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of February 21, 1995 No. 3599-XII

About the status of Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Work, complete gentlemen of awards of the Fatherland, Slava, Labour Glory

(as amended on 13-12-2023)

This Law special merits before the state and the people of Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Work, complete gentlemen of awards of the Fatherland, Slava, Labour Glory are recognized, their status, the corresponding state social privileges, the rights and guarantees are determined.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Coverage of this Law

This Law extends to Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Work (further if other is not established, - Heroes), the complete gentlemen of awards of the Fatherland, Slava, Labour Glory (further, if is not established other, - complete gentlemen of the specified awards) which are constantly living in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The separate state social privileges, the rights and guarantees (further - privileges) provided by this Law are provided to spouses of Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards.

Article 2. Features of legal status

Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards shall with honor bear the high rank given by it, be example performed by the obligations established by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the laws.

Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards on the questions regulated by this Law are accepted in first-priority procedure by heads and other officials of state bodies and other organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership.

Chapter 2. The privileges provided to heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards

Article 3. Taxation

To heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards tax benefits according to the tax legislation are established.

Article 4. Medical attendance, providing with medicines, technical means of social resettlement, sanatorium treatment and improvement

Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards have the right on:

extraordinary medical attendance in the state organizations of health care, including in to what they were attached during work (service) before retirement;

free providing with the medicines issued according to recipes of doctors within the list of the main medicines, according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

free production and repair of dentures (except for artificial limbs from precious metals, metalloakrilat (metalcomposites), metal ceramics and porcelain, and also drawing protective and decorative covering from nitride-titanium) in the state organizations of health care for the residence and free ensuring social resettlement with other technical means according to the State register (list) of technical means of social resettlement according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

receipt of the monetary assistance on improvement in the amount of and on the conditions established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, or at will instead of the monetary assistance on improvement – free sanatorium treatment, extraordinary once during calendar year (in the presence of medical indications and lack of medical contraindications) or improvement (in the absence of medical contraindications);

extraordinary acceptance in accordance with the established procedure in the public institutions of social servicing performing stationary social servicing;

extraordinary rendering social services by public institutions of social servicing.

The privileges established by paragraphs to the second, sixth and seventh part one of this Article are provided also to spouses of Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards and remain for spouses in case of the death of Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards.

Article 5. Provision of premises, housing and communal services, installation of room phone and use of it

The heroes, complete gentlemen of awards of Glory, Labour Glory staying on the registry of the housing conditions needing improvement according to legal acts have the right on:

extraordinary provision of premises of social use of the state housing stock staying on the registry of the housing conditions and premises needing improvement in the hostel of the state housing stock staying on the registry of persons interested to receive such premises according to legal acts;

receipt of the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises according to legal acts;

receipt of the additional area of premises of the state housing stock in the form of the living room or in the amount of 15 square meters of total area of premises over the minimum regulation of provision of total area of premises of the state housing stock.

Heroes, complete gentlemen of the specified awards have the right on:

carrying out repair of the premises belonging to them at the expense of means of local budgets on the conditions determined by local executive and administrative organs;

first-priority single free installation of room phone at the extent of subscriber line no more than 500 meters. At the extent of subscriber line over the established regulation the payment is levied in complete size.

Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, and also Heroes of Socialist Work are participants of the Great Patriotic War, complete gentlemen of awards of the Fatherland, Slava:

are exempted from payment for maintenance, maintenance of the elevator and (or) use of premises within 20 square meters of total area of the occupied premises, for utilities (also cold water supply, water disposal (sewerage), gazo-, electro-and heat supply, the address with solid municipal waste, supply with the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas from individual balloon or reservoir installations is hotter) on established according to the legislation to the rates (prices) subsidized by the state for the population within the established regulations (standard rates) of consumption, and living in houses without central heating – from payment for the fuel acquired within the regulations established by the legislation for sale to the population;

have the right to free use of room phone (except long-distance and international calls).

Heroes of Socialist Work (except specified in paragraph one of part three of this Article), complete gentlemen of award of Labour Glory have the right to 50 percent discount from payment for:


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