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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On October 1, 2007 No. 10209


of September 11, 2007 No. 108

About approval of Requirements to rendering services of telegraph communication regarding acceptance, transfer, processing, storage and delivery of telegrams

(as amended on 08-08-2016)

1. Approve the enclosed Requirements to rendering services of telegraph communication regarding acceptance, transfer, processing, storage and delivery of telegrams.

2. To the telecom operators performing activities in the field of rendering services of telegraph communication to be guided by the Requirements approved by Item 1 of this order and also to organize studying and application of Requirements by the personnel connected by the nature of the activities with rendering services of telegraph communication.

3. In the territory of the Russian Federation not to apply the instruction about procedure for processing of telegrams at the companies of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR approved by the chief of the Head cable department of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR on September 14, 1982 from the date of entry into force of this order.

4. Direct this order to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of information technologies and communication of the Russian Federation B. D. Antonyuk.


Minister L.D.Reyman

Also communications of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2007 No. 108 are approved by the Order of the Ministry of information technologies

Requirements to rendering services of telegraph communication regarding acceptance, transfer, processing, storage and delivery of telegrams

I. General provisions

1. These Requirements to rendering services of telegraph communication regarding acceptance, transfer, processing, storage and delivery of telegrams (further - Requirements) determine procedure for rendering services of telegraph communication regarding operational and engineering procedures of acceptance, transfer, processing, storage and delivery of telegrams to networks of telegraph communication of the Russian Federation and are obligatory for all telecom operators participating in rendering services of telegraph communication.

2. The procedure for processing of external telegrams, including to CIS and Baltic countries, is determined by separate regulatory legal acts.

3. The relations between the users of the service "telegram" and telecom operators rendering services of telegraph communication are regulated by Rules of rendering services of telegraph communication (further - Rules).

4. For completeness of statement of engineering procedures of processing of telegrams in Requirements the separate concepts and provisions determined by Rules are used.

5. Telecom operators when rendering the service "telegram" shall provide acceptance, transfer, processing, delivery of telegrams, and also storage of all cable documentation.

6. All telegrams on method of their processing are subdivided on outgoing, transit and incoming.

The telegrams accepted from senders for their further transfer on cable network are considered as outgoing.

The telegrams which arrived from cable network in signal office for further transfer to destination are considered as transit.

The telegrams accepted by the telecom operator on cable network and which are subject to delivery to addressees in destination are considered as incoming.

7. The cable documentation (forms, logs, receipts, sheets, etc.) provided in Requirements corresponds to the operating Album of operational technical documentation applied in the organizations of communication providing services of telegraph communication.

II. Categories and types of telegrams

8. Telegrams depending on priority of processing are divided into the following categories:

"out of category";


"President of the Russian Federation";

"Russian Prime Minister";

"the highest governmental";




9. Telegrams of categories "out of category" and "extraordinary", and also types "cryptogram" and "the cryptogram to punched tape" are processed according to separate regulations.

10. The right of submission of telegrams of categories "President of the Russian Federation", "Russian Prime Minister", "the highest governmental" and "governmental" is determined by the List of officials signed by whom telegrams of categories "President of the Russian Federation", "the highest governmental" and "governmental" are transferred in priority procedure, the approved Government of the Russian Federation.

11. Telecom operators provide possibility of implementation of delivery of telegrams of categories "out of category", "extraordinary", "President of the Russian Federation", "Russian Prime Minister" and "the highest governmental" in city districts and the administrative centers of municipal districts at least in one signal office within complete days.

12. Telegrams of category "urgent" are accepted for transfer only to settlements (settlements) having telegraph communication.

13. The telegrams having features to destination to method of registration, giving or delivery, are divided into the following types:

"with the assurance of receipt by telegraph" (with the mark "notification by telegraph");

"with the assurance of receipt by telegraph "urgent" (with the mark "notification by telegraph urgent");

"with punctual delivery, specified by the sender" (with the mark "hand (date)");

"with delivery to the settlement (settlement) which does not have telegraph, fax (telephone) communication" (with mark "by mail custom");

"on the art form" (with the mark "luxury");

"on the art form of the A4 format" (with the mark "luxury / in");

"on the art form of children's subject" (with the mark "luxury / and");

"on the art musical form" (with the mark "luxury/m");

"on the art musical form of children's subject" (with the mark "luxury/m");

"on the art form on the occasion of mourning" (with the mark "delyuks");

"certified by the telecom operator" (with the mark "certified");

"cryptogram" (with the mark "cryptogram");

"the cryptogram to punched tape" (with the mark "cryptogram to punched tape");

"meteo" (with the mark "meteo");

"translated" (with the mark "translated");

"circuit" (with the mark "scheme (number)").

The telegram can have one or several types.

III. General principles of the organization of acceptance of telegrams

14. In each Item of rendering the service "telegram" in the place, available to the user, the telecom operator places:

the copy of license for activities in the field of rendering services of telegraph communication;

models of writing of telegrams;

samples of art forms; subject of art cable forms in assortment: flowers (flower compositions), children's subject (toys), by festive and gala days: "New year", "Christmas", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "The international Women's Day (on March 8)", "Easter Holiday Saint", "Holiday of spring and work (on May 1)", "the Victory Day (on May 9)", "With holiday", "With anniversary", "With the wedding day", "Happy birthday"; the art cable luxury forms made of coated cardboard with varnish covering 225-230 grams/sq.m thick with a size at least 180x120 mm in folded form, the A4 format in folded form and the musical art luxury/m forms at least 200x140 mm in size in folded form are used;.

rates for services of telegraph communication;

complaint book.

15. In case of acceptance of telegrams the telecom operator is guided:

Rules of rendering services of telegraph communication and these Requirements;

The list of route indexes of public telegraph network of settlements (settlements) of the Russian Federation having telegraph communication, the List of the signal offices equipped with the means of fax (telephone) connection approved by Federal Communications Agency, and the List of route indexes of public telegraph network of CIS and Baltic countries;

rates for services of telegraph communication;

terms of passing of telegrams from the sender to the addressee;

the collection of schemes (in the presence of circuit telegrams from the organizations and organizations).

16. On attendant workstation shall be:

the cash register (CR) for acceptance of payments for communication services, in case of absence of KKM is used "the Form 47. The receipt in any acceptance of payment" (F. 47);

specimen signatures of workers of mail service and officials of the divisions of the Bank of Russia having right to sign of translated telegrams, and also print of control official stamp of the operator of mail service and prints of seals of divisions of the Bank of Russia (in the presence of such telegrams);

the control log on accounting of outgoing telegrams with the assurance of receipt (F.TG-71);

the necessary number of forms of the established forms for outgoing telegrams;

calendar stamp, seal "For telegrams", other stamps according to the appendix N1.

The print of calendar stamp contains the name of the telecom operator, the name of Item of rendering services of telegraph communication and calendar date.

Calendar stamp, used in Item of rendering services of telegraph communication on different workplaces, differ in letter (the corresponding letter or digit).

The impress of a seal "For telegrams" contains the name of the telecom operator, its branch, structural division and the name of Item of rendering services of telegraph communication.

The name of Item of rendering services of telegraph communication shall contain the name of the settlement and number of postal telegraph office (the vacant room of department of mail service, in coordination with Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post branch).

17. The telecom operator, accepting telegrams from senders, in case of need, gives help in creation and addressing of telegrams, checks correctness of creation of telegrams, informs the bearer on the mode of delivery of telegrams in destination.

18. The telecom operator in case of execution of telegrams:

counts words, including marks about category and type of the telegram, the address, including number of postal telegraph office, the text, the signature;

puts down Section sign (=) between the address and the text, and between the text and the signature, and at the end of the telegram termination sign (-);

on the cable form draws up the column "Payment" according to applicable fares taking into account the word-by-word cost, delivery cost and cost of supplementary services and undersigns;

in the presence in the telegram more than 300 words (the verbose telegram) divide the telegram into several parts, at the same time includes the words connecting parts of the verbose telegram in the number of words, and assigns to each of the constituted telegrams future reference number;

in the upper part of the form specifies route index.

19. In case of acceptance of the telegram in cash the operator issues to the sender the check of cash register or writes out the receipt F.47 with indication of the cost of the rendered services in Russian rubles in cursive script from capital letter.

In case of simultaneous submission of several telegrams, with the consent of the sender, the operator issues the receipt with indication of numbers of all accepted telegrams (from number on number) and the total amount of the paid services.

20. In case of acceptance of telegrams from legal entities on account of the entered advance payment according to inventories of F.TG-33 the operator verifies address Items of the telegram with the address Items specified in the inventory specifies total quantity of telegrams, receptive period of telegrams in the inventory, puts down print of calendar stamp, undersigns and returns the copy of the inventory to person which handed over telegrams.

For control of timely execution of advance telegrams it is necessary to specify on the first and last telegrams (on free field in the lower part of the form) time of their acceptance with indication of the number of at the same time accepted telegrams. Receptive period in the control heading is specified in process of execution of each telegram.

The first copy of the inventory, after filling in it all columns containing total cost of the accepted telegrams is subject to return to the sender.

21. In each telegram the operator draws up the control heading containing the data necessary for telegram identification.

The control heading of the telegram consists from:

Item of submission of the telegram (with indication of the republic, edge, area, the district and the area in necessary cases); the name of Item of giving is specified in the Nominative case, and the name of the republic, edge, area, district and area in the territory of which there is giving Item (in genitive case);

numbers of the outgoing telegram; in the telegrams accepted in Items of rendering services of telegraph communication of the administrative centers of subjects of the Russian Federation (city postal telegraph offices), number is specified in fraction, for example: 54/181, where 54 - number of Item of rendering services of telegraph communication (postal telegraph office) or three last digits of the postal index of postal telegraph office, including 000 (MOSKVA 000/181), 181 sequence numbers of the telegram according to number KKM or F.47; in case of acceptance of telegrams in several cash desks of Item of rendering services of telegraph communication number of cash desk is added to sequence number of the telegram, for example: 75/12101, where 75 - number of Item of rendering services of telegraph communication, 121 - sequence number of the telegram, 01 - number of cash desk; in the telegrams accepted in cable divisions of telecom operators, number is specified without fraction, for example: MOSCOW 26701; number of the outgoing circuit telegram is specified in fraction: in numerator - number of the scheme, in denominator - sequence number since the beginning of days (or month), for example: 140/8, where 140 - number of the scheme, 8 - sequence number;

number of words;

dates of giving (number and through fraction bar month, for example: 5/2);

giving time (Moscow time four-digit number - hours, minutes is specified, for example: 1730, 0730);

office marks (if necessary).

22. Examples of control headings.

From the administrative centers of subjects of the Russian Federation (the republics, regions, areas, districts, the federal cities) with indication of the center in the Nominative case:

MAYKOP 2901 15 29/12 0935 =

KRASNODAR 61/3501 15 29/12 1035 =

MOSCOW 000/306 16 29/12 1135 =


From the administrative centers of the municipal districts and city districts which are not the centers of the republics, edges, areas, districts with indication of Item in the Nominative case and names of the subject of the Russian Federation (the republic, edge, area, the district) in genitive case:


ACHINSK KRASNOYARSK 306 23 29/12 1635 =

APATITY MURMANSK 1206 17 29/12 1650 =

BILIBINO CHUKCHI 502 13 29/12 1650 =

From all other Items having and not having telegraph communication with indication of Item in the Nominative case, names of the subject of the Russian Federation (the republic, edge, area, the district) and the municipal district (the city district) in genitive case:

ILYINKA BURYAT BAIKAL 506 18 29/12 1735 =



BELOYEVO PERM KUDYMKARSKY 1106 14 29/12 1300 =


For the telegrams accepted on vessels of navy, mother ships and courts of fishery and also in field post offices, the control heading is constituted in form:


where VLD - the abbreviated name of the location of shore station (Vladivostok) which performs contact with this vessel;

DMT - belonging of the specified vessel to shipping company (shipowner), in this case the vessel belongs to Department of sea transport;

PB GLORY OF NHD/BAMR 15 17 23/2 1150=,

where NHD - the abbreviated name of the location of shore station (Nakhodka) which performs contact with this vessel (mother ship);

BAMR - belonging of the specified vessel to shipping company (shipowner).

FIELD POST OFFICE 11465/5 19 28/3 1210=,

where the reference number of the telegram consists of number of field post office and through fraction bar of sequence number of the telegram.

The control heading of the telegrams proceeding from subscribers of the Telex network is constituted in form:

MOSCOW 112641/13 23 15/4 1640=,

where 112641/13 - the reference number of the telegram consisting of number of the subscriber unit and through fraction bar of sequence number of the telegram since the beginning of days.

IV. Procedure for creation of telegrams

23. The telegram shall be is accurate and legible is written or printed on the face of the cable form (F.TG-1; F.TG-4) or on light paper also shall contain no more than 300 words.

Acceptance of telegrams from the organizations, organizations, the companies and officials on their letterheads is allowed, at the same time the text of forms is not transferred, and in the signature of the telegram the position, the name of the organization and surname is specified.

In case of execution of the telegrams submitted on letterheads or on light paper the form heading of the telegram F.TG-3 is used.

24. Telegrams from the organizations shall be signed by officials and are certified by seal of the organization or seal "For telegrams".

In the telegrams signed by officials of several organizations, each signature is certified by seal of the relevant organization.

25. Acceptance of telegrams from officials behind their signature in the absence of seal on the telegram is made in case of presentation of the official ID by them. On the back the cable form data of the official ID are written out.

26. The telegram is constituted by the sender in the following procedure:

mark about category of the telegram (in case of submission of the telegram of category "ordinary" the mark about category is not specified);

mark about type (types) of the telegram;

the address to which the telegram, with indication of the name of the addressee (addressees) shall be delivered;

the text of the telegram (shall contain at least one word);

the signature of the sender (at the request of the sender).

In the lower part of the form of the submitted telegram the sender specifies the surname and the address. Instead of the address specifying of phone number or mark "in transit" is allowed. The source address does not enter contents of the telegram (it is not paid and it is not transferred). In need of transfer of these data to the addressee, they join the sender in the text of the telegram.

27. The text of the telegram can be written in any language by letters of the alphabet of Russian or letters of the Latin alphabet, the address of the telegram shall be written in Russian by letters of the Russian alphabet.

28. Addresses of senders and receivers of the telegrams sent within the territories of the republics which are in structure of the Russian Federation can be drawn up in state languages of the respective republics on condition of duplication of addresses of senders and addressees in Russian.

29. The telegrams from foreign missions (embassies, missions, consulates, etc.) addressed to settlements of the Russian Federation are allowed to acceptance in any language by letters of the alphabet of Russian or letters of the Latin alphabet.

To foreign missions of the telegram can be served in any language in letters of the alphabet of Russian or letters of the Latin alphabet.

30. Telegrams can be written in the commonly accepted language if record is made in Russian, state languages of republics within the Russian Federation and include factory, the trademarks and brands represented by letters and digits, the statistical or other reports consisting of one digits or in the coded language if record is made by means of schematic symbols or regular words, but having conditional value.

Everyone is any the constituted word or group of digits of the coded language shall consist no more than of 5 signs.

In telegrams of divisions of the Federal Service of Russia on hydrometeorology and monitoring of the environment (Roshydromet) code words and groups of digits in number of no more than 10 signs are allowed.

31. Digits in the telegram can be written by either signs of digits, or words.

Numerical values which accuracy of transfer is important for users shall be written by the sender complete words.

32. The signs "point", "comma", "quotes", "bracket" can be written by complete words or the reduced words ("tchk", "zpt", "kvch" and "special design bureau", respectively), or the corresponding character signs.

"Question mark", "dash" ("minus"), "plus" and "fraction bar" can be written by either complete words, or the corresponding character signs.




(SKOBKA or LEFT BRACKET of special design bureau

) BRACKET or RIGHT BRACKET of special design bureau





The signs "number", "colon" and "exclamation point" can be written or complete words, or in abbreviated form ("nr", "dvtch" and "vskl", respectively).

Other signs can be written only by complete words.

33. All signs written by the complete or reduced word shall be written with interval between prior and subsequent words, digits and signs.

34. The address of the telegram shall contain all address data necessary for ensuring its delivery to the addressee without search and targeting of helps.

At the request of the sender to the telegram the phone number of the addressee can be in addition included.

In telegrams in addresses of the companies and organizations placed in apartment houses additional address data (entrance, the floor, the cellar, attic, office, the room) can be specified.

35. When addressing telegrams to CIS and Baltic countries before the name of destination the country of destination is specified.




36. When addressing telegrams to the cities it is necessary to recommend to the sender to specify number of city postal telegraph office, to the rural zone except surname - name and the addressee's middle name.

37. In case of specifying by the sender of the six-digit postal index when addressing the telegram to the city the part of index bearing information, necessary for the telegram, - number of city postal telegraph office is used.

38. In case of acceptance of telegrams in addresses state, legislative and executive authorities it is necessary to specify source address in paid part of the telegram.

39. The telegram with incomplete address data can be accepted in exceptional cases at the sender's insistance (with risk for the sender) with indication of on the back form of the telegram of the corresponding mark "the sender is warned..." with indication of content of warning which shall be announced to the sender on receipt.

40. In case of acceptance of the telegram in one address several persons need to explain to the sender that such telegram is handed in one copy to any (one) of persons specified in the address.

41. In the telegram address the name of the settlement is specified in the Nominative case, and the name of the republic, edge, area, district and area in the territory of which there is settlement is specified in genitive case.

42. Numbers of structures, houses, cases, apartments divide words.

The words "structure", "case", "apartment", "body", "subscription box" are written completely or in abbreviated form "erased", "korp", "kV", "in / h", "p.o. box".

The words "edge", "area", "city", "area", "village", "village", "postal department", "street", "lane", "house" are written completely or in abbreviated form - KR, "regional", "", "rn", "with", "der", "p / about", "ul", "per", "d", respectively, or are not written if it does not result in uncertainty or inaccuracy of the address.

Such words as "prospectus", the "drive", "entrances", "quarter", "boulevard" and others used in the address are written completely.

Numbers of houses, structures, cases, apartments can be written by digits or words.

Fractional numbers can be written with use of the character sign "/" (for example 3/5) or words (for example: rub fraction bar five).

43. Names of number streets and number organizations (serial numbering: the first, second, tenth) are specified by words. Names of streets and the organizations in which names digits are used can be specified randomly by digits or copy-book.






44. The telegram can have one or several addresses (the multi-address telegram).

45. Telegrams can be addressed:

on complete address;

to the conditional or reduced address;

poste restante;

on number of subscription box;

to body;


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