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The document ceased to be valid since December 27, 2014 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 17, 2014 No. 1185.


of October 16, 2007 No. 1341

About approval of the Regulations on medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts and recognition voided some orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and their separate provisions

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 24.04.2014 No. 391)

According to part two of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 11, 1991 "About social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Belarus" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts.

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 1992 No. 801 "About approval of the Regulations on medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts" (the joint venture of the Republic of Belarus, 1992, No. 36, the Art. 678);

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 11, 1998 No. 1427 "About modification of the Regulations on medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts";

item 4 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 18, 2002 No. 641 "About creation of Republican interdepartmental advisory council on establishment of causal relationship of the diseases which resulted in disability or death at persons which were affected by catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents and as a result of production and testing of nuclear weapon" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 59, 5/10479);

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 14, 2006 No. 1217 "About authority delegation of the Government of the Republic of Belarus to the Ministry of Health on acceptance of regulatory legal act" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 151, 5/22948).

3. To the Ministry of Health:

till October 31, 2007 to adopt in accordance with the established procedure the regulatory legal act establishing procedure and criteria of determination of group and the reason of disability, the list of the medical indications granting the right to social pensions on handicapped children aged up to 18 years and extent of loss of their health;

in three-months time to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution and to take other measures directed to implementation of this resolution.

4. This resolution becomes effective since October 31, 2007, except for Item 3 and this Item which become effective from the date of adoption of this resolution.


First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

V. Semashko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 16, 2007 No. 1341

Regulations on medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to part two of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 11, 1991 "About social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Belarus" (Vyarkhounaga Savet's Vedamastsi of Respubliki Belarus, 1991, No. 34, Art. 611; The National register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, 69, 2/193) also regulates No. on row of creation and activities of medico-rehabilitation commissions of experts.

2. The medico-rehabilitation commission of experts (further - MREK) is State Healthcare Institution which performs:

survey of citizens for the purpose of conducting examination of violation of activity of citizens (further - medico-social examination) according to the procedure and the terms established by the Ministry of Health;

determination of specific amounts, types and terms of holding rehabilitation actions to the citizens who passed the medico-social examination in cases, stipulated by the legislation; accounting and analysis of structure of disability.

3. MREK is created in each area and Minsk and is respectively under supervision of management of health care of regional executive committee, Healthcare Committee of the Minsk Gorispolkom (further - management of health care, Healthcare Committee), has seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus.

4. MREK performs the activities based on got in established after row of special permission (license).

5. MREK in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, behind games and other acts of the legislation, including this Provision and the Charter of MREK. The charter of MREK affirms the chief of the relevant management of health care, the chairman of Healthcare Committee.

6. The structure of MREK includes the following structural and (or) separate divisions (branches):

the central commissions, specialized (cardiological, oncological, ortopedo-traumatologic, pediatric, pulmonary, ophthalmologic and others), interdistrict (district, city) the commissions (further - the commissions); medico-employment rehabilitation offices;

other structural and (or) separate divisions (branches) providing activities of MREK.

7. The number of the commissions in MREK is determined from calculation:

one central commission on 4 interdistrict (district, city) and (or) ad hoc commissions;

one interdistrict (district, city) the commission on 90 thousand people living in the area (city) of servicing of the commission on condition of conducting medico-social examination of 1,8-2 of one thousand people a year.

Ad hoc commissions are created for conducting medico-social examination in case of diseases, the most widespread in this territory.

8. Specialized, interdistrict (district, city) the commissions perform the activities for territorial sign (within the served territory) or on profile of diseases depending on structure of incidence and (or) disability of citizens.

9. Management of MREK is performed by the chief physician who is appointed to position and is dismissed by the head of department of health care of regional executive committee, the chairman of Healthcare Committee of the Minsk Gorispolkom.

10. Chief physician of MREK:

directs activities of MREK;

MREK according to the legislation and the Charter of MREK acts without power of attorney on behalf, represents the interests of MREK in the relations with state bodies, legal entities and physical persons;

issues orders and instructs, MREK, obligatory for all workers;

makes decisions on creation and liquidation of structural and (or) separate divisions (branches) of MREK;

approves structure and the staff list MREK according to the approximate regular standard rates of health and other workers of MREK approved by the Ministry of Health;

employs and discharges employees of MREK from office, encourages and applies to them measures of authority punishment;

approves job responsibilities of employees of MREK;


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