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of October 26, 2005 No. 1185

About types of metering devices

(as amended on 20-01-2022)

Based on part four of Item 1 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of August 27, 2008 "About state regulation of production and turnover of alcoholic, non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 429-Z

1. Determine types of metering devices by types of production of alcoholic, non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of entry into force of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of September 9, 2005 No. 11 "About enhancement of state regulation of production, turnover and advertizing of alcoholic, non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 142, 1/6770).

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Sidorsky

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 26, 2005 No. 1185

Types of metering devices by types of production of alcoholic, non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol

Production types

Types of metering devices of alcoholic, non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol

1. Production of alcoholic beverages in consumer packaging which pouring is performed on automatic processing lines

counters (system of accounting) of piece alcohol-containing products

2. Production of alcoholic beverages in souvenir packaging, kegs keg, other types of consumer packaging which pouring is performed on non-automatic processing lines

liquid counters

3. Production of the food spirit semifinished products ( except for fruits and berries in alcohol-sugar solution) intended for leave between the legal entity of the Republic of Belarus and its branches or separate divisions located out of the place of its stay or between such branches and (or) separate divisions and also the food spirit semifinished products intended for wholesale trade ( except for fruits and berries in alcohol-sugar solution), alcoholic beverages without consumer packaging


4. Production of the ethyl alcohol received from food raw materials

the liquid counters combined with the liquid analyzer

5. Production of the ethyl rectified technical alcohol


6. Production of the ethyl denatured alcohol received from food or non-food raw materials

liquid counters

7. Production of non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol ( except for the ethyl rectified technical alcohol, the ethyl denatured alcohol received from food or non-food raw materials) in consumer packaging which pouring is performed on automatic processing lines

counters (system of accounting) of piece alcohol-containing products

8. Production of non-food alcohol-containing products and non-food ethyl alcohol ( except for the ethyl rectified technical alcohol, the ethyl denatured alcohol received from food or non-food raw materials) in consumer packaging which pouring is performed on non-automatic processing lines, and also without consumer packaging

liquid counters


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