Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

Registered by

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan

of June 21, 2007 No. 274

Approved by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 28, 2007, No. 28

Procedure for carrying out (public) discussion of projects of rates for goods (works, services) subjects of natural monopoly

This procedure is developed according to requirements of article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About natural monopolies" (further the Law) and determines rules and methods of representation, consideration, discussion and approval of rates (price) of goods (works and services) of subjects of natural monopolies.

1. Subjects of natural monopolies in a month prior to the beginning of the introduction in action of rates for goods (works, service) the sphere to submit documents for consideration in case of need introduction change and to make regulation of rates for review in regulating authority of activities of subjects natural monopolies (further authorized body).

2. In case of review of rates at the initiative of authorized body the subject natural monopolies shall from the moment of the requirement of authorized body provide economically proved data, the calculations and other information necessary for approval of new rate in a month.

3. The project of rates for goods (service work) of subjects natural monopolies is considered by authorized body within one month, on condition of timely provision of necessary documents and economically reasonable calculations according to requirements of article 6 of this Law (taking into account date of submission of the last document).

4. In case of provision the offer on change of applicable fares by subjects of natural monopolies, authorized body in the right:

- carry out economic, financial and if necessary technical expertize of projects of rates;

- prepare the project preliminary the decision on the basis of examination on the offered rates of goods (works, service) subjects of natural monopolies.

5. In case of carrying out public discussion the authorized body after preliminary approval shall make the decision and not later than three days to publish information on date and the place of their carrying out in printing editions.

6. Public discussion are carried out not late than in 10 days prior to acceptance of the final decision on approval of rates for goods (works, services) the subject natural monopolies.

7. In the course of public discussion the authorized body and representatives of subjects of natural monopolies state essence and need change of rates to all participants, report regulations of tariff projects, answer questions of participants and take their statements and offers into account.

8. After carrying out public discussion of the project of rates the decision on approval of rates, taking into account all participants stated opinion is passed.

9. The final decision on approval of rates for goods (works, services) subjects of natural monopolies shall be directed to the subject natural monopolies no later than 30 days till the moment their introduction to action.

10. The subject natural monopolies shall inform consumers information about change of rates not later than 20 days before introduction them in action.

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