of February 6, 2006 No. 128
About approval of Technical requirements to rooms and objects in which drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors are stored
According to the Law on turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors of N382-XIV of May 6, 1999 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 1999, Art. N73-77, 339) DECIDES: the Government
Approve Technical requirements psychotropic substances and/or precursors (are applied) to rooms and objects in which drugs are stored.
Prime Minister |
Vasile Tarlev |
Countersign: Minister of Internal Affairs |
George Papuk |
Minister of Health and Social Affairs |
Ion Ababy |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 6, 2006 No. 128
1. Technical requirements to rooms and objects in which drugs are stored psychotropic substances and/or precursors (further - Requirements) are developed according to the Law on turnover of narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors of N382-XIV of May 6, 1999, other regulations regulating drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and/or precursors and also with the international acts ratified by the Republic of Moldova.
2. These Requirements provide measures of technical strengthening and determine the basic principles of creation of the mnogorubezhny security and fire-proof systems of the alarm system intended for protection of rooms and objects in which drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors are stored.
3. In these Requirements the following concepts are used:
boundary of the security alarm system - loop or set of the loops of the alarm system intended for control of perimeter of the protected zone, the building or the room when which overcoming the corresponding notice on penetration is issued;
system of the disturbing alarm system - set jointly the operating technical means allowing to give automatically or manually alarm signals on the panel of centralized protection of law-enforcement bodies during attack on object during its work.
4. Rooms and objects in which drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors are stored shall have the external walls equivalent on durability to brick walls, at least 510 mm thick partition at least 150 mm thick, equivalent on durability to brick walls, the floors and overlappings equivalent on durability to steel concrete plate, at least 100 mm thick.
5. Walls, the ceiling overlappings, floors which are not meeting the specified requirements from the inside on all area shall be strengthened by steel lattices with diameter of rods of 10 mm and cells of 150х150 mm in size.
6. Entrance doors of rooms in which drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors are stored shall be operational, at least 40 mm thick, have two dead locks. Doors are upholstered from two parties with sheet iron thickness of at least 0,6 of mm. The doorway from the inside is in addition protected by trellised metal doors from steel rod with a diameter of 16 mm with cells of 150х150 mm. Windows are equipped with metal lattice from rod with a diameter of 16 mm with cells of 150х150 mm.
Application of the decorative lattices, on durability which are not yielding to standard requirements is allowed.
7. Objects and rooms for possession of drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors are equipped with autonomous means of the alarm system and fire extinguishing according to standard rates of NCM. E. 03.03-2003 "Dotarea cl=dirilor [i instala\iilor cu sisteme autonome de semnalizare [i stingere an incendiilor" and NCM. E. 03.05-2004 "Instala\ii autonome de stingere [i semnalizare an incendiilor. Normativ pentru proiectare".
8. Objects and rooms for possession of drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors are without fail equipped with mnogorubezhny alarm systems according to the methodological and technical regulations of designing and installation of the security alarm system provided by the Order of the Government N667 of July 8, 2005. Each boundary of the security alarm system is connected separately to the panel of centralized observation.
9. The first boundary of the security alarm system protects perimeters of rooms and objects - window and doorways, ventilating channels and other elements of object - or the rooms available to penetration from outer side.
Doors and windows are protected by the alarm system on "opening" and "destruction". Non-capital walls, ceilings, places of input of communications are protected by the alarm system on "breach". Main walls, ventilating box are protected by the alarm system on "destruction" and "shock impact".
10. The unobstructed capacities and floor area and objects used for possession of drugs or psychotropic substances are protected by additional boundary of the security alarm system. For this purpose as devices and announcers ultrasonic, radio wave announcers, decoders and optical-electronic systems are applied.
11. In mnogorubezhny systems of protection it is necessary to use the reception survey meters providing control of loops of the alarm system in case of loss of power supply.
12. In case of shutdown of network food operability of reception survey meters, sensors and announcers of one of alarm system boundaries shall be provided.
13. On the large objects intended for possession of drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors use of the principle of "small concentration" with installation of concentrators of small reservoir in check-points connection them is allowed to panels of centralized observation.
14. Workplaces of the personnel making transactions with drugs, psychotropic substances and/or precursors and also storages are equipped with the disturbing alarm system intended for signaling of alarm in law-enforcement bodies in case of attack in working hours.
15. Requirements of Item 14 do not extend to the pharmaceutical institutions having licenses for retail sale of the psychotropic substances included in the N3 list of the table 3, and the precursors included in the table 4, approved by the Order of the Government N1088 of October 5, 2004. "About approval of tables and lists of the narcotic, psychotropic substances and precursors which are subject to control.
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