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of August 2, 2007 No. 122

About approval of the Procedure for drawing prints of mark on goods the legal entities and business owners who are engaged in production of jewelry and other household products from precious metals

(as amended on 28-10-2016)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of Item 1.25 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of November 22, 2005 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About precious metals and gemstones" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides No. 317:

1. Approve "The procedure for drawing prints of mark on goods (is applied) by the legal entities and business owners who are engaged in production of jewelry and other household products from precious metals".

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.


Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
Artur Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of August 2, 2007, No. 122

Procedure for drawing prints of mark on goods the legal entities and business owners who are engaged in production of jewelry and other household products from precious metals

1. These rules are prepared based on Item 1.25 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of November 22, 2005 No. 317 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About precious metals and gemstones" and determine procedure for drawing prints of mark on goods the legal entities and business owners who are engaged in production of jewelry and other household products from precious metals.

2. Forms of prints of mark are determined by Public service of control of precious metals and gemstones of the Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic.

3. The print of mark of the manufacturer consists of the alphabetic combinations or other symbols distinguishing it from prints of mark of other manufacturers.

4. In print of mark any two letters from the name of the manufacturer who is the legal entity and capital letters of first and last name of the manufacturer who is engaged in business activity as physical person without formation of legal entity shall be reflected. Width of print of mark shall be no more than 1 mm, and length - no more than 3 mm.

5. Reflection of print of mark on the polished metal plate together with the statement of the manufacturer it are represented to the body exercising assay supervision for registration and storage.

6. In print of mark the last figure of year of production and registration of product is reflected.

7. The print of mark is located on product to the left of test print.

8. Mark prints with the expired term are liquidated by the manufacturer with creation of the act, and of it information in Public service of control of precious metals and gemstones of the Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic is provided.

9. Prints of mark are produced in the publishing houses which obtained the license for production of seals and stamps.

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