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of February 18, 1997 No. 176

About approval of Rules of provision of services of passenger road transport

(as amended on 10-09-2024)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Rules of provision of services of passenger road transport (are applied).

2. And infrastructures to provide to the ministry of development of communities, territories provision of explanations concerning application of the Rules approved by this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication, except Item 32 of Rules of provision of services of passenger road transport which becomes effective regarding provision of services on transportation on long-distance routes since January 1, 2010, and on other routes - since January 1, 2012.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

P. Lazarenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 18, 1997 No. 176

Rules of provision of services of passenger road transport

I. General provisions

1. These rules determine procedure of transportations of passengers and their baggage by buses, taxi, cars by request, and also servicing of passengers at bus stations and are obligatory for accomplishment by organizers of regular transportations, customers of transport services (further - customers of services), automobile carriers, automobile self-employed carriers, personnel of road transport, bus stations and passengers.

Procedure for journey by urban passenger road transport and its payments, the right and obligation of passengers, and also the relations of automobile carriers and passengers by provision of transport services, considering features of transport infrastructure and availability of the automated system of accounting of payment of journey, are determined by the Instructions for use urban passenger road transport approved by relevant organ of local self-government.

2. Terms which are used in these Rules have the following value:

1) autostation collection - the payment for provision of obligatory services by bus stations which is levied from the faces acquiring tickets for journey by buses of suburban, long-distance and international routes and joins in the cost of the ticket;

2) baggage - load which sizes do not exceed 100 x 50 x 30 centimeters, weighing from 10 to 40 kilograms;

3) the luggage receipt - the document which is issued to the passenger in confirmation of the fact of acceptance of baggage for transportation or storage, with indication of its value, the freight charge and storage;

4) booking of the place (several places) - the preorder of the place (several places) in the bus with payment deferral for certain term only during execution of regular passenger traffic;

5) the cost of the ticket - the amount which consists of fare by bus, autostation collection, service fee on advance sale of tickets (in the presence of such);

6) fare - the amount on which automobile carrier, the automobile self-employed carrier transports, the including cost on rate, insurance payment and the value added tax;

6-1) owner of bus station subject of managing performing provision of services by bus station and to which belong on the property right of construction or complex of buildings, constructions (their parts), parking and entrances for acceptance, departure, traffic control of buses and servicing of passengers or which has on them other corporeal rights;

7) the dispatcher - person to who powers concerning implementation of dispatching management are assigned;

8) the dispatching station - specially equipped room or complex of technical constructions (means) intended for dispatching traffic control of buses and/or taxi;

9) ticket office - the room in which execution of tickets and documents which confirm the right to luggage transports, and also their returns is performed is specially equipped;

10) the ticket - the travel document of the established form which grants the right to the passenger on receipt of transport services;

11) network of taxi stands - territorially certain set of specially equipped parking on which taxi are in waiting time of the passenger;

11-1) impossibility of provision of services by bus station availability of the circumstances which are objectively excluding accomplishment of the obligations by bus station including without limitation technical defects of bus station, lack of necessary infrastructure, emergency situations, decisions of public authorities or local self-government, and also other circumstances which do not depend on will of the owner of bus station and interfere with acceptance and/or departure and/or traffic control of buses and/or servicing of passengers;

12) the passenger - person to whom the service in transportation by the vehicle is provided and who does not take part in management of it;

13) passenger capacity - the number of places provided by technical characteristic of the vehicle and determined in registration documents for transportation of passengers in the vehicle;

14) passenger traffic - the number of persons who perform driving through certain route or the direction in certain period;

14-1) list of bus stations (further - the list) - data on bus stations and their owners who function (provide services) according to requirements of the legislation for ensuring acceptance, departure, traffic control of buses and servicing of passengers on bus routes;

15) advance sale of tickets - sale of tickets one day before departure of the bus in flight;

16) the current sale of tickets - sale of tickets in day of departure of the bus in flight;

17) hand luggage - load which sizes do not exceed 60 x 40 x 20 centimeters, weighing up to 10 kilograms inclusive;

18) the scheme of route - the cartographic image of route;

19) transport services - the activities connected with satisfaction the needs of the population for transportations by road transport;

20) cliche - the index of information for passengers on route.

21) crew of the bus - the driver (drivers) who (which) directs (direct) bus and the steward (stewardess) who, (which) performs functions on servicing of passengers.

Other terms are used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About road transport".

3. The procedure for the organization of transportations of passengers and baggage by road transport establishes the Ministry of Infrastructure.

4. Internal and "international carriages of passengers road transport are performed according to these Rules, the consumer protection law and other regulatory legal acts in the field of motor transportations.

5. Personnel of road transport and person which activities are connected with provision of services on transportation of passengers by road transport shall have the corresponding knowledge and qualification.

6. The vehicles used for transportation of passengers shall meet safety requirements, comfort, availability to persons with disability and other handicapped national groups, labor protection and ecology, to be in proper technical and sanitary condition, to be completed according to the legislation.

7. Action of these Rules does not extend to transportations which are performed:

1) vehicles of special purpose;

2) the vehicles involved during ensuring defense capability, law and order and mitigation of consequences of natural disaster and emergency situation;

3) office cars;

4) vehicles which belong to physical persons and are used by them for satisfaction of own requirements which are not aiming at profit earning.

8. Information support of transportations of passengers is performed with observance of requirements of the legislation on languages.

9. No. 181 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 07.02.2018.

10. The state control of observance of the requirements provided by these Rules is imposed to Ukrtransbezopasnost, National police and bodies of Gosprodpotrebsluzhby.

11. Organizers of regular transportations, customers of services, automobile carriers, automobile self-employed carriers, personnel of road transport, owners of bus stations and passengers bear responsibility for failure to carry out of these Rules under the law.

12. Obligatory personal passengers insurance from accidents on transport is performed according to the legislation.

II. Transportation of passengers by buses

13. Transportations of passengers by buses depending on the mode of their organization can be: regular, regular special and irregular.

Conditions of regular and regular special transportations are noted in the passport of route.


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