of October 3, 2007 No. 1198
About approval of Instructions for use heat energy
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve Instructions for use by heat energy which are attached.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Yanukovych
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 3, 2007 No. 1198
General provisions
1. Instructions for use heat energy (further - Rules) determine relations between the heatsupplying organizations and consumers of heat energy.
2. Rules are obligatory for accomplishment by all heatsupplying organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership, consumers, the organizations which carry out designing, start-up, adjustment and operation of the equipment for production, transportation, delivery and use of heat energy.
3. In Rules the stated below terms are used in such value:
metering station - set of means of the measuring equipment, legislations on metrology and metrological activities conforming to requirements on the basis of which indications the amount of the used heat energy is determined control of parameters of the heat carrier and adjustment of operating mode of the thermal equipment is exercised;
register of consumption of heat energy - the document with numbered, strung together and pages under seal;
border of balance sheet accessory (responsibility) - border of distribution of thermal network between the heatsupplying organization and the consumer;
limit of operational responsibility - border of distribution of thermal network on the basis of contractual commitments on operation and content of these or those its sites or elements which is established in the consent of the parties between the heatsupplying organization and the consumer;
border of sale of heat energy - set of the points of thermal network equipped with metering station on the basis of which indications calculations for the used heat energy, or the distribution point determined in the agreement in case of lack of such node are carried out;
unauthorized intervention in the operating systems of heat supply and heatconsumption - any change of the project solution of heat supply of object executed by the consumer or any other organization without coordination with the heatsupplying organization;
system of heat supply - set of sources of heat energy, the high-level and/or local (distribution) thermal networks, means of distribution of heat energy which are united by general regime of production, transportation and supply of heat energy;
system of heatconsumption - the complex of heatconsumer installations connected to system of heat supply, intended for requirements satisfaction of the consumer according to the agreement;
the consumer of heat energy - physical person which is the owner of the building or the subject of business activity, or the legal entity using heat energy according to the agreement;
the temperature schedule of thermal network - calculated values of temperature of the heat carrier which depend on climatic conditions (rather settlement external air temperature for system of heating), after heat supply source on entrance to thermal network of consumers of heat energy and after its return from consumers;
the heatused equipment - complex of devices which use heat energy for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological requirements;
quality of heat supply - set of thermodynamic, hydraulic indicators and quantitative parameters of the heat carrier for requirements satisfaction of the consumer according to conditions of the signed agreement.
4. Use of heat energy is allowed only based on the purchase and sale agreement of heat energy between the consumer and the heatsupplying organization (further - the agreement), except the companies which make and use heat energy for the purposes of own production. Contracts are signed according to standard agreements. Forms of standard agreements affirm the central executive body as the sphere of heat supply.
Such agreement can be signed electronically with use of the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services" (further - the Single platform) (in the presence of electronic offices at the consumer and the heatsupplying organization).
5. If technically possible the consumer has the right after coordination with the heatsupplying organization to attach to the thermal networks of other consumers who sign contracts directly with the heatsupplying organization.
In case of the redemption of part of rooms in the detached house the heatsupplying organization signs the contract with each owner.
If change of the owner of the detached house took place, then the heatsupplying organization signs the contract with the new owner.
In case of reorganization of the legal entity by separation each new legal entity shall sign the contract with the heatsupplying organization.
The heatsupplying organization signs contracts with owners (asset holders) of thermal networks on transportation of heat energy on the rates established according to the legislation.
6. Increase in consumption of heat energy by the consumer of amount is allowed only in coordination with the heatsupplying organization.
7. All systems of heat supply and heatconsumption shall be provided with metering stations according to the approved specifications and projects.
Specifications of joining of consumers of heat energy
8. For joining of the consumer to system of heat supply, reconstruction or expansion of system of heatconsumption or growth in volumes of consumption of heat energy on the operating objects the consumer shall submit the application to the heatsupplying organization about issue of specifications.
Such request can be created and submitted in the automated mode with use of the Single platform (in the presence of electronic offices at the consumer and the heatsupplying organization).
9. During development of specifications shall be determined:
source of heat energy and place of accession to thermal networks;
thermal loadings of object of heatconsumption (maximum project on heating, ventilation, conditioning, other technological requirements and hourly average, average daily and maximum on hot water supply);
heat carrier parameters, the hydraulic mode in the place of accession to thermal network taking into account increase of thermal loadings in system of heatconsumption;
reasonable requests on increase in handling capacity of the operating thermal networks, and also expansion or reconstruction of installations for chemical water purification and condensate of source of heat energy;
quantity, quality, the mode of pumping out of the returned condensate, requirements to its cleaning with the consumer;
feasibility of use of secondary energy resources;
need of construction of reserve source of heat energy or reserve high-level thermal network taking into account increase in delivery reliability of heat energy to the consumer;
requirements on:
- to accounting of heat energy, control and measuring and automatic adjusting devices;
- to protection of systems of heatconsumption against sudden increase in pressure and temperature of the heat carrier and thermal networks against corrosion;
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