of May 15, 2007 No. 2167
About approval of the State program on implementation of Strategy of employment of the Azerbaijan Republic (2007-2010)
For the purpose of ensuring implementation of the first stage provided by the Strategy of employment of the Azerbaijan Republic I decide:
1. Approve "The state program on implementation of Strategy of employment of the Azerbaijan Republic (2007-2010)" it (is applied).
2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to perform necessary actions for the purpose of ensuring execution of the State Program approved by this Order.
3. Determine that coordination of execution of the State Program approved by this Order is performed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Azerbaijan Republic.
4. This Order becomes effective from the date of signing.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Approved by the Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 15, 2007 No. 2167
The achievements received over the last 10 years in the Azerbaijan Republic became history of our country as important stage of the state construction and social and economic development.
The stable growth rate observed in the country in dynamics of macroeconomic indicators created favorable conditions for ensuring socially directed development of economy, increase in level of living of the population, creation of new workplaces and development of employment. According to the State committee of statistics for April, 2007, as a result of the purposeful events held in regions for the purpose of further increase in level of living of people, since October, 2003 534962 new workplaces were open and the majority of these workplaces covered not oil sector and 82 percent of regions. Total number of economically active population in 2006 increased in comparison with the level of 1995 on percent 10,6. During this period number working in the non-state sector increased in result of private sector development and entrepreneurship in time 1,7.
Implementation in Azerbaijan of successful reforms in economic, social and other spheres because of the existing social and political stability, including the taken measures for employment development, and in particular employment of youth, were highly appreciated by the international organizations. For this reason it was accepted "Programs of the country for Ensuring Worthy Work for 2006-2009 within cooperation with the International Labour Organization". The Azerbaijan Republic is the single state from the countries which entered the Commonwealth of Independent States which is included by the International Labour Organization in number of 10 leading countries of the world according to the problem resolution of employment of youth.
For the purpose of more complete use of manpower and ensuring effective employment of the population with the Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of October 26, 2005 No. 1068 approved "The strategy of employment of the Azerbaijan Republic (2006-2015)".
The state program is prepared for implementation of the first stage providing strategy implementation of employment of the Azerbaijan Republic.
The state program establishes the measures directed to enhancement of the national legislation according to the international precepts of law in the sphere of employment including the relevant conventions ratified by the Azerbaijan Republic, development of economic environment for implementation of policy of employment, development of the regional labor markets, ensuring effective employment of the population, improvement of quality and competitiveness of labor power in the labor market, strengthening of social protection of the jobless citizens and citizens occupied with job search.
The main objective of the State Program consists in ensuring implementation of the priority directions provided till 2011 by the Strategy of employment of the Azerbaijan Republic (2006-2015) approved by the Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of October 26, 2005 No. 1068, based on creation of the political, economic, social and institutional environment aimed at the development of effective employment of the population.
Tasks of the State Program are:
Implementation of the macroeconomic policy aimed at the economic development and ensuring effective employment:
* implementation of the relevant activities for the purpose of bystry development of competitive not oil sector;
* implementation of the relevant activities for achievement of increase in effective employment and labor productivity;
* continuation of implementation of the relevant activities in the sphere of elimination of the problems interfering development of entrepreneurship, creation of healthy competitive environment for participants of foreign economic activity;
* studying of impact of membership of the Azerbaijan Republic in the World Trade Union on national economy and especially the labor market and employment and development with respect thereto necessary advanced measures;
* implementation of actions in the sphere of increase in goods competitiveness of the local industry on world the market;
* development of system of insurance in the country, enhancement of activities of insurance companies, forming in the insurance market of investment policy;
* stimulation of subjects of small and medium business in use of the new technologies and increase in goods competitiveness made from local raw materials.
Enhancement of the national legislation according to international legal regulations in the sphere of employment:
* modification and amendments in the corresponding legal acts for the purpose of creation of guarantees for development of entrepreneurship, investment inflow, creation of new workplaces, preserving and development of the existing workplaces with preserving the domestic market;
* entering of the corresponding amendments into the existing legislative arrangements for the purpose of encouragement of the employers who are providing employment to the citizens who are especially needing social protection and experiencing difficulties with employment;
* enhancement for the purpose of development of small and medium business of the legislation existing in this sphere.
Enhancement of the labor market and institutional development:
* forming of the institutional circle stimulating employment;
* creation of the conditions providing balance between the offered labor power and the existing number of workplaces;
* enhancement of financial credit policy for development of small and medium business, increase in specific weight of long-term loans in structure of credit investments;
* satisfaction of need for workplaces by implementation of balanced investment and tax policy;
* market development of work by regulation of internal and external migratory processes;
* enhancement of management system in the sphere of labor migration;
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