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The document ceased to be valid since  June 19, 2021 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  April 28, 2021 No. 630


of October 4, 1995 No. 786

About the Method of calculation of the rent for state-owned property and proportions of its distribution

(as amended on 21-08-2019)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Method of calculation of the rent for state-owned property and proportions of its distribution which is applied.

2. To fund of state-owned property, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics to analyse results of practical application of this Technique and in case of need to provide till July 1, 1996 to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine offers on introduction in it of changes and amendments.

3. No. 253 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 10.04.2013

4. Declare invalid the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 12, 1993 No. 923 "About the Calculation procedure and procedure for use of the hire charge of property of the state companies and organizations" (the joint venture of Ukraine, 1994, No. 4, the Art. 73).

5. This resolution becomes effective since May 16, 1995.

Prime Minister of Ukraine


Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

V. Pustovoytenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 4, 1995 No. 786

Method of calculation of the rent for state-owned property and proportions of its distribution

1. The technique is developed for the purpose of creation of the single organizational and economic mechanism of collection of the hire charge of complete property complex of the state company, the organization, their structural divisions (branches, shops, sites (further - complete property complex of the state company) and separate individually certain property of the state company, the organization assigned to military units, institutions, organizations and the organizations of Armed Forces, other military forming, bodies, divisions, institutions and organizations of Gosspetssvyaz, personal and real military estate (except for arms, ammunition, the military and special equipment), and also property which did not enter authorized fund of the economic society created in the course of privatization (corporatisation).

2. The amount of the rent is established by the lease agreement between the lessor and the lessee.

In case when lessor of real estate (the building, construction, the room) is the state company, organization, the organization, the amount of the rent is approved with the body determined in the paragraph the second article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About lease of the state-owned and municipal property".

If the property is leased by state-financed organizations, the rent is brought at the expense of the means provided by estimates on their content.

In case of determination of the lessee on competitive bases the rent calculated by this Technique is applied as starting, and its size can be increased by results of such determination.

If lessor of the real estate leased to diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states, representative offices of international intergovernmental organizations in Ukraine is the state company for ensuring functioning of diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states, representative offices of international intergovernmental organizations in Ukraine of Public administration by cases the amount of the rent agrees only with governing body of property of such company.


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