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The document ceased to be valid since  June 5, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  March 30, 2018 No. 167

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

December 6, 2002

No. 952/7240


of October 22, 2002 No. 146

About approval of the Procedure for carrying out employment by bodies of public service - executive directorate of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on case of unemployment of write-off of outstanding debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums or pronouncement by court of the decision on the termination of the legal entity who is not connected with bankruptcy

(as amended on 04-12-2015)

According to article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case" and Item 13 of the Fund charter of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on unemployment case the board of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on case of unemployment DECIDES:

1. Approve the Procedure for carrying out employment by bodies of public service - executive directorate of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on case of unemployment of write-off of outstanding debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums or pronouncement by court of the decision on the termination of the legal entity who is not connected with bankruptcy.

2. Consider on board of Fund in the II quarter 2003 by results of work for the I quarter 2003 condition of carrying out write-off of outstanding debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums.

Chairman of the board Fonda

V. Pozhidayev

Approved by the Resolution of board of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on unemployment case of October 22, 2002, No. 146

Procedure for carrying out employment by bodies of public service by executive directorate of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on case of unemployment of write-off of outstanding debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums or pronouncement by court of the decision on the termination of the legal entity which is not connected with bankruptcy

1. This Procedure determines conditions and the bases of carrying out debt write-off by payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on case of unemployment and the amounts of the penalties added and/or not paid during the period till January 1, 2011 including insurance premiums which payment due date for January 1, 2011 did not come.

Are considered as hopeless and are subject to write-off:

debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on case of unemployment and re-structured (spread or delayed) the debt (including the percent added on such debt) which after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums for this type of insurance remained outstanding in connection with insufficiency of its assets or assets of founders or participants if they bear complete or accessorial responsibility according to obligations of the payer of insurance premiums according to the legislation;

debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case which remained outstanding owing to removal by court concerning the payer of the decision on the termination of the legal entity which is not connected with bankruptcy, accepted based on part two of article 32 of the Law of Ukraine "About state registration of legal entities and physical persons - entrepreneurs".

Action of this Procedure extends also to outstanding debts on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on case of unemployment of physical person of the payer of insurance premiums for this type of insurance who died or is recognized as court is unknown absent or died or incapacitated.

2. The debt on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case which remained outstanding after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums or pronouncement by court of the decision on the termination of the legal entity which is not connected with bankruptcy is recognized hopeless for its further write-off by decisions of jobcenters of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city on which functions of executive directorate of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine are assigned to unemployment case (further - regional jobcenter), behind the appeal of district, gorrayonny, city and district jobcenters in the cities (further - basic jobcenter).

Recognition hopeless and debt write-off in the amount more than 50 thousand hryvnias is accepted in coordination of board of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on unemployment case.

The decision on recognition hopeless and write-off of outstanding debt on payment of insurance premiums for obligatory national social insurance on unemployment case after liquidation of the payer of insurance premiums or pronouncement by court of the decision on the termination of the legal entity which is not connected with bankruptcy is accepted based on one of such documents:

Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and physical persons - entrepreneurs about state registration of the termination of the legal entity (the payer of insurance premiums);

the copy of the death certificate of physical person (the payer of insurance premiums) certified of the procedure established by the legislation, or statements from the State register of acts of civil status of citizens about the death of the physical person (the payer of insurance premiums), or the resolution of the state contractor on the termination of enforcement proceeding in connection with the death of the debtor;

the judgment about recognition of physical person (the payer of insurance premiums) is unknown absent or died or incapacitated, taken legal effect;

the judgment concerning the termination of the legal entity which is not connected with the bankruptcy of the legal entity which took legal effect.

3. The appeal of basic jobcenters, according to appendix 1, goes to regional jobcenter together with one of the documents specified in Item 2 of this Procedure.


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