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of October 18, 2007 N684

About approval of Rules of publication of activities reports of autonomous organization and about use of the property assigned to it

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.08.2023 No. 1323)

According to part 10 of article 2 of the Federal law "About Autonomous Organizations" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of publication of activities reports of autonomous organization and about use of the property assigned to it.

2. This Resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2008.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Zubkov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2007 No. 684

Rules of publication of activities reports of autonomous organization and about use of the property assigned to it

1. Autonomous organizations shall publish annually reports on the activities and on use of the property assigned to them (further - reports) in the forms approved:

for federal autonomous institutions - the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

for autonomous organizations of subjects of the Russian Federation - authorized bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation;

for local autonomous government offices - local government bodies.

2. The activities report of autonomous organization shall include:

the report on accomplishment of the state (municipal) task for rendering the state (municipal) services (performance of works) (further - the state (municipal) task);

data on the rendered services, the performed works over the established state (municipal) task, and also products;

data on receipts and payments of organization, including information on amount of receipts from budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, information on amount of receipts from revenue-producing activities, information on amount of the income from rendering services within compulsory medical insurance, information on amount of receipts of property incomes, information on amount of payments for compensation, information on amount of payments for purchase of goods, works, services, information on amount of the payments connected with tax payment, charges, other payments in the budget;

data on the income of organization in the form of the profit falling to the share in the authorized (share) capital of economic partnerships and societies, or share dividends, belonging to organization on the right of operational management;

data on accounts payable and obligations of organization;

data on overdue accounts payable;

data on debt on damage, shortages, plunders of money and material values, including information on debt of partners on compensation of damage and total amount of the caused damage, the revealed shortages, plunders;

data on number and compensation of workers;

data on the accounts of organization opened in credit institutions.

The activities report of autonomous organization according to the decision of the autonomous organization or body performing powers of the founder of autonomous organization can include also other data.

3. The report on use of the property assigned to autonomous organization shall include:

data on the real estate fixed on the right of operational management;

data on the parcels of land provided on the right of permanent (termless) use;

data on especially valuable personal estate (except for vehicles);

data on vehicles;

data on the property transferred under the agreements providing transition of rights of possession and (or) uses including according to the lease agreement, the agreement of free use.

The report on use of the property assigned to autonomous organization on the decision of the autonomous organization or body performing powers of the founder of autonomous organization can include also other data.

4. The reports which are not containing the data which are the state secret or other secret protected by the law are subject to publication no later than June 1 of the year following for reporting in the mass media determined by the body performing powers of the founder of autonomous organization, and services of autonomous organization, available to consumers.


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