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Agreement on forming of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

of May 25, 2007

The State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States on behalf of the governments which are hereinafter referred to as with the Parties

considering great value of power industry for development of economy, growth in prosperity and level of social security of the population of the states,

for the purpose of increase in energy security of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS,

proceeding from objective requirement of combination of the efforts directed to forming to the CIS of the legal space allowing to provide fair competition, creation of conditions for increase in efficiency and competitiveness of economy and electric power industries of the State Parties of the CIS

aiming at further development of interstate cooperation, growth of amounts of foreign trade, use of the international experience and standards in the field of power industry,

being guided by the Agreement on ensuring parallel work of electric utility systems of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of November 25, 1998,

based on the Concept of forming of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States approved by the Decision of Council of CIS Heads of Government of November 25, 2005 (further - the Concept),

agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the purposes of this agreement the following determinations are used:

the total electrical power market of the State Parties Sngsistema of the relations between subjects of the State Parties of this agreement, connected with purchase and sale of the electric power and the accompanying services, acting on the basis of the general rules and the relevant agreements;

electrical energy - special type the goods which are characterized by simultaneity of its production and consumption and requiring permanent and continuous maintenance of its parameters in the set limits;

business entity - the legal entity performing according to the national legal system of the state one or several types of activity connected with production, transfer or distribution of electrical energy, and also its purchase and sale;

competent authority - the body appointed by each Party for coordination of the works connected with implementation of this agreement.

Article 2

The parties consider the priority direction of development of the interstate relations in the field of power industry creation of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS.

Article 3

The total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS is created for the purpose of forming of single market space in the field of power industry of the State Parties of the Commonwealth which is based on the principles of equality, fair competition and mutual advantage.

Article 4

The parties are recognized that creation of the total electrical power market is directed to improvement of quality of servicing and ensuring reliability of electric utility service of consumers in the State Parties of the CIS on the basis of use of economic, technical and technological benefits of parallel work of electric utility systems.

Article 5

The parties agreed that the Concept is the fundamental document for development of regulating legal documents of the created total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS.

Article 6

The parties provide harmonization of the national legal system in the field of power industry, and also other transformations necessary for creation of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS according to the Concept.

Article 7

The parties perform the step-by-step forming of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS providing possibility of gradual adaptation of economy of the State Parties of the Commonwealth to conditions of emerging market, observance of measures for reliable ensuring electric utility service of consumers and to improvement of ecological living conditions in the State Parties of the CIS.

Article 8

The parties promote creation of non-discriminatory conditions of access of business entities of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS to services of subjects of the Parties carried to the sphere of natural monopoly according to the national legal system of the Parties.

Article 9

The parties take agreed measures to creation of common information space in the State Parties of the Commonwealth providing forming and development of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS.

Article 10

For implementation of this agreement of the Party appoint competent authorities what inform Executive committee of the CIS within three months after entry into force of this agreement on.

Article 11

Competent authorities of the Parties within 12 months from coming into force of this agreement represent own scheduled plans of the main actions directed to preparation and the introduction in the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS to Executive committee of Electrical power Council of the CIS. The executive committee of Electrical power Council of the CIS on their basis prepares the summary schedule of forming of the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS and submits it for approval to Electrical power Council of the CIS.

Article 12

Coordination of work on creation of the total electrical power market of the CIS from intergovernmental authorities is assigned to Electrical power Council of the CIS.

Electrical power Council of the CIS carries out regular monitoring of the course of realization by the State Parties of the CIS of plans of the main actions directed to preparation and the introduction in the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS.

Article 13

Competent authorities of the Parties inform Electrical power Council of the CIS on the changes in the national legal system affecting the total electrical power market of the State Parties of the CIS, within a month from the date of their entry into force.

Article 14

The matters of argument connected using or interpretation of this agreement, are solved by consultations and negotiations between concerned parties.

Article 15

This agreement does not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties following from other international treaties which participants they are.


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