Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

It is registered

in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

August 17, 2007.

No. 955/14222


of July 4, 2007 No. 243

About approval of Rules of technical information security for premises of banks in which electronic bank documents are processed

(as amended of the Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine of 29.12.2007 No. 493)

According to article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", article 66 of the Law of Ukraine "About banks and banking activity" and article 38 of the Law of Ukraine "About payment systems and money transfer in Ukraine" and for the purpose of establishment of requirements for technical information security for premises of banks in which electronic bank documents are processed the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Rules of technical information security for premises of banks in which electronic bank documents are processed (are applied).

2. Ceased to be valid.

3. To department of informatization (A. S. Savchenko) after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to report contents of this resolution to central office, structural divisions and units, territorial administrations, educational institutions of the National Bank of Ukraine and banks of Ukraine for use in work.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine P.M.Senishcha.

5. The resolution becomes effective in one month after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.


Chairman V. S. Stelmakh

Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of July 4, 2007 No. 243

Rules of technical information security for premises of banks in which electronic bank documents are processed

Chapter 1. General provisions

1.1. these rules are developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", "About banks and banking activity", "About information", "About information security in information and telecommunication systems".

1.2. Requirements this Rules extend to premises of central office, structural divisions and units, territorial administrations, educational institutions of the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank), banks of Ukraine and their separate divisions (further - banks) in which the electronic bank documents containing data with signature stamp "Bank secrecy", and other electronic information, access to which is limited by bank, are processed, and also to premises of banks which are anew under construction, reconstructed or the project documentation on which was not approved before entry into force of this provision

1.3. In these rules terms are used in such values:

rooms with limited access - rooms in which workplaces with the computer equipment are located are processed the electronic bank documents containing data with signature stamp "Bank secrecy", and other electronic information, access to which is limited by bank;

switching rooms - rooms in which the telecommunication equipment providing functioning of local and corporate networks of bank, and also communication with other organizations and networks public is located;

server rooms - rooms in which servers of databases, servers of application programs, file servers and so forth on which electronic bank documents and bases data are processed and stored are located.

Other terms which are used in these rules are used in the values determined by regulatory legal acts concerning technical information security.

1.4. These rules establish requirements to power supply systems and grounding, the network equipment, rooms with limited access, switching rooms, server rooms, rooms in which electronic archives are stored (further - premises of electronic archives).

1.5. In case of violation of requirements of these rules by banks the National Bank has the right to apply corrective actions according to the legislation of Ukraine.

Chapter 2. Requirements to rooms with limited access

2.1. Rooms with limited access are determined by the internal document of bank taking into account features of the organization of works with electronic bank documents and with indication of surnames, names and middle names of ranking officers of bank.

2.2. Rooms with limited access cannot be checkpoints and shall be located so that to exclude possibility of stay of other persons without ranking officers of bank.

2.3. The room with limited access should be equipped with doors with the coded mechanical lock or system of differentiation of access and the mechanical lock.

2.4. Rooms with limited access should be equipped with the security alarm system removed on post of own security service of bank and/or the subject of protection of bank.

2.5. Screens of displays of computers in such rooms should be placed so that to exclude access to information which is removed on them, other persons (including through windows, glass barriers and so forth).

Chapter 3. Requirements to switching rooms

3.1. Rooms in which the switching equipment performing management functions of bank by networks and communication with other organizations and networks public is installed belong to switching rooms.

3.2. Switching rooms should be equipped as the room with limited access.

3.3. Switching rooms shall not contain workplaces for employees of bank.

3.4. In each switching room the magazine on papers in which are displayed shall be kept:

date and time of opening and closing of the room;

surname of the worker who visited the room;

the description of the carried-out works.

3.5. In case of arrangement of the switching equipment in switching cases which are located in corridors or other premises of bank such cases shall be equipped with sensors on opening and fire sensors with removal of their signals on workplaces of persons who are responsible for the network equipment or on the panel of service of centralized protection. The equipment of switching cases instead of sensors on opening by means for sealing with obligatory integrity checking of print of seals at least once a week is allowed.

Chapter 4. Requirements to server rooms and premises of electronic archives

4.1. Technical information security in server premises and premises of electronic archives is performed by means of shielding of the room or use of screened cases, screened safes (resistance class to breaking not lower than II), screened cabins for the purpose of prevention of information leakage through collateral radiations and navoda, and also from violation of its integrity as a result of influence of external electromagnetic fields (or reduction of such influence).


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