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Agreement on creation of management system by forces and means of system of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

of October 6, 2007

The state members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (further - the Organization, the CSTO) which are hereinafter referred to as with the Parties

proceeding from need of combination of efforts on further forming of system of collective security,

for the purpose of creation of management system by forces and means of system of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (further - management system by forces and means of the CSTO),

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties create management system by forces and means of the CSTO.

The management system by forces and means of the CSTO represents set of the governing bodies which are functionally interconnected among themselves, control centers and controls (communication systems, automated control systems, and also special systems) constituting organizational and technical basis of management of troops (forces) of coalition (regional) groups for the benefit of ensuring homeland and collective security of the Parties.

The management system by forces and means of the CSTO is based on elements of management systems of the Parties in regions (areas) of collective security taking into account community of defense space, the operational equipment and infrastructure of regions (areas) of collective security.

Article 2

For the purposes of this agreement the applied terms mean:

"forces and means of system of collective security" coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) and governing bodies of them, groups of the joint systems (air defense, investigation, management and others) in regions (areas) of collective security, interstate body of military management of system of collective security for coordination of work on forming of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) and the joint military systems;

"governing bodies" - the general name of the bodies of military management intended for management and management of troops (forces) of groups and the combined military systems;

"control centers" - the places which are specially equipped and equipped with technical means from which management of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) and the combined military systems is performed;

"communication system" - the organizational and technical consolidation of forces and means of communication created for ensuring exchange of all types of information in process of management of forces and means of system of collective security.

Article 3

The management system is created by forces and means of the CSTO for the solution of the following tasks:

ensuring effective functioning of forces and means of system of collective security of the Organization in peace and wartime for adequate response to modern challenges and threats of homeland and collective security of the Parties;

optimum use of forces and means of system of collective security in case of regrouping and conducting combat operations in the region (area) of collective security;

maintenance of continuous interaction of governing bodies of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) with the Ministries of Defence of the Parties for the purpose of successful accomplishment of tasks by them at the scheduled time in any conditions of situation;

ensuring interregional interaction of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces);

bringing signals of fighting management and the notification to governing bodies of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) and the combined military systems.

Article 4

Tasks, structure of forces and means of management system by forces and means of the CSTO are determined by Council of collective security of the CSTO; creation, development and enhancement of management system by forces and means of the CSTO organizes and performs the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CSTO; the structure, procedure for completing and power of governing bodies of coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) are determined by Ministers of Defence of the Sides of the region of collective security.

Article 5

As a part of forces and means of system of collective security of the CSTO management systems coalition (regional) groups of troops (forces) in regions of collective security function:

- management system of group of troops of the Central Asian region of collective security (it is created on the basis of bilateral and regional agreements between the Parties);

- management system of group of troops of the East European region of collective security (it is created within the Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation);

- management system of group of troops of the Caucasian region of collective security (it is created on the basis of bilateral agreements between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation).

Article 6

During creation and functioning of management system by forces and means of the CSTO of the Party will take all necessary measures for providing the mode of privacy and safety of the classified information according to the regulatory legal acts on protection of the classified information and provisions of the Agreement on mutual ensuring safety of the classified information within the Collective Security Treaty Organization of June 18, 2004.

Article 7

This agreement does not affect situations of other international treaties which participants are the Parties.

Article 8

By mutual consent of the Parties changes and additions which are drawn up by separate protocols which are integral part of this agreement can be made to this agreement and become effective according to the procedure, stipulated in Clause the 10th this agreement.

Article 9

The matters of argument arising between the Parties in case of application and interpretation of this agreement are permitted by consultations and negotiations of concerned parties.

Article 10

This agreement becomes effective from the date of receipt by depositary of the fourth written notice of accomplishment by the Parties of the interstate procedures necessary for its introduction which signed it in force.

For the Parties which performed necessary interstate procedures later this agreement becomes effective from the date of delivery of the adequate written notice to depositary.


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