of November 25, 1999 No. 326-Z
About tourism
Accepted by the House of Representatives on November 10, 1999
Approved by Council of the Republic on November 18, 1999
This Law determines the principles of state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of tourism, governs the relations arising when implementing by citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons of temporary departures (travel) to the country (place) of temporary stay in the improving, cognitive and other purposes which are not contradicting the legislation.
In this Law the following main terms and their determinations are used:
the guide-interpreter - the physical person having the corresponding qualification for holding excursions in foreign language;
route of tourist travel - the planned transit of the tourist, tourist including the list of the main places which are consistently visited by the tourist, the tourist during making of tourist travel;
nonresidents of the Republic of Belarus - the physical persons having the permanent residence outside the Republic of Belarus, and also the legal entities and the organizations who are not legal entities, with the location outside the Republic of Belarus, created according to the legislation of foreign states;
subjects of tourist activities are tour operators, travel agents;
subjects of the tourist industry are subjects of tourist activities, and also other legal entities, physical persons, including the individual entrepreneurs performing the activities connected with satisfaction needs of tourists, the tourists arising during making of tourist travel and (or) with respect thereto tourist travel;
tour - the complex of tourist services created by tour operator for realization including at least two of the following three types of service: on transportation, placement, other tourist services (on food, the organization of tourist travel, excursion and other services) which are not accompanying services in transportation or placement, allowing to make tourist trip;
tourist's agency activities - business activity of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs (travel agents) on promotion, realization of the tours created by turoperatoramirezidenta of the Republic of Belarus, to participants of tourist activities and also on rendering the separate services connected with the organization of tourist travel;
tourism - tourist travel, and also activities of legal entities, physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, on its organization;
the tourist - the physical person making tourist trip from 24 hours to one year or performing at least one spending the night in the country (place) of temporary stay;
tourist activities - tour operator and tourist's agency activities;
the tourist area - part of the territory of the Republic of Belarus with precisely certain borders on which one or several tourist resources included in the State inventory of tourist resources of the Republic of Belarus and which is created for the purpose of development of entrance and internal tourism, the tourist industry, protection and rational use of tourist resources are located;
the tourist industry - set of objects for accommodation of tourists, vehicles, objects of public catering, objects and means of entertainment, the subjects to improving, business, cognitive and other appointment used for requirements satisfaction of tourists, the tourists arising during making of tourist travel and (or) with respect thereto tourist travel;
tourist resources - natural, welfare objects, including the immovable material historical and cultural values satisfying the spiritual needs of tourists, tourists and (or) promoting strengthening and recovery of their health;
tourist services - services in transportation, placement, and also other services (on food, the organization of tourist travel, excursion and other services) which are not accompanying services in transportation or placement which rendering in range of services, entering tour, allows to make tourist trip according to its purposes and needs of the tourist, tourist;
tourist travel - organized independently or by means of subjects of tourist activities travel (trip, movement, stay) of physical persons out of limits of their residence (the place of stay) with the tourist purpose;
tour operator activities - business activity of legal entities (tour operators) on forming, promotion, realization of the tours including created by other tour operators including nonresidents of the Republic of Belarus, and also on rendering the separate services connected with the organization of tourist travel;
participants of tourist activities are the tourists, tourists and also having intention to order, ordering or who ordered tourist services for the purposes which are not connected with implementation of business activity, legal entities, physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs;
the tourist - the physical person making excursion without spending the night in the country (place) of temporary stay;
excursion servicing - activities of subjects of tourist activities, and also other legal entities, physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, on preparation, the organization and holding excursions;
excursion - tourist travel of physical persons for less than 24 hours, visit by physical persons, including tourists, in the cognitive purposes of tourist resources, other objects having art, historical and other importance under the leadership of the guide, the guide-interpreter, the other person given the right of holding excursions;
the guide - the physical person having the corresponding qualification for holding excursions.
The legislation on tourism is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and consists of the Civil code of the Republic of Belarus, this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.
This Law governs the public relations arising in case of:
implementation by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs of tourist activities;
making of tourist travel by physical persons;
excursion servicing;
the organization and safety in the field of tourism.
Operation of this Law does not extend to the public relations connected with activities of non-profit organizations and the legal entities created by them to which the legislation assigns functions on the organization and carrying out in the Republic of Belarus and foreign states of days of economy, exhibitions, fairs, presentations, symposiums, conferences, business visits (missions), the actions directed to education by heads and specialists of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2023 according to article 39 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 11, 2021 No. 129-Z