of June 1, 2004 No. 260
About Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and Regulations on the Russian Government Office
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation;
Regulations on the Russian Government Office.
2. To the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia - to the Chief of staff of the Government of the Russian Federation to approve the Instruction on clerical work in the Russian Government Office, being guided by the Federal constitutional Law "About the Government of the Russian Federation", the Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Russian Government Office and other acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Regulations on the Russian Government Office of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
4. Recognize invalid:
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 18, 1998 No. 604 "Questions of the organization of activities of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, No. 27, the Art. 3176);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2000 No. 760 "About Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and Regulations on the Russian Government Office" (The Russian Federation Code, 2000, No. 41, the Art. 4091);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2004 No. 152 "About representation of interests of the Government of the Russian Federation in courts of law and Arbitration Courts" (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, No. 15, the Art. 1444);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2004 No. 226 "About the governmental and interdepartmental coordinating and advisory bodies formed by the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies" (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, No. 18, the Art. 1765).
Russian Prime Minister
M. Fradkov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2004, No. 260
1. These Regulations according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Law "About the Government of the Russian Federation", other Federal Laws and presidential decrees of the Russian Federation establish rules of the organization of activities of the Government of the Russian Federation (further - the Government) on realization of its powers.
Rules of the organization of activities of federal executive bodies for realization of their powers, and also rules of the organization of interaction of the federal ministries with the Federal Services and federal agencies which are under their authority are established by regulations of the federal ministries, other federal executive bodies according to the standard regulations approved by the Government.
The procedure for the organization of project activities in the Government is established according to the regulations on the organization of project activities in the Government approved by the Government. The rules of the organization of activities of the Government established by these Regulations are applied to project activities in the part which is not contradicting the regulations on the organization of project activities in the Government approved by the Government.
Preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts of the Government is performed according to the plans of preparation of regulatory legal acts of the Government for the next calendar year which are annually approved by heads of federal executive bodies.
In plans regulatory legal acts of the Government which development is directly not provided by legal acts of the Russian Federation, orders or instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, and also orders of the Russian Prime Minister are subject to inclusion.
Modification of plans is performed by federal executive bodies in coordination with Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia according to distribution of obligations.
The term determined in the days is estimated in calendar days if term is not established in the working days. At the same time day which is not recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the output, non-working festive and (or) non-working day is considered the working day.
2. The main activities of the Government are determined by the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister will organize work of the Government, conducts meetings of the Government, systematically holds meetings with members of the government, heads of the state committees, Federal Services and federal agencies (further - other federal executive bodies), bodies and the organizations under the Government on which he considers the course of accomplishment of programs and plans of activities of the Government, orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation - to the Government, makes decisions on operational issues.
The Prime Minister systematically informs the President of the Russian Federation on work of the Government.
Deputy Prime Ministers (according to distribution of obligations) consider specific questions of activities of the Government, coordinate activities of federal executive bodies, provide execution of decisions of the President of the Russian Federation by them and the Governments, participate in need of meetings of boards of these bodies.
3. The government on the basis and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Laws, the Federal Laws (further - the Federal Laws), decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to the Government issues resolutions and the orders obligatory to execution in the Russian Federation.
Acts of the Government are signed by the Prime Minister, become effective and are subject to publication according to the procedure, established by the Federal Law.
Acts of the Government on the questions which are subject to the decision only at meetings of the Government are issued only after their consideration at meeting.
4. The government within the powers will organize execution of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, international treaties of the Russian Federation, exercises systematic control of their execution by federal executive bodies and executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation (regarding the powers performed by executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation within maintaining the Russian Federation and powers of the Russian Federation in objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation), takes measures for elimination of violations of the law of the Russian Federation.
5. The government for the purpose of control of execution of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and decisions of the Government hears at the meetings federal ministers, heads of other federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the Government, other federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the President of the Russian Federation (within competence of the Government), and also heads of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation (regarding the powers performed by executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation within maintaining the Russian Federation and powers of the Russian Federation in objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation), gives assessment to activities of the specified bodies and relevant organizations, makes decisions on cancellation or on suspension of operation of acts of federal executive bodies, on introduction to the President of the Russian Federation of offers on suspension of operation of acts of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, about attraction to disciplinary responsibility of the officials appointed to position and dismissed by the Government makes to the President of the Russian Federation offers on attraction to disciplinary responsibility of the officials appointed to position and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.
6. In the Government drafts of the Federal Laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government, and in the cases provided by the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government - drafts of other acts, and also drafts of the conclusions, official responses and amendments of the Government are subject to consideration.
According to the order (specifying) of the President of the Russian Federation, and also according to proposals of members of the government, heads of other federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government in the Government other documents on the questions which are not requiring adoption of the relevant acts can be considered.
Consideration in the Government of drafts of acts and other documents for the purposes of these Regulations is their consideration at meetings of the Government and without convocation of meetings of the Government, at meetings of coordinating and advisory bodies under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, one of Deputy Prime Ministers or the Deputy Prime Minister - the Chief of staff of the Government, and also consideration by the Prime Minister or his deputies at meetings or solely.
7. The drafts of acts and other documents specified in Item 6 of these Regulations can be submitted for consideration in the Government by members of the government, heads of other federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government, or persons fulfilling their duties. Drafts of the conclusions, official responses and amendments of the Government can be submitted for consideration in the Government by secretaries of state - deputy managers of federal executive bodies.
Drafts of acts on the questions carried to maintaining Government Commission on Administrative Reform and Government commission on digital development, use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity can be submitted for consideration in the Government by said commissions.
7(1). The documents which are subject to consideration in the Government are introduced by the officials specified in Item 7 of these Regulations in the form of the electronic documents (except as specified, when documents contain the data which are the state secret, or data of confidential nature) signed by these officials with use of the strengthened qualified digital signature, in accordance with the established procedure with observance of requirements of information security.
In the absence of possibility of observance of established procedure of exchange of documents in electronic form and requirements of information security the documents signed by officials with own hand are introduced on paper.
The documents containing the data which are the state secret, or data of confidential nature are introduced with observance of requirements of information security, and also the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret.
8. In the Government orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the drafts of acts and other documents sent in accordance with the established procedure to the Government by Administration of the President of the Russian Federation are also considered.
9. Results of consideration in the Government of drafts of acts and other documents are drawn up by acts of the Government, protocols of meetings of the Government, coordinating and advisory bodies under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, one of Deputy Prime Ministers or the Deputy Prime Minister - the Chief of staff of the Government, protocols of meetings with the Prime Minister and his deputies, resolutions of the Prime Minister and his deputies or other documents signed by them.
9(1). Documents go Government office in electronic form (except as specified when documents contain the data which are the state secret, or data of confidential nature), are signed by officials with use of the strengthened qualified digital signature in accordance with the established procedure with observance of requirements of information security.
In the absence of possibility of observance of established procedure of exchange of documents in electronic form and requirements of information security the documents signed by officials with own hand go on paper.
The documents containing the data which are the state secret, or data of confidential nature go with observance of requirements of information security, and also the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret.
10. Appeals to the Government, not stipulated in Item 6 these Regulations or brought by the heads of bodies who are not specified in Items 7 and 8 of these Regulations go Government office to public authorities and local government bodies in electronic form with observance of requirements, stipulated in Item 9(1) these Regulations, for consideration and decision making according to their powers.
11. The appeals to the Government containing offers on adoption of the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, other decisions of the Government go in electronic form with observance of requirements, stipulated in Item 9(1) these Regulations, to the federal ministries, other federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government, according to spheres of maintaining the corresponding federal executive bodies. The specified bodies carry out study of addresses, make relevant decisions within the competence, if necessary introduce to the Government in accordance with the established procedure drafts of acts according to which the solution of the Government is required, and inform applicants on results of consideration.
About results of consideration of offers on objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation brought in accordance with the established procedure by legislative (representative) or executive bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation, relevant organs are informed by the federal ministries, other federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government, in time no more than 1 month with submission to the Government of the copy of the answer.
The organization of study of the offers of Advisory council which arrived in the Government under the Government of the Russian Federation (further - Advisory council) and preparation in need of drafts of orders of the Prime Minister and his deputies (according to distribution of obligations) on them are performed by Government office.
12. The appeals of public authorities, local government bodies, other organizations containing claims to unsatisfactory work of heads of federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the Government with the corresponding conclusion of Government office not later than are submitted within 10-day term to the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Ministers (according to distribution of obligations).
The addresses containing claims to unsatisfactory work of heads of federal executive bodies which management of activities is performed by the President of the Russian Federation are sent for consideration in Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
The addresses containing claims to unsatisfactory work of heads of other federal executive bodies subordinated to the federal ministries go Government office to the corresponding federal ministers in electronic form with observance of requirements, stipulated in Item 9(1) these Regulations.
The addresses containing information on actions (failure to act) of heads of the federal executive bodies containing essential elements of offense or administrative offense go to the relevant state bodies for decision making according to the procedure, provided by the procedural legislation, in electronic form with observance of requirements, stipulated in Item 9(1) these Regulations.
13. Acts of the Government, protocols of the meetings and meetings held in the Government are drawn up and distributed to the resolution of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers on the documents considered in the Government by Government office in electronic form with observance of requirements, stipulated in Item 9(1) these Regulations.
14. Control of execution of the orders containing in acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, protocols of the meetings and meetings held in the Government, resolutions of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers will be organized by Government office. The government office stops control of execution of orders based on the decisions made by the Prime Minister, his deputies (according to distribution of obligations) or the Deputy Prime Minister - the Chief of staff of the Government, informs contractors.
15. Access of mass media to information on activities of the Government is provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulating questions of ensuring access to information on activities of state bodies and local government bodies, taking into account the features established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on mass media.
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