of October 3, 2007 No. 1196
Some questions of transportation of radioactive materials
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Approval procedure on implementation of international carriages of radioactive materials which is applied.
2. Make changes to the Regulations on procedure of transportation of radioactive materials by the territory of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 15, 2004 No. 1373 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2004, No. 42, Art. 2771) which are attached.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Yanukovych
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 3, 2007, No. 1196
1. This Procedure determines the procedure and conditions of issue Gosatomregulirovany permissions to implementation of international carriages of radioactive materials (further - permission).
2. Terms which are used in this Procedure have such value:
spent nuclear fuel - the nuclear fuel irradiated in active zone of the nuclear reactor and finally removed from it;
the stimulus source withdrawn from the use - the closed source of ionizing radiation which is not used or use of which is not planned during activities on which implementation the license is granted;
additional requirements - the requirements established for transportation implementation (taking into account features of transportation of specific load) radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel which follow from provisions of the legislation on transportation of radioactive materials in case of transit of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, provisions of the legislation on the treatment of radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel and transportation of radioactive materials in case of their import or export;
country of source - the country from which it is planned to perform or it is transported;
the country of destination - the country to which it is planned to perform or it is transported;
the transit country - the country, except country of source or the country of destination through which territory it is planned to perform or is transported;
the standard document - the document which is used for implementation of approval by competent authorities of transportation of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.
Other terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About use of nuclear energy and radiation safety", "About allowing activities in the field of use of nuclear energy", "About the treatment of radioactive waste", "About transportation of dangerous goods", Regulations on the procedure of transportation of radioactive materials on the territory of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 15, 2004 No. 1373 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2004, No. 42, the Art. 2771).
3. For receipt of permission the applicant submits to Gosatomregulirovaniya the application for issue of the authority for the move of radioactive materials (further - the statement).
4. The copies certified in accordance with the established procedure are enclosed to the application:
licenses for carrying out the related activity in the field of use of nuclear energy;
the contract according to which export, import or transit of radioactive materials is performed;
the certificate, provided by regulations for the safe transport of radioactive materials of IAEA;
the insurance contract of responsibility of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods on case of approach of negative effects of their transportation signed according to the legislation and the document which confirms payment of premium, - in case of transportation of sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive waste;
the agreement on obligatory civil liability insurance for nuclear harm signed according to the legislation and the insurance policy (the insurance certificate, the insurance certificate) in case of transportation of nuclear materials to which operation of the Vienna convention on the civil responsibility for nuclear harm of May 21, 1963 extends;
the document which regulates primary prompt actions in case of accident during transportation of radioactive materials (emergency card);
contracts between the consignor or the consignee and carrier who has the license for carrying out activities for transportation of radioactive materials, - in case of absence at the consignor or the consignee of such license;
the document which confirms the consent of competent authority of the country of destination to import of sources of ionizing radiation which characteristic is given in appendix;
the document which confirms the consent of the country of destination to import of nuclear materials or radioactive waste.
If the country of source, the country of destination or the transit country is the EU member state, during transportation of radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel the completed standard document or in case such approval was performed earlier, - the copy of the standard document is enclosed to the application.
In the standard document it can be specified about approval more than one transportation in case:
radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel have identical physical, chemical and radiation characteristics;
it is transported from the same operating organization (operator) or the consignor to the same consignee, and for review such transportation the same competent authorities are attracted;
the load follows en route through the territory of the third countries, such transit is performed through the same boundary post in Ukraine and through the same boundary post in the adjacent third country if other is not approved by competent authorities of the countries.
5. The statement is constituted in Ukrainian in the form approved by Gosatomregulirovaniye. The standard document is filled in in English in the form approved by Gosatomregulirovaniya. Their transfer into Ukrainian is applied to the documents constituted in foreign language which are enclosed to the application upon the demand of Gosatomregulirovaniye.
6. Gosatomregulirovaniye considers previously the application and documents which are attached to her, for the purpose of assessment of conformity to the legislation of the declared condition of carriages and on the facts of violations reports the applicant within ten working days after receipt of the statement. Final consideration of the application is performed by Gosatomregulirovaniye after elimination by the applicant of the revealed violations.
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