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of March 27, 1992 No. 1547-XII

About the status of the deputy of local council of deputies

(as amended on 12-07-2023)

This Law determines powers of the deputy of local council of deputies, establishes the basic legal and social guarantees of their implementation.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Deputy of local council of deputies

The deputy of local council of deputies (further - the deputy of Council) is freely chosen citizens living in the territory entering the constituency the representative, the representative to participate in implementation of the government by local council of deputies (further - Council), to represent the voters in state bodies and other organizations, to perform other powers provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Law and other acts of the legislation.

The citizen of the Republic of Belarus who reached 18 years can be the deputy of Council.

Article 2. Legislation on the status of the deputy of Council

The legislation on the status of the deputy of Council is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation, including regulations of Councils.

Article 3. Participation of the deputy of Council in implementation of the government by Council

The deputy of Council participates in implementation of the government by Council by active and equal participation in consideration of the questions carried by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and other acts of the legislation to competence of Council.

The deputy of Council during the implementing of the activities and accomplishment of the election programme according to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Law and other acts of the legislation has the right to express freely the opinion and to vote, being guided by the beliefs and considering interests of citizens and feature of development of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit.

Article 4. Term of office of the deputy of Council

Term of office of the deputy of Council – five years if other is not provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

The term of implementation of powers by the deputy of Council begins from the date of opening of the first session of newly elected Council and comes to an end in the opening day of the first session of Council of new convocation, except as specified, of the stipulated in Article 6 these Laws.

Article 5. Conditions of implementation by the deputy of Council of the powers

The deputy of Council performs the powers without separation from labor (office) activity, except the chairman of the board, and uses the corresponding guarantees provided by this Law and other acts of the legislation. The chairman of the board performs the powers on professional basis.

The deputy of Council cannot be at the same time the deputy of the House of Representatives of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the chairman regional, Minsk city, district, city (except the cities of district subordination) executive committee, and also the judge.

The chairman of the board shall observe restrictions, stipulated by the legislation about fight against corruption, and the restrictions connected with the public civil service, established by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and other legal acts taking into account the features established by this Law.


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