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of October 31, 2001 No. 1585

Questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 23-03-2023)

Based on paragraphs of the third and fourth of article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 "About Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 424-Z

1. It is excluded

2. It is excluded

3. Approve Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus it (is applied).

4. Consider necessary to have board in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus in number of 19 people.

5. Recognize invalid the orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

G. Novitsky

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1585

Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus

1. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus (further - the Ministry of Finance) is republican state body and submits to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

2. The Ministry of Finance in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, other acts of the legislation and this Provision.

3. The main objectives of the Ministry of Finance are:

3.1. carrying out single financial policy, implementation of regulation and management in financial field of activity and coordination of activities in this sphere of other republican state bodies;

3.2. ensuring active use of finance for the purpose of increase in production efficiency, growth of national income, creation and development of progressive market forms and structures;

3.3. development of offers on ensuring growth of financial resources, enhancement of forms of financial relations of the organizations and citizens with the state and to use of credit resources;

3.4. effective carrying out budget and financial and tax policy;

3.5. participation in the organization of investment cooperation of the republic and regulation of external state debt, implementation of regulation of internal and external public debt of the Republic of Belarus, attraction, use and repayment of the external state loans creating external public debt of the Republic of Belarus;

3.6. control of respect for financial interests of the state, including in the course of integration of the Republic of Belarus into the world economy;

3.7. state regulation and control in field of activity with precious metals and gemstones, creation in the republic of inventories of precious metals and gemstones;

3.8. forming and realization of single state policy in the field of development and production of forms of securities and documents with certain degree of protection, and also documents with certain degree of protection (further - forms and documents) and special materials for protection them from counterfeit;

3.9. state regulation of insurance activity, carrying out state policy in the field of insurance activity, supervision and control of insurance activity in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

3.10. licensing and control over the implementation of the legislation on licensing, including licensed requirements, licensees to which the Ministry of Finance provides the license;

3.11. state regulation of financial accounting and reporting;

3.12. state regulation of auditor activities, control of observance by the auditing organizations, auditors performing activities as individual entrepreneurs (further - auditors - individual entrepreneurs), auditors of the legislation on auditor activities (except for legislations on auditor activities in banks, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, the non-bank credit and financial organizations, banking groups and bank holdings);

3.13. state regulation of the security market, the relations in the sphere of securitization, investment funds.

4. The Ministry of Finance according to the tasks assigned to it:

4.1. performs development of the main directions of budget and financial and tax policy of the state;

4.1-1. performs methodical management, project development of the republican budget, settlement indicators according to the consolidated budget of the Republic of Belarus;

4.2. will organize work on creation of the draft of the republican budget, determines procedure, terms of creation and submission to the Ministry of Finance by republican state bodies, regional and Minsk city executive committees, the organizations of forecast data on the income and expenses of budgets for project development of the republican budget and standard rates of contributions from the regulating income of the republican budget to consolidated budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk, and if necessary – for refining of the income and budgets expenses in the course of their execution. Constitutes the draft of the republican budget, annually drafts the bill of the republican budget for the next financial year and represents them to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;

4.3. participates in work on creation of short-term and long-term forecasts of economic development of the state, its paying balance;

4.4. develops offers on the principles of forming of the republican budget, relations of the republican budget with consolidated budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk, participates in determination of the principles of the budget relations of the Republic of Belarus with other states;

4.5. according to the legislation develops and determines procedure, terms, the list of indicators and form of representation of the materials necessary for creation of the draft of the republican budget, settlement indicators by the consolidated budget of the Republic of Belarus, determination of amounts of the interbudget transfers and standard rates of contributions from the regulating income of the republican budget to consolidated budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk;

4.5-1. determines procedure for transfer, distribution and the mechanism of return of the income of budgets, their features in the current financial year, the procedure for financing of the expenses provided under budgets, payment procedure of the budget obligations assumed by receivers of budgetary funds performs transactions on transfer of means in the form of the interbudget transfers between the republican budget and local budgets, establishes procedure and terms of submission of periodic and annual accounts about execution of budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk for creation of summary periodic and annual accounts about execution of the republican budget and local budgets, establishes, will organize and performs single methodology of accounting of budget implementation;


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