valid since  December 29, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 26, 2018 No. 1279


of August 6, 2007 No. 888

About issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects

(as amended on 21-11-2018)

Based on Articles 11, 12, 15-17 Laws on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding of N149-XVI of June 8, 2006. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2006, Art. N126-131, 597) DECIDES: the Government


Regulations on issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects according to the appendix N1;

changes and additions which are made to some orders of the Government, according to the appendix N2.

Prime Minister

Vasile Tarlev


Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources


Konstantin Mikhaylesku

Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 6, 2007 No. 888

Regulations on issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects

1. The regulations on issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects (further - the Provision) establish procedure for permission of industrial / commercial fishing, sports and amateur fishing and fishing in the scientific and control purposes, and also the size of rates for industrial/commercial and sports and amateur fishing in natural fishery water objects.

2. Fishing in natural rabokhozyaystvenny water objects is performed based on the certificate on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing, tickets for industrial / commercial fishing and tickets for sports and amateur fishing issued by Service of fish conservation.

3. The service of fish conservation publishes on the official web page of the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment, till December 1, the list of natural fishery water objects and/or their sites where industrial/commercial fishing next year, and the annual quotas approved for industrial/commercial fishing will be resolved.

4. For receipt of the certificate on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing applicants represent to Service of fish conservation, till December 15, the following documents:

1) the statement with indication of the requested site and annual quota;

2) the statement about registration of the company issued by the Agency of the state services - for economic agents.

5. Certificates on issue of annual quota for industrial / commercial fishing in natural fishery water objects are distributed by Service of fish conservation on the basis of the applications submitted by physical persons and legal entities till December 15 inclusive after submission of the bank documents confirming payment of the rate for industrial/commercial fishing established in Item 17 of this provision.

6. Certificates on issue of annual quota for industrial / commercial fishing in natural fishery water objects and tickets for industrial/commercial fishing (for employees according to the list provided by the owner of the certificate) are issued to applicants within 5 days from the date of payment of rate for industrial/commercial fishing and are valid within one year.

7. In the certificate on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing in natural fishery water objects (appendix No. 1 to the Provision) are specified the allocated water subject or its site, name or the name of the owner of the certificate, the fishing quota, date of issue, effective period and tackles permitted for use.

8. If before the expiration established in item 4 of this provision more applications for industrial/commercial fishing on the same natural fishery water object or the site were submitted, the auction for sale of certificates on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing will be organized.

9. In the case specified in Item 8 of this provision, the Service of fish conservation creates the order, within no more than 5 days from the last day filing of applications, the commission on the organization of auction for sale of certificates on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing in natural fishery water objects.

The commission on the organization of auction consists of 5 people, including two representatives of the central governing body of natural resources and environmental protections (the commission chairman and the secretary appointed as obliges), one representative of scientific institutions, one representative of the state company "Acvacultura-Moldova" and one representative of non-governmental organizations.

The commission holds auction within three days from the date of its creation, informing applicants at least a day before holding the auction on date, time and the place of its carrying out.

The winner determines the participant of auction who offered the highest price for the certificate on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing in natural fishery water object / site proceeding from the original price specified in Item 17 of this provision.

Results of auction are entered in the minutes signed by all members of tender committee which copy is issued to the winner in day of holding the auction.

If participants of auction offer the same price, the commission within three days declares holding new auction.

If in this case participants of auction offer the same price, the winner of auction is determined by lot or in a different way, accepted by participants of auction about what it is specified in the protocol and makes sure signatures of participants of auction.

If the winner of auction did not pay the established annual quota of catch to three-day time from the date of the announcement of results of auction, the certificate is issued to the participant of auction who offered the price following in decreasing order.

10. Industrial/commercial fishing practices the fishers hired by the owner of the certificate on issue of annual quota for industrial/commercial fishing on the basis of the tickets for fishing (appendix No. 2 to this Provision) issued by Service of fish conservation.

11. Sports and amateur fishing is performed on the basis of the tickets (appendix No. 3 to the Provision) issued by Service of fish conservation based on statements at the time of payment of dachshund by cash with entering of data from the identity certificate into the register of accounting.

12. Permission to fishing in the scientific purposes (appendix No. 4 to the Provision) is issued by the central governing body of natural resources and environmental protections within 5 days from the date of filing of application, for the works included in the programs/plans approved with scientific institutions of Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Fishing is performed only in the presence of the representative of Service of fish conservation.


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