Approved by the Decision of Council of heads of states of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 5, 2007
Concept of further development of the Commonwealth of Independent States
The concept of further development of the Commonwealth of Independent States (further - the Concept) represents set of the approved views of the State Parties of the Commonwealth reflecting their general vision of the CIS, the purposes and the directions it evolution.
The State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States confirm commitment to the principles fixed in the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 8, 1991, the Protocol to the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 21, 1991, the Almaty declaration of December 21, 1991 and the Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States of January 22, 1993 which keep the value and in modern conditions.
Relying on these principles, they will interact according to the real practical requirements and to effectively provide national interests of each gosudarstvauchastnik of the Commonwealth.
1.1. The Commonwealth of Independent States is the form of cooperation of the equal independent states recognized by the international community the regional interstate organization. Its distinctive features are the organization of interaction practically in all spheres of interstate communication, flexibility of mechanisms and formats of collective cooperation.
The CIS represents the important mechanism of carrying out interstate consultations and negotiations for the purpose of approval and realization within the Commonwealth of the directions of multilateral cooperation.
1.2. The Commonwealth of Independent States plays significant role in safety, stability and interactions of twelve sovereign states in different spheres.
The limited participation of the certain State Parties of the CIS in activities of its bodies and the accepted documents caused by features of national interests is regarded in the Commonwealth with favor and respect. It will not interfere with consideration by the State Parties of the CIS of all options of further development of the Commonwealth.
1.3. Influence of processes of globalization, increase in value of regional cooperation and integration as factor of ensuring stability and prosperity of the states in the modern world, and also emergence of new risks and challenges dictate to the State Parties of the Commonwealth the need for more and more close interaction.
1.4. The State Parties of the CIS will aim at increase in number of projects and programs in which implementation all states of the Commonwealth are interested and which are designed to serve ensuring their sovereignty and national interests.
Along with it in the Commonwealth the raznourovnevy and raznoformatny models of interaction considering specifics of national interests and foreign policy of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS are implemented.
1.5. In case of decision making within the CIS the principle of consensus remains.
2.1. Main objective of the Commonwealth is forming in the long term of the integrated economic and political merging of the interested states providing effective development of each his participant.
2.2. The State Parties of the Commonwealth adhere to the values fixed in the Charter of the UN. In modern conditions the Commonwealth represents the instrument of non-admission on space of the CIS of the intercivilization conflicts that confers the separate liability on the State Parties of the Commonwealth. The cooperation within the CIS is based on respect of the universal humanistic values which are basis for counteraction of ideology of extremism, intolerance and terrorism which threaten stability not only the State Parties of the Commonwealth, but also the world in general.
2.3. Proceeding from objective interests of the State Parties of the CIS in creating favorable conditions for further development of national economies and safety, strengthening of welfare of citizens, involvement in world political and economic processes, it is necessary to determine the following main objectives of development of the CIS in short and medium-term perspectives:
- maintenance of social and economic stability and international security;
- strengthening of the good-neighbourhood between gosudarstvamiuchastnik of the CIS based on respect of interests of each other;
- increase in competitiveness of the State Parties, ensuring entry into the world economy for the purpose of achievement of progress and prosperity on space of the Commonwealth and in gosudarstvakhuchastnik of the CIS;
- achievement of maximum efficiency in the joint problem resolution, generated by globalization, use of its benefits;
- increase in level of living and welfare of citizens of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS;
- contribution to entry of each State Party of the CIS into the World Trade Organization;
- counteraction to traditional and new threats and challenges;
- development of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere;
- realization of the fundamental international principles and standards in the field of democracy and human rights;
- further rapprochement of national legal systems of gosudarstvuchastnik of the Commonwealth in different spheres of multilateral cooperation on the basis of the conventional principles and rules of international law;
- providing the effective dialogue platform at all levels for realization of the listed above purposes and preparation of the Commonwealth for new stages of profound cooperation.
3.1. In case of development of ways of further development of the CIS gosudarstvauchastnik proceed from need of the preserving reached and strengthening of the available positive experience. Gradualness and phasing in achievement of qualitatively new level of interaction are necessary. At each stage that amount of work with which it can successfully cope for the benefit of all gosudarstvuchastnik will be assigned to the Commonwealth. At the same time the multi-profile nature of the CIS which is not limited to certain areas of cooperation will be kept. Harmonious development of all available and new areas of interaction will be provided.
The State Parties will flexibly approach temporary reference points and specific forms of development of the CIS, to consider interests and views of all partners.
3.2. Increase in efficiency of activities of the Commonwealth will be the main objective of the coming stage of development of the CIS. The exit to single understanding concerning legal status of decisions of bodies of the CIS, ensuring accomplishment by the states of the undertaken obligations, monitoring of their realization will be required.
3.3. Permanent reforming of bodies of the CIS shall be replaced with adaptation of their structures, forms and methods of work to new tasks of the Commonwealth.
3.4. Settlement of the conflicts which are available in it on the basis of strengthening of mutual trust and the principles and rules of international law will be important condition of successful development of the CIS.
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