of November 24, 2006 No. 352-XVI
About the organization and implementation of tourist activities in the Republic of Moldova
The Parliament adopts this organic law.
This law regulates the legal relationship arising in case of development and carrying out state policy in the field of tourism, the organization and coordination of tourist activities, business activity in the field of tourism, tourism types, creation and functioning of national tourist areas, establishes quality requirements of tourist services, to safety of tourists, and also determines the principles of international cooperation in the field of tourism.
(1) the Legal basis of tourist activities are the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, this law, the international agreements which party is the Republic of Moldova, other regulations governing the relations in the field of tourism.
(2) If the international agreements which party is the Republic of Moldova establish other provisions, than those which are provided by this law are applied provisions of international treaties.
For the purpose of this law the following basic concepts are used:
tourist activities - activities of tour operators and travel agencies, and also other activities for the organization of tourist trips (travel);
the travel agency (which is referred to as also retail seller) – physical person or legal entity which sells or offers own or acquired at other suppliers tourist services, and also the packets of tourist services created by tour operator for sale;
business entities of the industry of tourism - the physical persons and legal entities providing services in the field of tourism: hotel services, food of tourists, transportation of tourists, excursions, services of the guide, entertaining actions, sanatorium treatment and other additional services;
insurance for tourist trip - the agreement signed with mediation of business entities of the industry of tourism or is direct between tourists and specialized insurance companies, providing indemnification in case of approach of insurance risks (road incidents, damage of health, etc.);
professional association in the field of tourism - the association founded by business entities of the industry of tourism which performs coordinating, monitoring, protection, promotion and representation of interests of the members, and also the organization of different actions in the field of tourism;
reference tourist bureau / center - the service providing to the population useful information about travel and tourism;
the rural house – structure on placement and, on circumstances, food of tourists, equipped on the basis of one or several houses and/or structures belonging to the household which is in private property located in the same rural zone which kept traditional architectural style (regional, zone or local) and show to tourists authentic rural life. The food provided to tourists in the rural house also includes the self-produced products which are grown up in farms of this settlement or nearby settlements;
the agreement on tourist services - the voluntary agreement under which one party (tour operator, travel agency) shall provide to other party (tourist) the services stipulated in it and the last shall pay their cost;
tourist appointment - geographical area or the place where the visitor with the tourist purpose goes;
the tourist - the visitor whose duration of stay in the tourist area or the visited place does not exceed 24 hours (without spending the night);
tourist conveniences - set of the devices intended for satisfaction of needs of the tourists who are in certain area;
the tourist guide - the physical person accompanying the visitor or tourist group and providing qualified services in the limits provided by the agreement on tourist services, offering information on the country (area) of stay, its natural and anthropogenous property;
tourist group - six or more persons combined for implementation of trip or stay and acquaintance with tourist objects;
the tourism industry - set of types of the economic and business activity directed to rendering the tourist services conforming to classification standards, performed by structures on placement and food, provision of transport services, carrying out the congresses and conferences, sanatorium treatment and sports appointment, entertainment complexes, reference tourist bureaus, tour operators and travel agencies;
tourist infrastructure - set of the constructions of the tourist area necessary for acceptance and servicing of tourists (structure on placement and food, provision of transport services, carrying out the congresses and conferences, sanatorium treatment and sports appointment, entertainment complexes, the centers for production and trade in goods of national crafts, reference tourist bureaus, parkings, etc.);
the tourist area - the rural or city settlement which is of particular tourist interest thanks to availability in it or in its vicinities of number of tourist objects, and also tourist conveniences;
tourist object - element of natural or anthropogenous resources which can attract visitors to certain place;
national tourist object - tourist object of national value;
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